Bulletin Offprints (I) Printed with No. 1, 2013

EDITOR’S NOTE Volume O ne • J une 1964 • N um ber O ne The University Bulletin is to be published monthly and in all months of the year. Principally, the Bulletin is meant for internal circulation, for the faculty and staff of the University and the three Foundation Colleges, and for all those who are interested in the development and affairs of the University. The Bulletin is published under the supervision of the University Editorial Board, with the members of the Board, Dr. Andrew Roy, Mr. Su Ming-hsuan and Mr. N. H. Young, serving as advisers. Mr. Fang Hsin Hou of Chung Chi, Mr. Liu Tsu Ru of United and Mr. W. M. Yu of New Asia are correspondents of respective colleges. Dr. C. C. Liang of Central Office and Mr. Edmund Worthy of New Asia help in reading the final copies. Due to the lack of space in the June issue, the intro­ duction of personalities and many other items will appear in July. Deadline is set on the 15th of the previous month. The Editorial Board fully realizes that we are pioneering a new publication, and we would welcome suggestions, criticisms of any kind from the readers in order to formu­ late editorial policy and to improve the contents of the Bulletin. A.C.U. MEMBERSHIP Volume O ne • November 1964 • N um ber Five The Chinese University was formally admitted into the Association of Commonwealth Universities, it was announced in a A.C.U. report recently. The Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Choh-Ming Li, is elected to be one of the four representatives for member Univer- sities and University Colleges in other parts of the Commonwealth. Prof. C.H. Philips of University of London will sit in future A.C.U. meetings as repre- sentative of the Vice-Chancellor. There were at the middle of this year a total of 139 member institutions comprising 126 Members (Universities), nine Associate Members (University Colleges) and four Additional Members (other ap- proved institutes of higher education) in the Asso- ciation. STUDENT ENROLMENT Volume O ne • December 1964 • N um ber Six Up to the end of October, 1964 the total enrolment figure in the three Colleges of the University was 1,688, consisting of 647 females and 1,041 males. Chung Chi College had a sub-total of 664 students while New Asia College and United had 575 and 449 respectively. The figure quoted above did not include 25 students enrolled in the Research Institute of New Asia College. THE SEAL OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR Volume O ne • December 1964 • N um ber Six On the day of Installation of the First Vice-Chancellor, an official seal was presented to the Vice-Chancellor by the Chancellor, Sir David Trench. The seal bearing a Chinese inscription of "The Seal of the Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University" was designed and engraved by Mr. Chao Ho-chin, part- time Lecturer of New Asia College (sec cut in Chinese section of this issue), written in the clerical style of Chin Dynasty. The Seal stands about four and a half inches in height with the University emblem, "The Bird of the South" or " Feng", stooping on top. It weighs three and a half pounds and the base of the seal is two and one-eighth inches square. The University motto, " Po Wen Yueh Li" , was carved and lettered in the style of the Warring States on one side of the Seal. The design on the other sides show the year of the dragon, the University motto and “the seal of the Vice-Chancellor" . (see cuts) 12