Newsletter No. 30

cuHK Newsletter No.30 May 1992 ANNOUNCEMENTS VC's Cup Tournament Suspended The Information Office has confirmed that the annual VC's Cup Tournament, first launched in 1981 , will be suspended for a year in 1991-92. University Health Service * Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Course The University Health Service will offer a five-session first aid course in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation for interested students and staff. The course intends to explain the basic theory and practice of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation as a life-saving measure in emergency and wi ll run on five consecutive Wednesday afternoons (2.30-4.30 p.m.) from 3rd June. Certificates of attendance will be issued on request upon completion of the course. Application forms are available at the Health Centre. Please enrol before 25th May. * Smoking and Health exhibition An exhibition on ‘Smoking and Health' will be held at the University Health Centre from 25th to 30th May to publicize the harmful effects of smoking. All are welcome. Medical Alumni Association Established The Medical Alumni Association of the University was formally inaugurated on 7th March. At its first annual general meeting held on the same day, the following were elected members of the executive committee for the year 1992: Chairman: Dr. Wing Yun Kwok Vice-Chairmen: Dr. Chan Chi Wai, Angus Dr. Lam Yan Kit Secretaries: Dr. Lee Tak Shing Dr. Ko Tin Choi Treasurers: Dr. Siu Wing Tai Dr. Chan Chi Kwok Members: Dr. Chan Wai Shing Dr. Cheung Yun Cheong Dr. Chung Chi Chiu Dr. Kwong Kwok Hung Dr. Lam Kwok Kei Dr. Lee Wing Kin Dr. Leung Ka Lau Dr. Tong Chi Fai The Medical Alumni Association welcomes all graduates and staff of the Faculty of Medicine to register as members. Enquiries should be directed to Dr. Wing Yun Kwok(Tel.6363634). Fine Arts Students Graduate Exhibition Each year the Art Gallery holds an exhibition to display the works of art by graduates of the Department of Fine Arts. This year the exhibition will be held from 23rd May to 21st June. Exhibits will include Chinese paintings, Chinese calligraphy, seal carving, oil paintings, print-making and sculptures, all produced by the 18 graduates of the department. The opening ceremony of the exhibition will be held at 5.00 p.m. on 22nd May. All are welcome. New Publication of the University Press The following book will be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. • Western Press Coverage of News in the Third World: A Bibliographical Review of Literature 1976-1988 (in English), by Sunny Tszesun Li, 148 pages, paperback, HK$78. CUH KNewslette r We welcome your contributions 1. Itemsfor thenext issue(mid-June1992)shouldreachtheEditor by 27th May 1992. 2. All contributions and suggestionsshould besent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, the Publication Office, University Secretariat,TheChineseUniversity ofHong Kong (tel. 6097297;fax. 6035503). 3. Contributions shouldbearthe writer's nameand contact telephonenumber, and may be published under pseudonyms.Articles without Chinese translations will appearin the English versionof the Newsletter only. No anonymous lettersmil be published. 4. The Editor reservesthe right to reject contributions and to edit all articles for reasonsof clarity, lengthor grammar. Thosewhodonot wish to havetheir articles amended should indicateclearly in writing. 5. No part of this Newsletter maybereproducedwithout thewritten consentof the Editor. 6. Thispublication hasacirculation of1,100and isprimarily intended for staff membersofCUHK. Copies arealso sent to local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Thosewho wish to be included onthemailing list pleasecontacttheNewsletter direct. Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor: Amy K. Y. Leung Assistant Editors : K. L. Wan; Florence Chan Graphic Artist: Stella P. C. Lai 10