Newsletter No. 77

4 No. 77 4th November 1995 CUHK Newsletter 醫學 Medicine, Dentistry and Health 研究類別/題目 Project Title 研究員 CUHK Investigator(s) 獲撥款項 Amount Approved (HK$) •奶中反式脂肪酸對必須脂肪酸代謝的影響 Metabolic Fate of Trans/Cis Fatty Acids Present in High-Trans Milk and Their Effect on Metabolism of Essential Fatty Acids 陳振宇博士 Dr. Zhen-yu Chen Dr. Georgia S. Guldan 1,180,000 •克萊勃士 k7 桿菌莢膜抗原的增強免疫及抗癌效應 Immunopotentiating and Anti-tumour Effect of Klebsiella k7 Capsular Antigen 蔡棉教授 Dr. Yuen-min Choy 馮 國培教授 Dr. Kwok-pui Fung 531,000 •癌壞死因子與高熱效應的組合療法對癌細胞的作用機制 Mechanism of Combination Treatment of Tumour Necrosis Factor- α and Hyperthermia on Tumour Cells 馮國培教授 Dr. Kwok-pui Fung 310,000 •長血漿半衰期,低至免疫性和腎毒性的天花粉衍生物 Trichosanthin Derivatives with Reduced Immunogenicity and Nephrotoxicity and Long Plasma Half-life 邵鵬柱博士 Dr. Pang-chui Shaw 何國強教授 Dr. Walter K.K. Ho 譚兆祥博士 Dr. Michael S.C. Tam 581,000 •抗病毒蛋白的各種酶活性及藥理作用之間關係之硏究 Investigation of the Relationship Among the Diverse Enzymic and Pharmacological Activities of Antiviral Proteins 楊顯榮教授 Dr. Hin-wing Yeung 方永平博士 Dr. Wing-ping Fong 吳子斌博士 Dr. Tzi-bun Ng 581,000 • 蠕蟲分泌/排泄抗原之分子克隆及表達 Molecular Cloning and Expression of the Helminth Excretory /Secretory Antigen (and Interleukin-5 Like Molecule) 馮明釗博士 Dr. Ming-chiu Fung 531,000 •確定環境及遺傳基因對中國人患栢金遜病的影響 Identification of the Role of Genetic and Environmental Factors in Parkinson's Disease in a Chinese Population 胡令芳教授 Prof. Jean Woo 彭智培博士 Dr. Chi-pui Pang 何陳雪鸚博士 Dr. Suzanne Chan Ho 310,000 • 患有 急、慢性膀胱輸尿管反射障礙病人的輸尿管膀胱接 合部的組織學、組織化學和免疫螢光硏究 Histological, Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Studies of the Ureterovesical Junction in Patients with Acute and Chronic Vesicoureteral Reflux 狄可誠博士 Dr. J.S. Dixon 高瑞齡教授 Prof. J.A. Gosling 435,000 •硬化性 T 淋巴因子對於使用攜帶式腹膜透析病人的腹膜 透析下降之影響 The role of 'Sclerogenic Cytokines' in the Development of Ultrafiltration Failure of Peritoneal Membrane in Patients with Renal Failure Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis 黎嘉能教授 Prof. Kar-neng Lai 李錦滔醫生 Dr. Philip K.T. Li 531.000 •香港鼠傷寒沙門氏菌與打吡沙門氏菌的分子遺傳分型 Molecular Genotyping of Salmonella Typhimurium and S Derby in Hong Kong 凌美麟博士 Dr. Julia M.L. Ling 581,000 •受體亞型分布對受體依據激動劑效價比分類的影響:重 點硏究前列腺素 E 2 類受體 The Influence of Receptor Subtype Distribution on the Classification of Receptors Using Agonist Potency Ratios: with Particular Reference to the Prostaglandin E 2 Family of Receptors 慧凱倫博士 Dr. Helen Wise 531,000 • T 形淋巴細胞的化學物質與哮喘的關係 Cytokine Profile of CD4+ and CD8+ T Lymphocytes in Asthma 賴奇偉醫生 