Newsletter No. 98
2 No. 98 4thDecember 1996 CUHK Newsletter Semina r and Exhibitio n on Islam T o give students o f the University an opportunity to learn more about the culture and civilization o f different Islamic countries, the Department o f Religion i n collaboration with the I DRO Foundation and the Chaplain's Office at Chung Chi College held an exhibition and a series of seminars on ' I s l am ic Cu l t u r e and Civilization' on 12th and 13th November. The exhibition was staged in the Chung Chi Chapel and papers on 'Introduction to Islam', 'Egypt: the Cradle o f Civilization', 'Nigeria: A n Overview o f the Political Socio-Economical De v e l opmen t ', and 'Pakistan: A ModerateIslamic State and Trading Relations with Hong Kong' were presented at the seminar by consul generals/ ambassadors and representatives f r om Egypt, Malaysia, Nigeria, and Pakistan respectively. Three-Year Collaboration Memorandum Signed wi th Taiwan Yang-Ming University Prof. Joseph C. K. Lee,dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Prof. Luke S. Chang, president of Taiwan Yang-Ming University, represented the two institutions to sign a collaboration memorandum on 8th November. Currently the only comprehensive medical university in Taiwan, Taiwan Yang-Ming University offers programmes spanning the entire spectrum of medical education. It conducts both pre-clinical and clinical research as well as research on traditional Chinese medicine. Department of Nursing Plays Host to Nurses from China Fourteen nurses from eight major medical universities in China paid the CUHK Department of Nursing a five- day visit in October as a part of their Master of Nursing programme. During their stay, the visitors attended seminars and lectures with CUHK students and visited various clinical areas in the Prince of Wales Hospital. Links wi th Bei j ing Hospital Strengthened A three-year exchange agreement between the University's Faculty of Medicine and Beijing Hospital was signed on 24th October by Prof. Joseph C. K. Lee, dean of the faculty and Mr. Geng De Zhang, president of the hospital. Built in 1905 as the German Hospital, Beijing Hospital is now a general hospital directly affiliated to the PRC's Ministry of Public Health. The hospital is known for geriatrics medicine, and has contributed much to the improvement of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of senility. It has undertaken research for the Ministry of Public Health and has won state prizes for its role in advancing science and technology. Regional Conference on Preventive Medicine S ome 200 academics and public health professionals from Guangdong, Hong Ko ng and Macau exchanged views o n common public health issues at the second Guangdong/Macau/Hong Ko n g Conference on Preventive Medicin e held on 9th November. The meeting was jointly convened by the University's Department o f Community and F am i ly Me d i c i n e , Gu a n g d o n g Preventive Medicine Association, Macau Association of General Practitioners, and H o n g K o n g Co l l e g e o f C o mm u n i ty Medicine. The first meeting was held i n 1995 in Guangdong. Centring on the theme 'Facing New Health Challenges Together', discussions covered five o f the most important and topical public health issues the three places are encountering: 'Communicable Diseases including STD and H I V / A I D S ' , 'Non- C ommu n i c a b l e Ch r o n i c Diseases', 'Maternaland Child Health', 'Occupational Health', and 'Environmental Health and Food Hygiene'. The conference also paved the way for future collaboration i n tackling public health problems. German Week A German Week was organized on campus from 4th to 11th November. The opening event was a German Night. Teachers of German — Prof. Wannagat, Prof. Dethlefsen, Mrs. Dethlefsen and Mrs. Cecilia Ng — had dinner and played games with students who shared their homestay experience in Germany. Other activities included an exhibition at the entrance of the Benjamin Franklin Centre, aGerman film show, and a German table that provided students with an opportunity to communicate in German. New Bok s by TheChines e University Press The following books will be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre: ABC Chinese-English Dictionary Edited by John DeFrancis, the ABC Chinese-English Dictionary is both an easy reference for foreigners who want to learn Chinese and a useful Chinese-English dictionary. Unlike Hanyu pinyin dictionaries which use the double-sort alphabetic system, ABC arranges Chinese words and terms in single-sort alphabetical order. This is by far the simplest and fastest way to look up a term with known pronunciation. The dictionary contains about 72,000 entries, including some 3,600 single-syllable entries and 68,000 multi-syllable entries. The latest PRC lexicographical developments in respect to selection of terms and rules of orthography are used in its compilation. ISBN 962-201-761-4, 918 pages, paperback, HK$240 The Scheme of Control on Electricity Companies Written by Lam Pun-lee, this is a pioneering study of the Scheme of Control on the two electricity companies in Hong Kong, which is essentially a long- term regulatory contract controlling the rates of return and prices. The detailed regulatory mechanisms of the scheme and their implications for economic efficiency and consumer interests are explained. Measures to improve them are also considered. ISBN 962-201-754-1, 166 pages, paperback, HK$120 The China Miracle: Development Strategy and Economic Reform Written by Justin Yifu Lin, Fang Cai and Zhou Li, this book studies China's economic development and reform using a historic, comparative and analytic approach grounded in mainstream economics. The authors have developed a consistent and rational framework of state, enterprises, and individual agents to analyse the internal logic of the traditional planning system. ISBN 962-201-748-7, 366 pages, paperback, HK$120 Service t o t h e C o mm u n i t y a n d I n t e r n a t i o n al O r g a n i z a t i o n s • Prof. Joyce Ma Lai-chong, associate professor in the Department of Social Work, has been appointed by H E. the Governor to serve on the Mental Health Review Tribunal for two years from 1st October 1996. • Prof. P. W. Liu, pro-vice-chancellor and professor of economics, has been reappointed by the Chief Secretary to be a member of the Flat Supply Sub-Committee of the Land and Building Advisory Committee for one year from 1st November 1996. Prof. Liu has also been appointed by the Secretary for Trade and Industry as a member of the Services Support Fund Vetting Committee for two years from 1 st October 1996. • Prof. C. N. Chen, professor of psychiatry, has been invited to be a reviewer of the Journal of Psychosomatic Research from July 1996. • Prof. Jack C. Y. Cheng, professor in the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, has been invited to serve on the editorial board of the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics from November 1996. • Prof. Anthony P. C. Yim, associate professor in the Department of Surgery, has been appointed to serve in the Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia from 1996 to 1998. Prof. Yim has also been invited to be a guest editor for the Progress Symposium on Pulmonary Diseases organized by the World Journal of Surgery. • Mr. Hardy Tsoi, manager of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, has been appointed as chairman of the Policy Session entitled 'Working with Artists' in the Arts Education International Conference to be organized by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council on 20th March 1997. H o n o u r s • Prof. Charles K. Kao, honorary professor of engineering, was awarded an honorary degree in telecommunications engineering by The University of Padova in Italy on 18th October 1996. • Prof. M. N. Hjelm, professor of chemical pathology, was awarded honorary membership by the Chongqing Branch of the Chinese Medical Association on 27th October 1996. (All information in this section isprovided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.)
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