
中 大 通 訊 Somewhere My Love Thinking back to the flight that brought me to Hong Kong on St. Valentine's day, 1968, to take up my duties at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, I remember that 'Somewhere My Love' ("Lara's Theme" from Dr. Zhivago) was being played on the intercom as the plane circled to land. I looked down at the islands scattered below as the plane zeroed in on the one built up area — Central District and Kowloon flanking the sides of the narrow harbour. I had visited Hong Kong several times before and been infected by the excitement the 'colony' (as it was then referred to) generates. The stirring music prompted me to wonder if this would indeed be the 'somewhere' for me. Now, 26 years later, I feel that even if I eventually leave Hong Kong, it will always be the most important place on earth to me because no other place has ever affected me so deeply. This may simply be because I have spent almost half my life here —and, of course, the most recent half— but I think it is also because of the uniqueness of Hong Kong. Its precariousness, which stimulates the changes needed for survival, also seems to create a special energy that results not only in survival, but also in growth. In 1968, The Chinese University, which was only five years old, was just about as scattered as the islands. My college, United, was on Bonham Road on Hong Kong side and— there being no MTR or Cross Harbour Tunnel— it was months before I ever visited New Asia College, on Kowloon side, for a Board of Studies meeting, and longer yet before I made the long journey to Ma Liu Shui to find out what was going on at Chung Chi College. Thinking back to those days, I realize just how much The Chinese University has grown — both in size and stature — and feel very privileged to have been a part of this metamorphosis. I wish The Chinese University equal growth in the coming quarter of a century and hope that I will be around to see the result. 英語敎學單位 Barbara Boozer Seeing them takewing isthegreatest joy. 廿五載感言 花開花落何時了 ?往事知多少?廿五載光陰無虛 渡,白了少年頭。 猶憶十載圖書館自動化,新舊科技接踵來。日間 工作不可輟,硏讀 manual 只有晚上來。 Testing 試驗 不能少,訓練屬下亦要展開。策劃工序尤重要,效益 一發揮,苦盡即甘來。 滔滔長江東流水,舊人離去新人來;訓練工作 停不了,尤幸新舊個個皆英才。相處能融洽,合 作頂愉快,形成力量牢不可破。每逢佳節倍念 舊,總有賀卡遠方來。 大學圖書館系統廖建強 與鄔恒育先生(中坐者)及徐子貞先生(右五)相比,我(右四)是名副其實 的「小老弟」。此圖攝於去夏鄔兄榮休晚宴,鄔兄服務中大廿九年;徐 兄已服務了卅五年! 第五十六期 一九九四年七月 7