Dr. Christopher K.W. Lai 531,000 •老人跌倒之發生率及其危險因素之追蹤硏究 Incidence of and Risk Factors for Falls Among the Community -dwelling Chinese Elderly: A Prospective Study 何陳雪鸚博士 Dr. Suzanne S.Y. Chan Ho 胡令芳教授 Prof. Jean Woo 梁秉中教授 Prof. Ping-chung Leung 310,000 •對人及馬汗腺上皮細胞的電生理及微螢光硏究 Electrophysiological and Microspectrofluorimetric Studies of Cultured Human and Equine Sweat Gland Epithelial Cells 高永雄博士 Dr. Wing-hung Ko 黃宜定教授 Prof. Patrick Y.D. Wong 310,000 •麥高爾氏細胞受體的機械電轉導電流 Mechano-electric Transduction Currents in Merkel Cell Receptors 鮑曼教授 Dr. Klaus I. Baumann 容永豪博士 Dr. Wing-ho Yung 531,000 •抗結核素對結核分枝桿菌的體內外藥後效應 In vitro and in vivo Post-antibiotic Effects of Anti-tuberculous Drugs Alone and in Combination Against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 陳超揚博士 Dr. Raphael C.Y. Chan 531,000 •神經腫瘤的分子遺傳硏究 Studies on the Genetic Alterations of CNS Tumours 吳浩強教授 Dr. Ho-keung Ng 黃潘慧仙教授 Dr. Dolly W.S. Poon Huang 潘偉生醫生 Mr. Wai-sang Poon 王昭春博士 Dr. Nathalie Wong 531,000 •香港華裔人士 EB 病毒 ——LMPl 基因及其變異的硏究 與其在鼻咽癌中的分子流行學和病理學意義 Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Specific Latent Membrane Protein (LMPl) Gene and Its Variants in the Hong Kong Chinese Population: Molecular Epidemiology and Pathogenetic Significance in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) 黃潘慧仙教授 Dr. Dolly W.S. Poon Huang 談兆麟博士 Dr. John S.L. Tam 吳浩強教授 Dr. Ho-keung Ng 梁承暉醫生 Dr. Sing-fai Leung 霍泰輝教授 Dr. Tai-fai Fok 尹懷信教授 Prof. C.A. Van Hasselt 李川軍教授 Prof. Joseph C.K. Lee 531,000 •運動引起的肌肉細胞膨脹及衰退 Exercise-induced Muscle Cell Swelling and Fatigue 貝約瑟博士 Dr. Joseph D. Bruton 310,000 • Noble 鼠前列腺發育異常及腫瘤的糖蛋白及細胞外基質 的硏究 A Study of Glycoproteins and Extracellular Matrix of the Normal, Dysplastic and Neoplastic Prostates of the Noble Rat 陳良博士 Dr. Franky L. Chan 310,000 •由二元抗菌體系引證延長抑制細菌生長效果:以藥物動 力學方法硏究體內體外(藥物作用)的相關性 Effects of Prolonged Bacterial Growth Suppression Demonstrated by Binary Antibiotic Systems: Study of in vitro and in vivo Correlations Using a Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic Approach 李志強博士 Dr. Ronald C.K. Li 李明德教授 Prof. Kenneth Raymond 凌美麟博士 Dr. Julia M.L. Ling 鄭勳斌教授 Dr. Augustine F.B. Cheng 531,000 •視細胞之凋死 Apoptosis of Photoreceptor Cells 曹安民教授 Prof. Mark O.M. Tso 1,105,000 •肩膊癱瘓重建之力學硏究 Biomechanics of Surgical Reconstruction for Shoulder Paralysis 熊良儉醫生 Mr. Leung-kim Hung 葉文興醫生 Mr. Kevin M.H. Yip 鄺詠衡傅士 Dr. Wing-hang Kwong 310,000 •用噬菌體克隆和表達全身性紅班狼瘡病人的抗抗原決定 簇抗體的基因 Cloning and Expression in Bacteriophage of Immunoglobulin Genes from Lupus (SLE) Patients Which