Calendar 2010–11
200 Part 6 • Fees, Scholarships and Financial Aid Part 6 The Mallesons Stephen Jaques Prize for Corporate Finance Mayer Brown JSM Prize in Jurisprudence New Researcher Award (Postgraduate) NutriGreen Chinese Medicine Prize Outstanding Academic Award for Doctor of Nursing Year 1 Outstanding Academic Award for Master of Nursing Science Year 1 Outstanding Academic Award for Master of Nursing Year 1 Outstanding Academic Award for Master of Nursing Year 2 Outstanding Thesis Award for Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Prizes and Project Awards for Master of Public Health Programme Prize for Criminal Litigation Practice The Robertsons Prize for Writing and Drafting Litigation Documents (in English) The Madeleine Tang Friends of the Art Museum Research and Education Fund Award The Henry Wai Prizes for Litigation and Professional Ethics The Henry Wai Prize for Professional Practice Sir Edward Youde Memorial Awards for Disabled Students Scholarships for Students from the Mainland HKSAR Government Scholarships Lee Hysan Foundation Postgraduate Studentships for Mainland China Students Scholarships for Prospective English Teachers The Shenhua Remote Sensing Technology Scholarship Madam Wong Siew Khoon Scholarship Scholarships for Non-local Students CUHK Faculty of Law Master of Laws Scholarship Scheme HKSAR Government Scholarships Scholarships for Catholic Studies Scholarships for Prospective English Teachers The Yuen Yuen Scholarship for Remote Sensing Science and Technology Research Grants Friends of the Art Museum Postgraduate Research Grant Shiu Kam Char Research Awards for Sociological Studies of Health Educational Research Assistantships The following awards are granted to students of the Faculty of Education. Awardees are required to take part in educational research work as research assistants. Lam Oi Tong Educational Research Assistantships Leung Yuen Hung Memorial Educational Research Assistantship Tin Ka Ping Foundation Educational Research Assistantships Scholarships for Exchange Programme CUHK-ETH Exchange Travel Scholarship Ms. Kan Shin Yu Exchange Scholarship
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