Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (2010–2017)

9 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin | 特刊 Special Supplement academic exchange, the promotion of social services through our Colleges, will help our faculty and students, as well as others, to cultivate the ability to see ourselves as members of a global village. Our commitment to environmental protection is another endeavour to fulfil our global responsibility. We should learn to respond to the need of the world instead of building in our ivory tower. Based on these pillars of preserving the humanities, cultivating innovation and critical thinking, and realization of world citizenship, we will be educating our students and leading CUHK into the next 50 years and beyond. This mission cannot be accomplished without the dedication of our teachers who are passionate in their teaching and research, not seeing it as a job, but a vocation. These dreams cannot be fulfilled without the support of our government, philanthropists and alumni, in giving their trust and their support to the University. Most importantly, the true spirit of a university education cannot be continued without the hard work of our students to keep their minds inquisitive to knowledge, their thirst for truth unquenched and their desire to excel invincible. Mr. Chairman, after I graduated from medical school I joined the Chinese University as a physician, a researcher and a teacher. Working as a medical doctor for 25 years, I have learned that medicine is both a science and an art. Working as an academic researcher for 25 years, I have been trained to think critically while working with my colleagues as a team. Working as a teacher for 25 years, I have come to realize that education requires a heart and a soul. I pledge to give my best skills, my passion and my perseverance to serve this University in the years to come. The vice- chancellorship of CUHK is a lofty one. I know that what lies ahead is more challenging than what I have experienced so far. And my responsibilities would be unprecedented. But I am much encouraged by the words of Prof. Ch’ien Mu. He said, ‘It is such uncouth environment that prompts me to struggle for excellence, and the state of deprivation only encourages my affections for others to flow. Be it a load of a thousand stones, I bear it upon my own shoulders. Let us, in our youth (I hope there’s still a little bit of it left in me), join together and progress towards the future. Take care! Take care! This is the spirit of CUHK!’ 力發揚中國文化,還要了解其他民族和國 家面對的挑戰。中文大學致力與其他世 界知名學府攜手,開展教學與研究的合 作,以及學術交流和交換學生,並透過我 們的書院提倡社會服務,令本校師生以 及大家都明白自己是地球村一員。我們 致力保護環境,也是在履行世界一分子 應盡的責任。我們應當學習回應世界的 需要,而非在象牙塔內畫地自限。 保存人文精神、培養創新和批判思維,以 及造就世界公民,是我們的指導原則,我 們會繼續憑着這些原則來教育學生,並 帶領大學邁進下一個五十年及更長遠的 未來。如果老師缺乏熱誠、奉獻精神和使 命感,我們就無法達成這些使命;如果沒 有政府、慈善家和校友的信賴和支持,我 們就難以實現這些夢想;更重要的是,如 果沒有不斷探索知識、永遠渴求真理和 不屈不撓力爭上游的勤奮學生,我們就 不能保持這些大學教育的理想。 主席先生,我自醫學院畢業後便加入中 文大學,既當醫生,也從事研究和教學。 當了醫生二十五年,我知道醫學既是科學 又是藝術;從事學術研究二十五年,我學 會一方面維持獨立判斷,一方面與同事羣 策羣力;為人師表二十五年,我深深體會 到教育需要從心出發,也要進入靈魂深 處。我承諾竭盡所能,以熱忱和堅持不懈 的精神,在今後的日子服務大學。校長一 職,任重而道遠。知道我前面的挑戰,不 比我以往的少。前面的責任,比以往更重 更大。但錢穆先生的辭,給我無限鼓勵。 「艱險我奮進,困乏我多情。千斤擔子 兩肩挑,趁青春(我想我還剩下一點), 結隊向前行。珍重珍重,這是我中大 精神。」