Encode an Anti-idiotypic Antibody 林柏良博士 Dr. Pak-leong Lim 崔耀隆傅士 Dr. Yiu-loon Chui 黃洸照醫生 Dr. Kong-chiu Wong 531,000 研究類別/題目 Project Title 研究員 CUHK Investigator(s) 獲撥款項 Amount Approved (HK$) •吡咯里西啶生物鹼——克沃任一一體內代謝造成肝臟毒 性之機理,和甘草酸對其解毒作用的硏究 Investigation into the Mechanism of Metabolism-induced Hepatotoxicity of the Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid: Clivorine, and the Prevention of Such Hepatotoxicity Using Glycyrrhizin 林革博士 Dr. Ge Lin 戴文彌博士 Dr. L.A. Damani 531,000 •人類心臟基因序列之分析 Sequence Analysis of Human Heart cDNA Clones 李卓予教授 Prof. Cheuk-yu Lee 韋妙宜博士 Dr. Mary M.Y. Waye 681,000 •以等電聚集法測定與腫瘤相關的異種甲胎蛋白:作爲診 斷標誌物的靈敏度及特異性 Detection of Tumour Specific Variants of Alphafetoprotein by Isoelectricfocusing: Sensitivity and Specificity as a Diagnostic Marker 莊立信教授 Prof. Philip J. Johnson 王昭春博士 Dr. Nathalie Wong 272,000 •內皮細胞與發炎或惡性腫瘤細胞之間的溝通及連接系統 之形成 Intercellular Communication and Gap Junction Formation Between Human Endothelial Cells and Inflammatory or Malignant Cells 韋力行醫生 Dr. Nicholas W.R. Wickham 王昭春博士 Dr. Nathalie Wong 310,000 •血管內皮生長素對睪九微血管網絡之控制 Control of Testicular Microvasculature by Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 歐澤樑博士 Dr. Chak-leung Au 631,000 •引發週邊血管疾病的誘因 Identification of Risk Factors for Atheroma in Chinese Patients with Overt Peripheral Vascular Disease and Diabetic Patients with Asymptomatic Peripheral Vascular Disease 湯寧信醫生 Dr. Brian Tomlinson 金永強教授 Dr. Walter W.K. King 李國章教授 Prof. Arthur K.C. Li 林偉基博士 Dr. Christopher W.K. Lam 羅懿德博士 Dr. Yvette I. Lolin 陳重娥醫生 Dr. Juliana C.N. Chan 郭志良教授 Dr. Julian A.J.H. Critchley 楊匯博博士 Dr. Robert P. Young 郭克倫教授 Dr. Clive S. Cockram 310,000 •藥物療法及遺傳因素對高血壓病人心跳節律之影響 Thiazide Diuretic Antihypertensive Therapy and Cardiac Arrhythmias: The Influence of Concomitant Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, ACE Gene Polymorphisms and Additional Therapy with ACE Inhibitors or Calcium Channel Blockers 楊匯博博士 Dr. Robert P. Young 孫德生博士 Dr. John E. Sanderson 胡錦生博士 Dr. Kam-sang Woo 胡令芳教授 Prof. Jean Woo 湯寧信醫生 Dr. Brian Tomlinson 陳恩強醫生 Dr. Thomas Y.K. Chan 郭志良教授 Dr. Julian A.J.H. Critchley 531,000 •充血性心力衰歇:血管緊張素轉變酶基因對形成心肌纖 維化與左心室舒張功能紊亂所起的作用 Congestive Cardiac Failure: The Role of Angiotensin- converting Enzyme Genes in the Development of Myocardial Fibrosis and Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction 孫德生博士 Dr. John E. Sanderson 楊匯博博士 Dr. Robert P. Young 胡錦生博士 Dr. Kam-sang Woo 郭志良教授 Dr. Julian A.J.H. Critchley 艾樂文博士 Dr. Manoharan Arumanayagam 483,000 •大白鼠腦的性分化過程中基因表現的鑑定及分子克隆 