Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015

會上,校董會鄭海泉主席將一座 大學校徽模型贈予劉校長留念, 他說:「劉校長高瞻遠矚,深具國 際視野。在他的領導下,我們親 睹中大茁壯成長,成為亞太區一 所成就卓越的高等學府。」 接替劉校長的沈祖堯教授也感謝 他的貢獻說:「過去六年有賴劉校 長出色的領導,中大才享有今天 的傑出成就。」 劉遵義校長感謝大學各成員六年 來的支持,並說:「我已視自己為 『中大人』,未來亦會繼續支持中 大。」劉校長卸任後,仍擔任中 大全球經濟及金融研究所藍饒富 暨藍凱麗經濟學講座教授,繼續 服務中大。 Dr. Cheng presented a replica of the CUHK emblem to Professor Lau as a souvenir at the farewell party. He said, ‘Professor Lau is a visionary with a global outlook. Under his leadership, we witnessed the development of CUHK into a prestigious university in Asia.’ Professor Lau’s successor Prof . Joseph J.Y. Sung said, ‘Thanks to the six years of his vice-chancellorship, the University has made outstanding achievements and enjoys a high reputation.’ Professor Lau thanked Dr. Cheng, Council members, staff, students and alumni of the University for their support in the past six years, saying, ‘I always see myself as a member of the CUHK community and will continue to offer my service to the University.’ After stepping down as Vice-Chancellor, he still serves as the Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics at the Institute of Global Economics and Finance. 23 惜別 Fond Farewell