Bulletin No. 2, 2020

The 68th Congregation   29  Breakdown of Degrees Conferred in 2009–10 Honorary Doctorate 4 Doctor of Science 1 Doctor of Medicine 5 Doctor of Philosophy 291 Doctor of Education 7 Doctor of Music 1 Doctor of Psychology 1 Master of Philosophy 247 Master of Arts 1,537 Master of Divinity 7 Master of Fine Arts 3 Master of Accountancy 34 Master of Business Administration 441 Master of Professional Accountancy 63 Master of Education 88 Juris Doctor 146 Master of Laws 244 Master of Clinical Pharmacy 8 Master of Family Medicine 2 Master of Health Science 1 Master of Nursing 17 Master of Public Health 47 Master of Chinese Medicine 6 Master of Science 903 Master of Architecture 37 Master of Social Science 320 Master of Social Work 15 Bachelor of Arts 471 Bachelor of Business Administration 605 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education 51 Bachelor of Education 73 Bachelor of Engineering 381 Bachelor of Laws 46 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 133 Bachelor of Nursing 162 Bachelor of Pharmacy 35 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 25 Bachelor of Science * 633 Bachelor of Social Science 514 Total 7,605 CUHK conferred honorary doctorates on Dr. Chan Lok-chung Gerald, Dr. Cheng Wai- kin Edgar, the late Dr. Mok Hing-yiu, and Prof. Xu Guanhua in recognition of their outstanding contributions to academic and scientific advancements, socio-economic progress, promotion of the well-being of the people, and the development of the University. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, who assumed duty as the seventh Vice- Chancellor of The Chinese Universit y of Hong Kong on 1 J ul y 2010, wa s ceremonially installed. * 10 graduates of the Bachelor of Science degree were simultaneously awarded Bachelor of Engineering degrees for a double-degree programme