Bulletin Offprints (I) Printed with No. 1, 2013

of the nine universities which together make up the University of California. Despite the awesome responsibility and endless tasks imposed upon him as President of the University of California, he has taken interest in its small, fledgling sister 10,000 miles away. He has energetically assisted in fostering the relationship between the two universities, helped in formulating plans for the development of our University, has honoured us by agreeing to serve on our University Council, and, last but not least, has shown great generosity of spirit in allowing us to deprive his University of the valuable services of Dr. Li Choh-Ming. International cooperation is the very breath of life to us if we are to grow to a position of respect among the universities of the world, and in recognition of this, the Chinese University today confers upon Clark Kerr the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. T he H o n . C . Y . K w a n The Honourable Kwan Cho Yiu is a leading member of the legal profession in Hong Kong. lie has practised as a solicitor for thirty years and was at one time President of the Law Society, Vice-President of the Standing Mili- tary Court during the Military Administration, and First Magistrate when the civil Government was reinstated after the Pacific War. He contributed greatly to the improvement of Hong Kong’s legal system by serving on the Committee on Chinese Law and Custom and the Law Reform Committee. At present he is a member of the Executive and Legisla- tive Councils. He is interested in the welfare of Hong Kong and is well known for his support of many welfare projects. Mr. Kwan has played a direct role in the creation of the Chinese University and has been the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee and the Provisional Council. He is now Chairman of the Council, and has played a leading part in successfully conducting negotiations with the Government concerning the University site at Ma Liu Shui, and in the determination of major policies. The University is proud to honour him with the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. T h e H o n . R . C . Lee The Honourable Richard Charles Lee completed his education at Oxford University where he received the degree of M.A. Since returning to Hong Kong, he has been engaged in industrial and commercial enterprises, including banking and public utilities, and has been active in the promotion of overseas trade for the products of Hong Kong. He has represented Hong Kong in various international conferences and trade fairs in Singapore, Australia, West Germany and West Africa. He is interested in the public welfare of Hong Kong and served in various capacities in the promotion of education, charity, sports and welfare projects. He is now a member of the Court and Council of the University of Hong Kong, Life President of the South China Athletic Association and the Wanchai Kaifong Welfare Association. Because of his public spirit and able leadership, he was appointed a member of the Public Services Commission, the Legislative Council, the Executive Council, besides many Boards and Committees. When the Chinese University was being established last year, Mr. Lee served on the Provisional Council and later the University Council where he contributed greatly to the creation of our University. As the Senior Chinese Representative on the highest Government Councils of Hong Kong, he led the community in supporting the founding of the University. It is most fitting that we, in appreciation of his work confer on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. 8