Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (2010–2017)

5 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin | 特刊 Special Supplement 一 個也不能失」是醫者濟世 的終極情懷;「一個也不能 少」是教育家向社會許下的 無私承諾。沈祖堯教授二十五年來即本 着這兩種理念,懸壺救世,提攜後學,成 就斐然。在醫學界,他被選為亞洲英雄, 在大學教學,他被選為最佳老師,他的 研究成果,屢獲殊榮。今天,他秉承這種 崇高的理念,出掌香港中文大學第七任 校長,為大學將快踏入五十周年的新發 展,為香港即將實行大學三改四的新學 制,掀開嶄新的一頁,肩負重任。良醫為 良相,活國而活人。他的履新,讓我們歡 欣;他的新猷,教我們期待;他的貢獻, 我們會充滿信心。 …… 今沈教授出掌香港中文大學,天空又呈 現另一番新氣象。吐露霞輝掩映,紫鳳 騰翔沖霄。古人說十年樹木,百年樹人。 沙田耕耘翻新,樹木而校園綠化,樹人而 人才薈萃。在沈教授的領導下,我們立足 當下,放眼神州,瞻望未來,為高等教育 建立國際平台,為二十一世紀的社會栽 培新一代的主人翁。沈校長今天就職, 校園師生同僚,社會各界人士,都額手稱 慶。沈校長常以聖經八福音自勉,以為虛 心的人、清心的人是有福的。沈校長以醫 者之德、學人之智、基督徒之愛、教育家 之視野,為中文大學奠下新的一塊里程 碑,這是中大之福,我們為此感到由衷的 興奮,我們對中文大學明日的新發展,抱 有無比的信心。 —張洪年教授撰寫 P rofessor Sung has been a member of the University for more than half of its life. He understands the University and its unique traditions; he cherishes its distinctive spirit and values. Those of us who know his passion for excellent teaching, his care for students, for whole person education, his dedication to the sciences and the humanities, know that the University is in good hands. For all its international distinction and openness to global exchange of every kind, this University, perhaps more than any other in Hong Kong, arose out of the local Chinese community and culture. It has special connections with, and responsibilities for, Chinese values, culture and language. Professor Sung is committed to preserving and nurturing this precious heritage. At the same time, he understands that Hong Kong’s destiny is to be an international city, modern and global in its outlook and outreach. The University too must be modern and global in its outlook and outreach. Professor Sung understands, as have his predecessors, that the University must hold these responsibilities to tradition and modernity, to the local and the global, in a creative balance. Here too we know we are in good hands. …… Professor Sung was recognized in 2003 as an excellent teacher, winning the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award. In describing his philosophy of teaching he made a simple but profound statement: ‘We teach by our acts, not by our words.’ Perhaps nothing characterizes him better, as a physician battling with a deadly virus; as a researcher seeking ways to cure painful and previously incurable ulcers, or to screen for unsuspected cancers; or as a leader in academic life, standing before us, as he does today, as an exemplary member of our community. What we see is a man who balances professional practice, research, teaching and service to his University. —Authored by Prof. David Parker 「 沈祖堯教授之簡介(摘錄) Introduction of Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (excerpt)