Newsletter No. 6

CUHK Newsletter University News Twen t y - f i ve CUHK Research Projects Supported by the UPGC The University scored exceptionally well in the competitive bid for UPGC grants for research for 1990/91. Of the 71 research proposals selected by the UPGC Research Sub-Committee for support, 25 (ie. 35 per cent) are CUHK projects. This is also the highest score among local tertiary institutions. These 25 projects will receive government grants totalling $10.74 million, or 31 per cent of the overall $34.5 million research budget for 1990/91. The result compares favourably with that in 1988/89 (24.5 per cent) and 1989/90 (28 per cent). The University's successful research proposals fall into different areas: arts and language (1); business and social studies (2); biological and physical science (4); education (1); medicine and health (12); electrical and electronic engineering (2); and computing science, information technology and mathematics (3). In addition to the $10.74 million allocated for the 25 projects, the University will be given a block grant of $3.945 million to support research projects costing less than $150,000 each. Here is a summary of the results of the UPGC deliberations of bids submitted by local tertiary institutions: No. of projects Amount Overall Institution supported approved percentage ($million) CUHK 25 10.74 (31%) HK Baptist College 5 3.31 (9.5%) HK City Polytechnic 11 5.78 (17%) HK Polytechnic 10 3.66 (10.5%) University of HK 20 11.01 (32%) Total 71 34.50 (100%) The University's Research Committee announces that applications for UPGC research grants for 1991/92 are now being invited. Details and application forms are obtainable from the departmental offices and the offices of various research institutes. N e w Teaching Block to Be Bui lt The foundation stone of the Hui Yeung Shing Bu i l d i ng, a new teaching block to be built on the Chung Chi College campus, was officially laid on 19th April. Mr. Hui Kwok-hau, a trustee of New Asia College, officiated at the ceremony. The 10-storey Hui Yeung Shing Building will have a total floor area of 4,700 square metres. It represents phase one redevelopment of the teaching complex at Chung Chi College. Upon its completion by the end of 1991 , the new building will provide accommodation for the departments of history, music, translation, the Japanese studies programme and The Chinese University Press. The construction of the new teaching block is made possible by a donation from the Mr. Hui Yeung Shing Memorial Endowment Fund, established at the University in 1988 by the Hui family to carry on Mr. Hui Yeung Shing's lifelong efforts in promoting higher education and cultural development in Hong Kong. The University wi ll introduce a new part-time degree programme in biology - chemistry in September 1990. This will be the first double major degree programme N e w Part-time Degree Programme Launched in these two subjects in Hong Kong. The programme will put emphasis on environmental studies and is intended for school teachers and technical staff in educational institutions, government laboratories and the industrial and commercial sectors. Including the new biology - chemistry programme, the University will offer eight part-time degree programmes in 1990-91. The seven others are business administration, Chinese — English, Mathematics 一 Statistics, Music, primary education, physical education, and social work. 2