Newsletter No. 55

CUHK NEWSLETTER U L, C C , N A , U C Up to 30th June 1st July-31st August Mon-Fri 9.00a.m.-10.00p.m . 9.00a.m.-7.00p.m . Sat 9.00a.m.-5.00p.m . 9.00a.m.-5.00p.m . Sun 1.00p.m.-7.00p.m . Close d M e d i c a l L i b r a r y Up to 26th June 27th June-31st August Mon-Fri 9.00a.m.-6.00p.m . 8.30a.m.-7.00p.m . Sat 9.00a.m.-12.30p.m . 9.00a.m.-5.00p.m . Sun Close d Close d All librarie s wil l b e close d o n 27t h an d 29t h August , an d resume norma l openin g hour s fro m 1s t September 1994 . Closure of Canteens during Summer Several canteen s o n th e campu s wil l b e close d durin g summe r for annua l maintenance . Th e closin g an d re-openin g date s o f these canteens ar e as follows: Closing Re-opening Chung Chi College Staff Cantee n 27.7.9 4 5.8.9 4 New Asia College Yun Ch i Hsie n 4.7.9 4 1.8.9 4 Shaw College Student & Staf f Canteen s 1.7.9 4 14.7.9 4 Benjamin Franklin Centre Student & Staf f Canteen s 15.6.9 4 1.7.9 4 Coffee Shop 11.7.9 4 19.7.9 4 Guest House Staff Commo n Roo m 16.5.9 4 t o be announce d University Swimming Pool News Between 15t h June and 4th September 199 4 the opening hours of the University Swimmin g Poo l will be extended a s follows: First session : 8.0 0 a.m . - 1.4 0 p.m . Second session : 2.3 0 p.m . - 7.15 p.m . Night sessio n (Wednesda y only) : 8.0 0 p.m. - 10.1 0 p.m . The poo l i s ope n seve n day s a wee k includin g publi c holidays. Admission ticket s in sets of 1 2 are now sold at bargain pric e to students ($50) , staf f and adul t dependent s ($100) , dependent s under 1 8 ($50) , alumn i ($100 ) an d guest s ($270 ) a t th e Offic e of Studen t Affairs , Room 108 , Benjamin Franklin Centre . Campus Circuit West Newly Opened Following th e completio n o f roa d works , Campu s Circui t Wes t which link s Campu s Circui t Nort h wit h Sha w Colleg e i s no w opened t o traffic. Committee on the Universities Service Centre Members o f th e Committe e o n th e Universitie s Servic e Centr e have recently been appointed. They wil l serve for two years from 1st May 1994 . Chairman Dr . Lia o Kuang-shen g Members Mr . Jaco b Leun g Dr. Lue n Chih-bia u Dr. Tsu i Kai-yue n Prof. Yeun g Yue-ma n Dr. Michae l Lee , Universit y Libraria n Mr. Mar k L . Sheldon , Directo r o f th e Office of Academi c Link s Prof. Kua n Hsin-chi , Directo r o f th e Universitie s Service Centr e Secretary Mrs . Jea n Li , Assistan t Directo r o f th e Universities Service Centr e Exhibition onChinese Archaic Jades The Ar t Galler y wil l hol d a n exhibitio n o n 'Chines e Archai c Jades fro m th e Kwa n Collection ' a t it s wes t win g galler y fro m 16th Jul y t o 9t h October . Ther e wil l b e 23 9 piece s o f Chines e archaic jade s fro m th e Neolithi c perio d t o th e Ha n dynasty , spanning a perio d o f abou t 4,00 0 years . Th e diversit y i n for m and conten t an d th e exquisit e workmanshi p reflec t differen t aspects o f primitiv e religiou s belief s an d mora l philosophie s i n ancient China , an d demonstrat e th e developmen t o f th e jad e carving industr y i n th e period . Al l exhibit s ar e drawn fro m th e collection o f Dr. Simo n Kwan , a well-known loca l architec t an d fervent Chinese ar t collector . NewEditons of ACUAwards Series The revise d edition s o f tw o directorie s o f th e Associatio n o f Commonwealth Universitie s (ACU) , Awards for University Teachers and Research Workers 1994-96 an d Awards for University Administrators and Librarians 1994-96, ar e no w available fo r referenc e a t th e Personne l Office . The y provid e updated informatio n o n award s t o suppor t professiona l development i n teaching , research , an d university/librar y administration. Thos e wishin g t o undertake som e for m of stud y visit o r research , o r t o teac h i n anothe r Commonwealt h countr y please contac t Mrs . Am y Leun g (Ext . 7286 ) o f th e Personne l Office. Golf Club Membership The Universit y hold s on e debentur e fo r th e Roya l Hon g Kon g Golf Clu b a t Fanling . Unde r th e term s o f th e debenture , th e University ha s th e right t o nominate a member. An y membe r o f the Universit y intereste d i n bein g nominate d fo r th e yea r fro m 1st Jul y 199 4 t o 30t h Jun e 199 5 pleas e writ e t o th e Universit y Bursar, wh o wil l giv e furthe r details , includin g th e financia l outlay required . Obituaries Mrs. A u Leun g Lai-yung , offic e assistan t a t th e Ne w Asi a College Office , passed awa y o n 24t h Apri l 1994 . Mrs . A u firs t joined th e University i n August 1973 . Mr. Fun g Man-fuk , artisa n a t th e Building s Office , passed away o n 11t h May 1994 . Mr. Fung firs t joined th e University i n November 1979 . AVote of Thanks The Building s Offic e ha s receive d donation s totallin g HK$49,410 fro m member s o f th e Universit y fo r th e famil y o f Mr. Fun g Man-fuk , wh o die d fro m cance r las t mont h afte r fighting the disease for over a year. The Buildings Offic e wishes to thank al l donors on behalf o f the bereaved family . NO. 55 JUNE 1994 11