Newsletter No. 39

CUHK Newsletter No.39 February 1993 Marching into the Community A Walker from the Faculty of Medicine It was 8.15 a.m. on an overcast, cold Sunday morning, and only 9° Celsius. With the arrival of each KCR train, people began to pour into the Lingnan Stadium — toddlers, students, teachers and many alumni with their families. Others came from different directions and converged on the registration area, all smiling, greeting each other good morning and chatting. 'Take your form and get a cap at the registration desk.’ Slowly the sea of yellow walkathon caps were mixed with caps of other colours, milling around in front of the grand stand. In spite of the chilly weather, the enthusiasm of all those present were infectious. ‘We are here to walk and to raise money for the Hong Kong Cancer Institute.' The VIPs were arriving. The short ceremony of acceptance of the generous donations from Mr. Thomas Chen and Mr. George Cheng was conducted with simplicity and heartfelt thanks. Suddenly, we heard drums of the lion dance and saw two agile lions leap into the tracks of the stadium. Our hearts throbbed in unison with the rhythmic beats of the drum. ‘We are ready to walk. Follow the VIPs' Group by group, with banners raised and amid cheers, we marched up the Station Road, crossed the No.2 Bridge and walked, jogged, or ran along the path next to the sea. Looking back, we saw the majestic Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology standing proudly, watching the walkers stream by with approval. ‘Hi! How are you? Haven't seen you for a long time. Nice meeting you on this walk ..' Greetings were everywhere from people who during 6