Identification and Molecular Cloning of Genes Expressed During the Sexual Differentiation of the Rat Brain 黃振祥博士 Dr. Chun-cheung Wong 梁文聲博士 Dr. Man-sing Leung 廖永強博士 Dr. Ken W.K. Liu 310,000 •骨癌中腫瘤特異性碱性磷酸酶 Tumour Specific Alkaline Phosphatase in Osteosarcoma 古明達醫生 Dr. Shekhar M. Kumta 梁國穗教授 Dr. Kwok-sui Leung 馮 國培教授 Dr. Kwok-pui Fung 李廣文先生 Mr. Simon K.M. Lee 鄭鍾淑嫻博士 Dr. Shuk-han Chung Cheng 310,000 •對張力和壓力作用下骨組織再生的生物化學特徵硏究 ——山羊骨痂延長模型 The Biochemical Events of the Regeneration of Osseous Tissue under Tension and Compression Stress — A Study with Callotasis Model in Goat 梁國穗教授 Dr. Kwok-sui Leung 李廣文先生 Mr. Simon K.M. Lee 馮 國培教授 Dr. Kwok-pui Fung 1,093,000 •膠原基質中繁殖的軟骨細胞群用於人工骺軟骨之生物合 成和移植 Biosynthesis and Implantation of Artificial Growth Plate Using Population of Proliferative Chondrocytes Cultured on a Collagen Matrix 梁秉中教授 Prof. Ping-chung Leung 李廣文先生 Mr. Simon K.M. Lee 黃榮春博士 Dr. Vincent E.C. Ooi 馮 國培教授 Dr. Kwok-pui Fung 310,000 ® The Investigation of Genomic Instability by Polymerase Chain Reaction to Detect Microsatellite Polymorphisms on Chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 16, 17 and 18 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma 劉宗石博士 Dr. Choong-tsek Liew 李川軍教授 Prof. Joseph C.K. Lee 劉允怡教授 Prof. Joseph W.Y. Lau 581,000 •神經管形成的機制 The Mechanisms of Transition from Primary to Secondary Neurulation 沈秀媛博士 Dr. Alisa S.W. Shum 310,000 • Hepatic Venous Saturation Monitoring in the Management of Severe Sepsis Dr. Charles D. Gomersall 胡德佑教授 Prof. Teik E. Oh 施德華醫生 * Dr. Ian E.T. Stewart* 羅懿德博士 Dr. Yvette I. Lolin 487,000 •干擾素及樹脂對鼻咽癌細胞抑制硏究 Biological Modulation of Growth of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells by Human Recombinant Interferon-alpha and 13-cis Retinoic Acid 金永強教授 Dr. Walter W.K. King 李國章教授 Prof. Arthur K.C. Li 林炳權先生 Mr. Ping-kuen Lam 581,000 •嬰兒膀胱功能及排尿控制之發展:新的詮釋 The Development of Bladder Function and Micturition Control in Human Infants: A New Appraisal 楊重光醫生 Mr. Chung-kwong Yeung 伍百祥醫生 Dr. Pak-cheung Ng 何國華先生 Mr. Crover K.W. Ho 廖 鑑榮醫生 Mr. Kelvin K.W. Liu 李國章教授 Prof. Arthur K.C. Li 355,000 • Atenolol 藥物動力學的藥物輸入速率對健康的華裔人士 的影響 Effects of Drug Input Rates on the Pharmacodynamics of Atenolol in Normal Healthy Chinese Subjects 李明德教授 Prof. Kenneth Raymond 李志強博士 Dr. Ronald C.K. Li 湯寧信醫生 Dr. Brian Tomlinson 郭志良教授 Dr. Julian A.J.H. Critchley 531,000 • cGMP 和 CAMP 依賴性的血管舒張劑的離子作用機理 Ionic Mechanisms of Action of cGMP- and cAMP- elevating Vasodilators 黃聿博士 Dr. Yu Huang 310,000 *已離職 Resigned 中大通訊 5 第七十七期 一九九五年十一月四日