Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015

最高水平比較,亦有利於開拓外 地的研究資源;真正的卓越從而 產生。我們的教研人員會以同樣 的熱忱,把研究成果回饋社會。 這意味着他們不單會為香港貢獻 專長,更會把服務範圍擴展到任 何有需要的地方。 未來十年,中大在教學、研究和 服務方面成就的大小多寡,很視 乎我們能否進一步國際化。在全 球化的挑戰下,這個發展策略有 助中大汲納人才,提升水準,造 就卓越,擴大影響力,以及拓展 服務範圍,滿足香港、中國其他 地區、亞洲,以至全世界的需要。 各位,能夠以第六任校長的身分為 這所大學服務,是我極大的榮幸。 中大植根於香港,矢志成為亞洲 的國際學府,致力發揚中國文化, 協助建構中國的現代文明秩序, 並為人類社會創造新知。中大更 致力網羅世界各地的精英學者, 為香港儲才。我很高興獲委任擔 起中大校長的職責,迎接前面的 挑戰,而國際化將會是我全力推 行的首要政策。我謹此承諾,將 會盡我所能,尋求為我們的學生, 為中大以及為香港帶來增益。我 亦期望得到各位同事、家長、學 生、校友,以及大學友好的支持。 最後,讓我藉此衷心感謝在座各 位家長和同事,是你們長期辛勞 的耕耘,造就了今天這群畢業生。 我並向今天領受學位的各位畢業 同學道賀,祝你們鵬程萬里,生 活愉快。 excellence will eventually be achieved. And with equal fervour, the new knowledge thus created will be channelled back to the communities that support these research activities. This means that we shall be ready to render our expertise not only to serve Hong Kong but everywhere it is needed. The University’s accomplishments in teaching, research, and service in the coming decade will therefore depend in large measure on how successful we are in strengthening the international element in these functions. In the age of globalization, such an approach will enable us to attract talent, raise standards, achieve excellence, extend our impact, and render services to not only Hong Kong, but the rest of China, Asia and the world. Ladies and gentlemen, I consider it my greatest privilege to be able to serve this splendid university as its sixth Vice-Chancellor. With its roots in Hong Kong, the Chinese University aspires to become Asia’s World University, one that can help to promulgate Chinese culture and usher in a new Chinese renaissance; one that will create new knowledge for humankind; one that will attract scholars from all over the world and enrich and enhance the pool of talents available to Hong Kong. I welcome the challenge and the responsibility, and shall devote priority to the internationalization of the University. I pledge to do my utmost to add value for our students, our University, and Hong Kong. And I shall look to all of you—teachers, parents, students, alumni and friends— for your advice and support. In closing, I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the parents and teachers, who all labour hard and long in their own ways to make today possible for our graduates. And to our graduates receiving their degrees today, I offer my most sincere congratulations as well as my very best wishes for every success in the future. 講辭原文刊於第六十一屆大會(新任校長就職典禮暨頒授學位典禮)場刊 The address was published in the 61st Congregation for the Installation of the New Vice-Chancellor and for the Conferment of Degrees brochure 11 履新 Inaugural