Newsletter No. 53

CUHK NEWSLETTER a highl y productiv e exercis e i n which ever y insuranc e policy wa s scrutinized, th e compensation an d scope of coverage enlarged , an d premiums wer e lowered. By earl y November 199 3 th e Business Sectio n ha d written t o all teaching an d administrativ e units , explainin g th e variou s insurance policie s tha t th e Universit y woul d tak e ou t fo r its staf f an d property. Followin g thi s th e section wil l continue t o assis t various department s i n procuring bette r security fo r their staff . Colleague s wh o are in need of further informatio n ar e welcome t o contact th e Busines s Section. Have You Named Your Beneficiar y Yet? O Wha t woul d b e the University' s advic e t o its employees with regar d t o their rights an d privileges ? • Colleague s wh o are members o f the Staff Superannuation Scheme woul d fin d it in their advantag e t o file wit h the Universit y th e name s of the beneficiarie s in regard o f their schem e benefit s i n cas e the y unfortunatel y pas s away whil e member s o f the scheme. Withou t this , the pay-out o f superannuatio n benefit s wil l b e subjec t t o probate procedure s a s required b y law, whic h invariabl y take quit e a bit of time. Generall y speakin g ever y new staff membe r wil l b e requested t o file th e name o f the designated beneficiar y as he or she joins th e scheme . Fo r those wh o hav e no t yet done so , or who wis h t o make changes t o information previousl y supplied , pleas e contact th e Bursar y a s soon a s possible . Servic e to the Community and Internationa l Organizations • Dr . Lam Ki n Che, senio r lecture r in geography, ha s been appointe d by HE the Governor as a member of the Town Planning Appea l Boar d an d the Advisory Counci l fo r the Environment for two years from 18th Novembe r 199 3 an d 1s t January 199 4 respectively. • Prof . Natali s Yuen , honorar y professor o f th e Department o f Community an d Family Medicine, has been appointed by HE the Governor as a membe r o f the Police Complain t Committee fo r two years fro m 1s t March 1993 . Prof. Yuen has also been reappointed membe r of the Council of City Polytechnic of Hong Kong for one year from 1st January 1994 . • Dr . Francis W. L. Lee, field instructor in socia l work , ha s been invite d t o serve a s a membe r o f Academi c Advisory Board of Caritas Francis Hsu College from 1s t January 199 4 to 31st August 1995 . • Dr . Youlian Hong , lecture r i n sports science an d physical education , has been invite d t o serve a s an Honorary Consultant o f the Sports Scienc e Department o f the Hong Kon g Sport s Institute fo r two year s fro m 1s t Apri l 1994. • Mr . Hardy S . C. Tsoi, manage r o f Sir Ru n Ru n Sha w Hall , receive d a 10-yea r Outstandin g Achievement Award presente d b y the Hong Kon g Federatio n o f Dram a Societies. (All information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) CUHKNEWSLETTER We welcome your contributions 1. Items for the next issue (mid-May 1994) should reach the Editor by 27th April 1994, 2. All contributions and suggestions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, c/o the Publication Office, University Secretariat, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 6097297; fax. 6035503). 3. Contributions should bear the writer's name and contact telephone number, and may be published under pseudonyms. Articles without Chinese translations will appear in the English version of the Newsletter only. No anonymous letters will be published. 4. The Editor reserves the right to reject contributions and to edit all articles for reasons of clarity, length or grammar. Those who do not wish to have their articles amended should indicate clearly in writing. 5. No part of this Newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 6. This publication has a circulation of 1,600 and is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK. Copies are also sent to local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Those who wish to be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct. Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor : Amy K. Y. Leung Assistant Editors : Lawrence Choi; Florence Chan Graphic Artist: Stella P. C. Lai NO.53 APRIL 199 4 12