Newsletter No. 74
2 No. 74 19th September 1995 CUHK Newsletter Comments from Senior Administration C A M P U S PLANNING AND SPACE ALLOCATION From the Director of Administrative Services Buildings and land are valuable resources of the University that are constantly in demand. With growing competition for building and capital grants from the government among UGC- funded institutions, the University has further rationalized its mechanism in dealing with campus planning and space utilization with a view to achieving better co-ordination and planning, and ensuring that buildings and land on campus are effectively utilized and serve the best interest of the University. To this end, the Administrative and Planning Committee recently established two committees. They are: • The Working Group on Campus Planning and Building (WGCPB ), and • The Committee on Space Allocation (COSA) Both committees are chaired by the vice-chancellor. Mr. Vincent Chen in his capacity as director of buildings office and Ms. Amy Yui in her capacity as director of administrative services are joint secretaries and members on both committees. Membership of the WGCPB also includes Prof. Ambrose King, Dr. EC. Chen, Mr. Lee Shu Wing, Prof. Rance Lee, and Prof. Tunney Lee, while membership of the COSA also includes Prof. Kenneth Young, Prof. EC. Leung, Prof. Joseph C.K. Lee, and Mr. Lee Shu Wing. To enhance the beauty of the campus, the WGCPB focuses on the planning, design and location of all new projects with a view to contributing towards producing buildings of higher quality and efficiency with greater functional and architectural credibility. In the meantime, the COSA concerns itself with long-term planning of space utilization in keeping with the needs of various academic programmes and the University's physical development, as well as the policy and administration of all matters relating to space allocation on campus. Some major plans and resolutions of the two committees arc listed as follows: Space Allocation in 1995-96 (COSA) • To allocate the 5/F and part of the 6/F of Sino Building to the Nursing Department for its new Pre-Registration Nursing Programme. • To relocate the Social Science Faculty Office from Fung King Hey Building to Teaching Building Block III on the Chung Chi campus. • Space vacated by the Social Science Faculty Office in Fung King Hey Building to be reallocated to departments in the Arts Faculty. • In anticipation of the launching of the Pak Shek Kok public dump, all teaching at the Marine Science Laboratories (MSL) to be relocated to the Science Centre; MSL's main lab complex to be temporarily relocated to Teaching Block VIII on the Chung Chi campus upon the completion of its redevelopment in autumn 1996. Planned Space Allocation Relating to New Buildings Due for Completion before 1998 (COSA) Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre • Target completion: September - December 1996 • Total usable area: 3,000 m 2 • Assignment planned: Animal House: 1,500 m 2 Animal Holding & Lab: 570 m 2 Technical Services Unit: 780 m 2 Utility and plants: 100 m 2 • Resultant supply and assignment planned (before August 1997): 2,000 m 2 in Basic Medical Sciences Building for Pharmacy and other medical departments; 424 m 2 in Science Centre for science departments; 414 m 2 in the Lady Shaw Building vacated by Pharmacy for science departments. New Science Building Complex • Target completion: June 一 October 1997 • Total unusable area: 4,900 m 2 • Assignment planned: Biochemistry: 940 m 2 Communal Teaching: 1,140 m 2 Mechanical Engineering: 1,390 m 2 Plants and utility: 200 m 2 Student/staff day facilities: 240 m 2 • Resultant supply and assignment planned (before end of 1997): 530 m 2 in Science Centre for science departments Phase V Teaching Block • Target completion: August - November 1997 • Total usable area: 10,100 m 2 • Assignment planned: Chung Chi Administration: 1,020 m 2 Nursing: 1,800 m 2 Economics: 1,200 m 2 Communal Teaching: 4,100 m 2 Staff/student day facilities: 500 m 2 Utility and plants: 300 m 2 • Resultant supply and assignment planned (before mid 1998): 88 m 2 in Basic Medical Sciences Building for medical departments; 499 m 2 in Fung King Hey Building for arts departments; 435 m 2 in Li Dak Sum Building vacated by arts departments for business administration departments. Blocks VII and VIII Redevelopment Project • Target completion: 3rd quarter of 1996 • Total usable area: 1,411 m 2 • Assignment planned: Student day facilities 1,361 m 2 Marine Science Lab 50 m 2 Design and Location Planning of New Buildings (WGCPB) StaffResidence, Phase X Two new blocks of staff residences, to be constructed with a bank loan, will be built on a platform adjacent to Residences 10 and 11. The two 13-storey blocks will feature a total of 72 units of 3-bed/study flats of 135 m 2 . Target completion date will be the third quarter of 1997. Postgraduate Student Hostel A new 450-bed hostel block for postgraduate students, to be constructed also with a bank loan, has been planned on a site at the north-east end of the University Sports Field. Target completion date will be the end of 1997. Campus Planning (WGCPB) To facilitate movement between the different levels on campus, a scenic walk with adequate shade will be built linking the part of Chung Chi College near the Chapel with the site next to Benjamin Franklin Centre 一 a route originally planned for the escalators and the covered walk project. With this provision, it is expected that staff and students will enjoy relatively easy access from the train station all the way up to United College and New Asia. More trees will be planted to provide shade in selective locations in order to encourage more pedestrian traffic in the University. Members of the University who wish to obtain more information on any of the above projects are welcome to contact either the Director of Buildings Office (Ext. 6678) or the Director of Administrative Services (Ext. 7862). Amy Yiu Croucher Foundation Sponsors Three Research Projects T h e Trustees of the Croucher Foundation recently pledged donations totalling HK$ 1,225,000 for three research projects launched by members of the University: (1) HK$ 188,000 for 'A Novel Scheme of Wavelength-multiplexing Using Self- injection Locked Lasers' conducted by Chester C.T. Shu of the Department of Electronic Engineering; (2) HK$800,000 for 'Interplay of Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of Oxide Multilayers' conducted by H.K. Wong of the Physics Department; (3) HK$237,000 for 'Role of Retinoic Ac id on L imb Development in Transgenic Mouse Embryos' conducted by Kenneth K.H. Lee of the Anatomy Department. * Emigration from Hong Kong Edited by Ronald Sheldon, Emigration from Hong Kong centres around a Hong Kong-wide survey of emigration. It also examines major sources for the study of emigration from Hong Kong since 1841 and places the most recent emigration in its broad historical context. Written by an interdisciplinary team, the book considers emigration from Hong Kong at a variety of levels, from aggregate facts and figures down to individuals and families in very specific contexts. 318 pages, paperback, HK$160. * A Topical Bibliography of Translation and Interpretation Edited by Chan Sin-wai of the Department of Translation, A Topical Bibliography of Translation and Interpretation comprises 169 topics covering all aspects of translation and interpretation. This bibliography has been prepared for translators and interpreters working between Chinese and English. 872 pages, hardcover, HK$480 * China Review 1995 Edited by Lo Chi Kin, Suzanne Pepper and Tsui Kai Yuen, China Review 1995 provides a thorough examination of such issues as succession in the Chinese Communist Party, runaway inflation, loss-making state-owned enterprises, stagnating agricultural production, corruption, and the Chinese leadership's attempts to tackle these issues. 794 pages, hardcover, HK$330. The books will be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre.
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