CUHK: Focus at 50

32 聚焦凝鏡:中大金禧紀實 CUHK: Focus at 50 9 星雲大師與沈祖堯校長及中大生對話: 傳承、開創—從中大創校五十年看大 學生與人文關懷 A Dialogue with Grand Master Hsing Yun, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung and CUHK Student Representatives on ‘Embrace our Culture; Empower our Future: A Dialogue with CUHK Students on Humanistic Concerns at Its 50th Anniversary’ 8.4.2013 10 中國文化大革命中的文化與音樂專題 國際研討會 International Symposium on Culture and Music of China’s Cultural Revolution 12–13.4.2013 11 國際英語學術研討會—「英語在亞洲: 語言及文學的前路」 International Conference ‘The Future of English in Asia: Perspectives on Language and Literature’ 19–21.4.2013 12 半世紀南中國的移民與區域整合國際 研討會 International Conference ‘Half Century of Migration and Regional Integration in South China’ 17–19.5.2013 13 創意及媒體產業新路向國際會議 International Conference on New Directions in the Development of Creative and Media Industries 7–8.6.2013 14 核酸酶及酶與人類疾病國際會議 International Conference on Nucleic Acid Enzymes and Enzymes in Human Diseases 16–21.6.2013 15 刑罰哲學國際學術會議 International Conference on the Philosophy of Criminal Punishment 18–20.6.2013 16 醫療新領域國際會議 International Conference ‘Advances in Medicine’ 29–30.6.2013 9 13 10