Calendar 2002–03

102 Part 3• ResearchUnits andUniversity Extensions Apart from the 10major institutesfor interdisciplinary research, thereare a number of smaller resear ch/consultancy units set up under the auspices of individual faculties and departments to promote research in various subject disciplines.They are listed below in alphabetical order. Assessment and Training Centre Tel.:2994 3551 Fax.:2994 3745 E-mail Website : The Assessment andTraining Centre (ATC) was established by the Department of Psy ch olog y in 2 00 0, in co llab or atio n with the Faculty o f Bu siness Administration. ATC applies culturally relevant knowledge in psychological assessment and indu strial-organ izational psychology to personal growth and modern manag ement. Equipped with au dio-visual recording an d multimedia presen tation facilities, ATC is an impor tant resear ch and training resour ce. It provides users with a comprehensive range of valid assessment tools and training packages for self-enhancement and management practices. ATC is a vital research facility for the behavioural validation of psychological assessmenttools. It also ser ves as a teaching laboratory f or stu dents in th e indu strial-organ izatio nal psycho logy progr amme to gain hands-o n experien ce in cond ucting training workshops, performance appraisal, and personnel selection exercises. The Biotechnology Laboratory Tel.:2609 6807 Fax.:2603 5123 E-mail: The Biotechnology Laboratory was established in 1986 with a special grantfrom The Croucher Foundation and Dr. Ho Tim. Located on the fourth floor of the Basic Medical Sciences Build ing, the labo rator y is operated jointly by the departments o f biochemistry and biolog y. It is well equipped f or performing experiments in molecular biology and recombinantDNA work. F aculty and Departmental Research/ Consultancy Units