Bulletin No. 1, 2014

Culture—Its Creation, Preservation and Promotion  5  University Gallery I n celebration of its Golden Jubilee, CUHK opened the University Gallery on 28 November 2013. Through hundreds of precious photographs, artefacts, and multimedia resources, the gallery displays the history, memorable moments and achievements of CUHK during the past 50 years. Prof. Michael K.M. Hui (left, bottom), Pro-Vice-Chancellor and member of the CUHK 50 th Anniversar y Universit y Gallery Steering Committee, revealed that while planning the celebratory activities, it was agreed that this was the right time for establishing a university archive. The idea was widely supported by staff, alumni and members from different sectors. Prof. Leung Yuen-sang (right, bottom), chairman of the committee, said, ‘As we discussed the implementation of the idea, we came up with the decision to showcase our unique features and achievements in addition to our history.’ The idea was revised to set up a ‘university gallery’ instead. A campaign was launched to collect artefacts from the University’s departments and units, Colleges, and alumni. At the same time senior alumni were invited to share their experiences in staging exhibitions. Professor Hui said, ‘Over the past half-century, there were lots of events, as were the University’s achievements and contributions. To select significant and appropriate material for display was no easy job. For example, we have numerous outstanding research achievements, so which ones should we pick to showcase? We were overwhelmed. After repeated discussions, we decided to set up thematic exhibition zones for displaying the objects. The problem of selection was then solved.’