Newsletter Special Issue

CUHK Newsletter 中 — 大 — 學 I 訊 Special Issue The Chinese University of Hong Kong records with deep sadness the passing away of Dr Choh-Ming Li, Founding Vice-Chancellor of the University, on 21 April, 1991 in Berkeley, California, USA, at the age of 79. A highly respected Vice-Chancellor and an educationalist with foresight and a strong sense of mission, Dr Li played a pivotal role in laying a solid foundation for The Chinese University of Hong Kong and in guiding its development through the first 15 years of the University's hi s tory. Fi r st as a member of the Fu l t on Commi s s i on whi ch recommended the establishment of the Chinese University in 1963 and then as the Founding Vice-Chancel lor, Dr Li accomplished very important pioneering work, building on the foundation of the three Constituent Colleges, to launch a new university of high international standing. Under his able leadership, the Chinese University successfully integrated and expanded its academic programmes. A modern, efficient and scenic campus was built up from what was originally a barren hill-top. Dr Li advocated bilingual education and held the strong conviction that the Chinese University has a unique role to play not only in educating the young people of Hong Kong but also in promoting interaction between the Chinese and Western cultures and in making special contributions to the world of learning. Born in China in 1912, Dr Li attended Nanking University before he furthered his studies at the University of California at Berkeley where he obtained the degrees of BA (1932), MA (1933) and PhD (1936). As one of the youngest professors in China, Dr Li taught Economics at Nankai University, South West Associated University and Central University between 1937 and 1943. During the post-war years, Dr Li dedicated his efforts to help rebuild the country and held consecutive appointments as Deputy Director-General of the Chinese National Relief