Newsletter No. 1

CUHK Newsletter 中大通訊 V o l. 1 December 1989 From the Editor When you receive this issue of the Newsletter, y o u ' ll probably notice a number of changes: the name is slightly different, the layout is new, and the format is significantly changed. You may well have guessed that the contents, too, are not the same. This Newsletter is meant primarily for staff members of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and our objective is to bring to you a newspaper that is both informative and interesting —- informative so that you may know what's happening in different parts of the campus and can more easily understand the University's policies and plans; interesting so that you will enjoy k n o w i ng more about the people and things on campus and enjoy being part of the University community. To make it informative, we have retained certain regular features of the old Newsletter such as personalia, University news, and announcements by various units. We will also incorporate new items such as feature articles to introduce the work and structure of some less well-known service departments or to explain some new schemes and policies. In this first issue, we bring to you an interview with the Vice- Chancellor, who talks about the recent reorganization of the University Secretariat. And to make the Newsletter interesting, we attempt to use a more lively style and introduce more variety in content. There will be interviews of interesting personalities on campus and stories about events of the past. We have also revised the layout and format to make it visually more attractive. We hope you'd like these changes. The Publication Office is now responsible for the p r odu c t i on of the Newsletter and we realize the newspaper is far from perfect at the moment We invite your suggestions and contributions to help us make it really YOUR newspaper. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. An Interview with the Vice-Chancel lor The reorganization of the University Secretariat will become effective from 1st January 1990.More details about the new structure can befound on pages 3 and 4 of this newsletter. Here, the Vice-Chancellor talks about the background of this exercise, its main features and the underlying principles. • Most of us learnt about the reorganization for the first timein your second open letter to staff and students dated 19th September. When was the idea to change firstconceived and what prompted such an idea? • The idea did not emerge suddenly or at any particular point in time but has evolved gradually w i th new developments in the University. The University was founded 26 years ago; it has gone through a period of consolidation; it is now fully ready for further expansion. We anticipate rapid growth on all fronts and have identified new directions and new tasks: we need to strengthen our l i n k a ge w i t h the outside wo r l d, maintain a close relationship with the l o c a l c o mm u n i t y, i m p r o v e the quality of teaching and revamp our curriculum to meet new challenges. In the face of ail these developments,