Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (2010–2017)

29 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin | 特刊 Special Supplement 第八十三屆大會(頒授學位典禮) 83rd Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 校長沈祖堯教授致辭(摘錄) Speech by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President (excerpt) I have also learned to be patient, to listen carefully, and to be inclusive instead of exclusive. In the Vice-Chancellor’s shoes, I have to constantly remind myself that even if people’s views are contrary to mine, there is often some truth, there might be a story behind them. And when views are divided, consensus cannot be reached, and there is no way to keep everyone happy, a decision has still to be made. At that moment, it calls for one’s conscience, values and integrity. I fully realize that there is no way a leader can gain applause from all around him in every decision he makes. At the end of the day, you have to be able to look into the mirror and say, ‘I have given my best shot.’ … You may have learned: every opportunity in life is to be seized. I have learned: when the time comes, I should let go and move on. Young and enthusiastic people like you should see the world filled with challenges and opportunities. Your path may be dodgy and the road to success is often bumpy, but that is usually the way to the rose garden. You have plenty of time and energy to find your way to fulfillment. Every crisis comes with an opportunity. It all depends on how you handle it. Mark Twain said, ‘Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your sail.’ Seize every opportunity to learn, to improve yourselves and to reach for the stars. I am learning that when it’s time to leave your responsibility and position of authority, you should drop everything and move forward. Only if I let go of what I am will I become what I might be. Finally, let me wish every one of you a rewarding and fulfilling life, one that’s worth celebrating. 我也學懂了耐心聆聽,包容別人。身為 校長,我常提醒自己,異見中也可以有真 知,背後或有一段故事。縱使大家意見分 歧,爭持不下,我總得下個決定。這就是 良心、道德、操守發揮其力量的時刻。領 袖下決定不能討好所有的人,只能撫躬自 問無愧於心。 …… 你可能學到:必須把握每個機會。 我學到了:時候一到,我便應該放手前行。 對你們這些年輕、熱心的朋友,這個世界 充滿困難和機會。你們的前路絕非通衢 大道,成功之路也非坦途,但走過險阻 之後就是玫瑰園。你們有充裕的時間和 力量實踐理想。每個難關都是機遇,是 禍是福在乎你如何自處。馬克 • 吐溫說: 「二十年後,使你失望的不是你做過的 事情,而是你沒做過的事情。所以,解開 帆索,從安全的港灣裏揚帆出海吧,乘着 信風破浪去。」珍惜每個學習的機會,充 實自己,達成理想。 我正在學習一旦離開崗位便不應戀棧, 要放下向前走。我順應改變才可以有新 作為。 最後,祝各位同學前途多姿多彩,每天過 得飽飽滿滿,不枉此生。