Newsletter No. 82

宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 教職員進修資助計劃 Staff Development Grants 英聯邦大學協會下列獎學金及交流計劃現已接受 申請︰ (一)英聯邦大學協會發展獎學金(九六至九七年度) 該獎學金乃爲發展人力資源而設,資助獲選 者前往另一英聯邦國家之大學、工商或公共機構 硏習,以六個月爲限。該計劃專爲具備優越才能 及發展潛質之人士而設,惟學位或其他深造課程 則不在資助之列。資助類別包括 General Fellowships 及 Titular Fellowships。 申請人年齡須介乎廿 八至五十歲。資助額最高爲五千英鎊。 (二) 學術交流資助計劃(九六年度) (三) 泰晤士報高等教育副刊交流資助計劃(九六年度) 上列兩項計劃旨在促進發展中英聯邦國家之 間的大學學術交流,最高資助額分別爲二千五百 英鎊及三千英鎊。交流計劃分四類: (甲)選派教職員前往發展中英聯邦國家之大學實 習或訓練,增加工作經驗; (乙)選派教職員前往發展中英聯邦國家作短期實 地考察,提高其專業水平; (丙)資助發展中國家各大學的教職員交換計劃, 以促進地區發展;或 (丁)資助教職員參加由大學主辦而與國家或地區 發展有關之硏討會。 上列計劃的詳細資料已送交各學院及部門,有意 申請者請與學院院長或部門主管聯絡。有關推薦須於 一九九六年四月十六日前寄交人事處主任梁陳德英女 士(內線七二八六),俾轉送校內有關委員會考慮。 The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) invites applications from staff members of the University for the following fellowships: 1. ACU Development Fellowships 1996-97 With an aim to develop human resources, the fellowship will sponsor attachment for up to six months to a university, industry, commerce, or the public sector in any Commonwealth country. The programme has been devised for people of proven quality at a crucial stage of their career development. Degree courses or postdoctoral programmes will not be supported. There will be two forms of awards: general fellowships and titular fellowships. Applicants should be university staff of proven high quality aged between 28 and 50 years. The award may worth up to £5,000 to cover cheapest return airfare, medical and travel insurance, board and lodging, local transportation, and fees for formal training programmes. 2. Academic Exchange Fellowships 1996 The fellowship is intended to facilitate movement of academics between developing countries of the Commonwealth for any of the following purposes: (a) attachment of university staff, academic or administrative, to other universities in developing countries of the Commonwealth to enhance training and experience, (b) short study tours to other universities in developing countries of the Commonwealth for the purposes of professional development, (c) exchanges of staff between universities in developing countries to further a specific developmental objective, or (d) support for university staff to attend university- sponsored seminars with a developmental orientation. Each award is normally tenable for up to three months and in general covers cost of an economy air ticket and a per diem allowance, not exceeding £2,500 in total. 3. Times Higher Education Supplement Exchange Fellowship 1996 The fellowship is intended to support an applicant from one developing country to visit another developing country of the Commonwealth for purposes similar to those of the Academic Exchange Fellowships. The fellowship has a total value of £3,000. Staff members interested in applying for the above fellowships may consult their faculty deans/unit heads, who should have received details about these programmes. Further enquiries may be directed to Mrs. Amy Leung, Assistant Secretary (Personnel) (Ext. 7286). The internal deadline for application is 16th April 1996. 硏究院新課程 New Postgraduate Programmes 大學教務會於去年十二月十三日的會議通過由一 九九六至九七年度起,增設三項高級學位課程: •護理學哲學博士課程 •藥劑學哲學碩士課程 •傳播學社會科學碩士課程 新課程收生人數將視乎校內資源分配而定。 The Senate approved at its meeting on 13th December 1995 the introduction of three new postgraduate programmes in 1996-97: • Doctor of Philosophy Programme in Nursing ‧ Master of Philosophy Programme in Pharmacy • Master of Social Science Programme in Communication The admission of students into these three programmes will be subject to the availability of resources and student quota. 更改文憑課程名稱 Diploma Programme Renamed 大學教務會議決更改「教育文憑」之名稱爲「學位 教師教育文憑」,一九九六至九七年度起之新生適 用。 The Senate has resolved to rename the 'Diploma in Education' as 'Postgraduate Diploma in Education' with effect from the 1996-97 intake. Staff Loan Limits From 1st January 1996, the upper limit of HK$1.8 million imposed on individual staff loans has been removed. It remains in effect that the total loan amount cannot exceed 60 per cent of the borrower's benefits in the staff superannuation scheme. 香港世界宣明會的呼籲 全仗你的幫助,她們畢業了! 一九九五年七月十八日這個日子,讓三十八名廣西白褲瑤族女孩子及他們的家長畢生難 忘。那天大淸早,這些女孩子穿戴上傳統的白褲瑤族服飾,熱切地期待著初中畢業禮的舉 行。她們的家人更特地提早一天,從遙遠的家步行至學校,參加典禮。 白褲瑤族是中國廣西壯族自治區北面南丹縣的一個少數民族。他們居住在石灰岩山嶺間 陡峭的陝谷中,土地貧瘠,生活淸苦。女孩子大多沒機會讀書,需留在家中幹活,只有百分 之二可以升讀中學。 九二年起,情況有了改變,三十八名女孩子開始就讀於南丹縣八墟鄕瑤寨中學專爲她們 而設的女子班。這是南丹教育局及世界宣明會共同努力的成果。 她們畢業後,其中十七人繼續接受培訓,他日重返社區擔當教師、醫生等工作,協助族 人建立自力更生的能力。 目前,國內很多少數民族,特別是女孩子,仍然未有機會讀書。宣明會相信教育能協助 貧困者建立自助自救的能力,因此盡力興建學校,舉辦少女班及成人識字班。此外,更培訓 農業技術人才,改善醫療設施,幫助村民對抗貧窮。 宣明會需要你長期的支持,請透過「宣明中國共創明天基金」改善國內同胞的生活。請即 致電本會(二三九四二三九四)查詢捐款辦法。捐款一百港元或以上者,可憑收據申請減稅。 中文大學出版社新錄像帶 《面談技巧:如何開展有效的輔導歷程》 要達到輔導的目的和實踐輔導的精神,輔導員的修養、操守和價値觀 都是重要元素。 這套教材幫助初任輔導工作的人士掌握正確的輔導理論,認識輔導的 意義,並付諸實行。錄像帶教導輔導員如何在初次面談時,便與當事人建 立有效的工作關係。 錄像帶劇本由蔡冠華、林靜雯 和宋同九編撰,並由他們主持及講 解。第一部分透過示範、講解和討 論,指出輔導員初晤當事人時常犯 的錯誤及其影響;第二部分示範輔 導員面談時應有的基本態度和輔導 技巧,並討論當事人在此歷程中可 能出現的感受,以及輔導員的焦 慮。 國際統一書號962-201-676-6, 片長約六十分鐘, VHS / P A L 制 式,粤語,普及版每套港幣二百二 十元(附教材一本)。 大學教職員在富爾敦樓大學書 店購買該錄像帶可獲八折優待。 中大通訊 第八十二期 一九九六年一月十九日 4