Newsletter No. 50

CUHK newsletter VOL.5 1 No.50 J a n u a r y 1 9 9 4 47th Congregatio n fo r th e Confermen t o f First an d Highe r Degree s More tha n 2,00 0 graduates o f th e University were awarde d firs t an d higher degree s a t th e University' s 47th congregatio n hel d a t th e University Mall o n 9t h Decembe r 1993 . They include d on e Docto r o f Medicine, 23 Doctor s o f Philosophy , 14 0 Masters o f Philosophy , 2 9 Master s o f Arts, tw o Master s o f Divinity , 8 7 Masters o f Busines s Administration , 25 Master s o f Art s (Education) , si x Masters o f Science , 32 5 Bachelor s o f Arts, 35 7 Bachelor s o f Busines s Administration, 67 Bachelor s o f Education, 128 Bachelor s o f Engineering , eight Bachelor s o f Medica l Sciences , 114 Ba c h e l o r s o f Me d i c i n e an d Bachelors o f Surgery , 4 6 Bachelor s o f Nursing, 32 1 Bachelor s o f Science , and 40 4 Bachelor s o f Socia l Science . Sir Yuet-keung Kan , pro-chancello r o f the University , officiate d at the degre e granting ceremony . In a n addres s mad e o n th e sam e occasion, Prof . Charle s K . Kao , th e vice-chancellor, gav e a brie f accoun t of th e ne w researc h centre s se t u p o n the campu s an d ne w academi c programmes introduced b y th e University in respons e t o ne w socia l needs . He reiterate d th e University' s determination to assum e a greate r rol e i n the loca l communit y i n th e run-u p t o and beyon d 1997 , an d emphasize d th e importance o f establishin g linkage s with centre s o f excellenc e worldwide. He wa s full y convinced tha t th e University Convocation , firs t se t u p in Septembe r 199 3 an d representin g the University' s 37,00 0 od d alumni , would pla y a n importan t rol e i n th e University's futur e development . Hong Kong' s Pat h o f Democratizatio n According t o Prof . La u Siu-kai , professor o f sociology , Hon g Kong' s democratization i s uniqu e i n term s o f its causes, process, an d outcome . In hi s professoria l inaugura l lecture delivered o n 3r d December , Prof . Lau explaine d tha t th e preponderan t cause in Hong Kong's democratizatio n was th e resumption o f Chines e sovereignty over the territory in 1997 , which would produce a process of democrati c development largel y shaped by powerful external politica l factors . Th e process ha d s o fa r bee n characterize d by incessan t an d unabate d conflic t among China , Britai n an d loca l political elites, an d b y th e lac k o f a fina l agreement amon g the m o n th e pac e and for m o f democratizatio n i n th e territory. Th e result, h e said , woul d b e a partia l an d unconsolidate d democracy with inheren t contradictions . H e foresaw elit e fragmentation , politica l apathy amon g th e genera l public , an d a bigge r rol e fo r Chin a i n loca l politics in the future. MO.50 JANUAR Y 199 4 I