Calendar 2016–17

Academic Units and Programmes of Studies 109 Part 3 a newly designed curriculum that is student-centered, with Outcomes-based Approach (OBA), embedding important pedagogical elements including outcomes, learning activities, assessment and feedback. The normal length of study for a full-time programme under the four- year normative curriculum is four to five years with the exception of Chinese medicine programme and medical studies. A senior year entrant admitted to programmes specially designed for articulation by associate degree/higher diploma holders shall normally be expected to graduate after two years of attendance. Same as the three-year curriculum, the four-year curriculum (excluding MBChB) is based on a credit unit system. For graduation, a student shall successfully complete at least 123 units of courses, which include the major programme requirement as well as the university core requirements of general education, English and Chinese languages, physical education and IT. A senior year entrant shall complete at least 69 units of courses, also including the major programme requirement and university core requirements. Key features include the newly designed university core requirements and faculty packages, and the emphasis on transferable skills and capstone experience. Please visit for details of the four-year normative curriculum. Postgraduate Studies The University currently offers degree programmes leading to five research degrees and 20 taught degrees. The five research degrees are Doctor of Music (DMus), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Master of Music (MMus), and Master of Philosophy (MPhil). The 20 taught degrees are Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Nursing (DNurs), Doctor of Psychology (PsyD), Juris Doctor (JD), Master of Accountancy (MAcc), Master of Architecture (MArch), Master of Arts (MA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Chinese Medicine (MChiMed), Master of Clinical Pharmacy (MClinPharm), Master of Divinity (MDiv), Master of Education (MEd), Master of Laws (LLM), Master of Nursing (MNurs), Master of Nursing Science (MNSc), Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAcc), Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Science (MSc), Master of Social Science (MSSc), and Master of Social Work (MSW). The University has introduced the MPhil–PhD programmes since 2004–05 and currently offers 41 MPhil–PhD programmes. Under this scheme, MPhil and PhD are regarded as two streams within one MPhil–PhD programme. Students may choose the streams according to their interests and ability, with the flexibility to transfer between MPhil stream and PhD (pre-candidacy) stream after admission.