Newsletter No. 65

4 No.65 4th March 1995 CUHK Newsletter in some years, almost a third of the tota l non-local student population are graduate students. Staff Exchange The OA L administer s a number o f s t a f f - l e v el b i l a t e r a l exchang e programmes through the British Council, i n addition t o ad hoc arrangement s fo r conferences o r short-term research visits and modes t exchange s w i t h Japanes e universities. M r . Sheldo n sai d th e tripartite arrangement s initiate d b y th e British Counci l brin g togethe r CUH K staff and their counterparts in Britain an d China o n specifi c projects . Th e mos t active o f thos e a t presen t ar e i n th e Faculty o f Medicine wher e staf f from al l three place s conjoi n ove r th e us e o f a piece o f equipmen t o r a kind o f surgery . Besides, th e Universit y ha s ha d several Fulbrigh t placement s ove r th e years. Arrange d throug h th e Un i t e d States I n f o r ma t i o n Service , thes e placements enabl e America n academic s to teac h i n tertiar y institution s i n Hon g Kong. A curren t Fulbright schola r a t the University i s Prof . Clyd e Haulman , honorary lecture r i n th e Departmen t o f Economics an d associat e directo r o f th e Hong Kong-Americ a Center . On the Asian front , the OAL run s a programme throug h th e Associatio n o f South Eas t Asia n Institution s o f Highe r Learning (ASAHI L ) . Funde d by variou s foundations an d a i r l i n e companies , A S A H I L subsidize s academi c staf f exchanges amon g it s member s — Thailand, Indonesia , Brunei , Singapore , Malaysia, th e Philippines , an d Hon g Kong . M r . Sheldo n sai d tha t th e University's participatio n i n thi s is , however, infrequent . Future Plans The OA L i s hopin g t o expan d th e present volum e o f exchang e b y fou r o r five new agreements a year. Although his office receive s fa r mor e request s fo r exchanges f r o m abroa d tha n the y ca n accommodate, Mr . Sheldo n sai d th e fulfillment o f thei r goa l stil l depend s largely o n whethe r the y ca n fin d idea l partners amon g th e candidate s f o r proposal t o th e department s o r colleges , and the n whethe r thes e department s o r colleges f i n d thei r proposal s wo r t h adopting. No t unlik e a matchmaker, Mr . Sheldon's j o b concern s th e firs t an d foremost i n ever y relationshi p — introduction. 'Often onc e I d o that, I ste p ou t of the way. I coul d not do all these thing s with th e smal l offic e w e have, ' h e say s modestly. —P i e ra Che n Personalia •人事動態 • Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia H O N G K O NG INSTITUTE of Asia-Pacific Studies N EWRESEARCHMONOGRAPH Edited b y La u Siu-kai , Wa n Po-san , Lee Ming-kwa n an d Won g Siu-lun , Inequalities and Development: Social Stratification in Chinese Societies contain s eleve n paper s presented in Englis h a t a conference on 'Socia l Stratificatio n i n Chines e Communities', held on 10t h and 11t h December 199 3 a t Th e Chines e University o f Hong Kong. The papers examine socia l developmen t an d stratification i n differen t regions , i n c l u d i ng Ho n g Kong , Taiwan , mainland China, and Singapore, wit h several theoretica l enquiries . 372+xi pages , paperback , HK$90 . Please call 2609 877 0 if yo u wis h t o place a n order . Traffic Enforcement on Campus From the Security Unit: Under th e Roa d Traffi c (Parkin g o n Private Roads ) Regulations , Cap.374 , which took effect on 1s t July 1989 , th e University i s empowere d a s a privat e road owne r t o restric t acces s an d parking, an d t o impound , remov e o r dispose o f o f f end i n g vehicle s i n accordance wit h condition s stipulate d by legislation . A 'privat e road ' i s differen t fro m a 'roa d withi n privat e property' : th e latter i s no t a 'road ' withi n th e Roa d Traffic Ordinance but the former is; the latter doe s no t com e unde r th e jurisdiction o r powe r o f contro l o f th e police bu t th e forme r does , althoug h the contro l o f acces s an d parkin g i s vested with its owner. In the University, the officer s o f th e Securit y Uni t ar e authorized b y th e Adm i n i s t r a t i v e A f f a i rs Committe e t o contro l an d impound vehicle s i n accordanc e wit h administrative procedures endorsed by the Committee o n Security . A cop y o f th e University' s traffi c regulations an d a lis t o f th e genera l conditions fo r staf f vehicle registratio n are issue d t o al l Universit y roa d user s and parkin g labe l holders . A notic e con t a i n i ng campu s an d t r a f f i c regulations i s poste d a t bot h entrance s to th e University . A warnin g agains t possible impoundin g an d remova l i s also include d i n th e declaratio n form s issued t o visitor s prio r t o enterin g th e campus. The curren t prioritie s fo r traffi c control an d parkin g enforcemen t o n campus are : (a) To tackle serious obstruction Any obstructio n o f thoroughfares , junctions, bus-stops , carpar k an d bu i l d i ng entrances , fire-escap e routes, utilit y stations , L P ga s an d dangerous good s stores , etc . w i l l result i n immediat e impoundin g without warning . (b) To clear 'No P a r k i n g' zones Parking i n zone s wit h yello w line s designating no stopping, no waitin g or n o parkin g w i l l als o resul t i n impounding. Normall y driver s ca n f i n d carpark s o r area s wher e parking w i l l b e tolerated nea r suc h 'No Parking ' zones . (c) To punish inappropriate parking in 'designated' places Cars parked in places designated for other vehicle s ma y als o b e impounded, but normall y thi s i s don e upon receivin g complaint s fro m authorized users . (d) To warn offenders Violators o f traffi c regulation s ar e normally warne d before actions are taken; th e la w als o p r oh i b i t s discriminatory treatmen t agains t outsiders. The Security Uni t wishes to appeal to al l roa d user s o n th e campu s t o observe Universit y traffi c regulations . Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。