Newsletter No. 100

4 No. 100 4th January 1997 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 《個人資料(私隱)條例》 Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance 《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第 486 章)已於一九九六年十二月二十日 起生效。此條例的目的是保障在世人士在個人資料方面的私隱。作爲資料使用 者,大學會遵守條例中所列載有關保障資料原則的主要規定,確保所儲存的個人 資料準確無誤,及有妥善的儲存方法,並依照在收集資料時所說明的目的使用該 等資料。 大學各圖書館、各書院院務室及各學院院務室均備有有關條例的副本及由個人 資料私隱專員公署印發的資料冊,以供查閱。 校方已指派下列部門處理根據有關條例要求查閱資料及改正資料等事宜︰ 有關下述人士的個人資料 人事處(電話: 2609 7286 ) 本校僱員 教務處(電話: 2609 8944 ) 本校學生 校友事務處(電話: 2609 7860 ) 本校校友 大學秘書處(電話: 2609 7224 ) 其他人士 The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) has come into force since 20th December 1996. Its purpose is to protect the privacy interests of living individuals in relation to personal data. The University as a data user undertakes to comply with the key requirements of the data protection principles contained in the Ordinance. The University will make sure that personal data kept by the University are accurate, securely kept and used only for the purpose for which they have been collected. Copies of the Ordinance and information booklets issued by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data are available for consultation at the University Libraries, College Offices and Faculty Offices. The University has assigned the following offices to handle personal data access and correction requests pertaining to this ordinance: Personal data relating to Personnel Office (tel. 2609 7286) Appointees of the University Registry (tel. 2609 8944) Students of the University Alumni Affairs Office (tel. 2609 7860) Alumni of the University University Secretariat (tel. 2609 7224) All other persons 公積金投資成績 Investment Returns of Superannuation Schemes 總務處公布公積金各項投資基金於一九九六年十一月份之投資增長如下: 1995 計劃 1983 計劃 基準指數 (未經審核數據) 增長基金 5.54% 6.72% 5.14% 平衡基金 4.85% 5.01% 4.20% 穩定基金 3.09% 3.09% 2.51% 貨幣市場基金 0.50% 0.46% 0.48% 銀行存款 0.43% 0.43% 0.44% From the Bursary The returns for the month of November 1996 in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: 1995 Scheme 1983 Scheme Benchmark Return (unaudited) Growth Fund 5.54% 6.72% 5.14% Balanced Fund 4.85% 5.01% 4.20% Stable Fund 3.09% 3.09% 2.51% Money Market Fund 0.50% 0.46% 0.48% Bank Deposit Fund 0.43% 0.43% 0.44% 陳毓祥子女教育基金 消息由校友事務處提供: 香港中文大學教師協會、香港中文大學職員協會、香港中文大學評議會及香港 中文大學校友會聯會最近將廿一萬港元捐款交予陳毓祥先生遺孀劉舜卿女士,作 爲陳氏子女的教育基金。劉女士接受贈款時,對四會的支持及慰問表示深切感 謝。 陳毓祥爲本校校友,於一九八零年獲頒傳播哲學碩士學位,去年九月參與保釣 運動不幸捐軀。四會隨即合設「陳毓祥子女教育基金」,並呼籲中大師生、校友及 社會人士踴躍捐款,以表達對陳氏的敬意,以及對其遺屬的支持。 該基金捐款戶口現設恒生銀行,戶口號碼爲 293-005-005-003 ,歡迎各界繼續 踴躍捐款。該戶口將於本月十一日結束,戶口結餘會悉數交予陳氏遺屬。查詢請 電二六零九七八七三。 中 文 大 學 出 版 社 The Chinese University Press 新書 New Books 《中國評論:一九九六》 《中國評論》每年定期 出版,由不同學者編輯、撰 稿,務期爲關心中國的人士 提供最新的觀察和評論。 《中國評論:一九九六》是評析中國過去一年 各方面發展和問題的專著。 一九九五年是中國高層政治的轉折點:江澤 民的地位上升和鄧小平的進一步隱沒標誌著後鄧 時代的開始。去年,江已明顯從組織建制上加強 其權力基礎。現時,人們最關心的問題是如何在 政治相對穩定的情況下,打擊經濟改革所帶來的 貪污問題;而中國也修訂了公司法、擔保法等法 律,以保障商人投資。前兩年實施的經濟緊縮政 策終見成效,經濟溫和增長而通貨膨脹未見大幅 攀升。 一九九六年的《中國評論》除論述有關政 治、經濟和社會等核心論題外,還包括眾所關注 的中美分歧、中國與鄰近國家的關係、海峽兩岸 關係的發展,以及一些過往較少論及的範圍如中 國人口、生活趨勢轉變問卷調查等,內容深具啓 發性。 此書收論文十五篇,由汪丁丁編輯,作者俱 爲對中國各方面素有研究的海內外學者及專業人 士。 國際統一書號 962-201-755-X ,四百八十八 頁,精裝本,二百六十港元。 大學同人在富爾敦樓大學書店購買此書,可 獲八折優待。 The Other Hong Kong Report 1996 Edited by Nyaw Mee- kau and Li Si-ming, The Other Hong Kong Report 1996 — the eighth publication in the series since its debut in 1989-—follows the tradition established in previous years. It includes contributions from academics, journalists, social and political commentators, who expound on topics in their specialization. This year's report covers a wide range of political, economic, social, and cultural issues, focusing primarily on what is known as the 'late transitional period' — July 1995 to June 1997, a period in which Hong Kong-centred sentiments and Chinese patriotism surface hand-in-hand. Several new chapters have been added, on such topics as China's administration over Hong Kong, consumerism, sports and recreation, as well as Hong Kong-Taiwan relations. ISBN 962-201-715-0, paperback, 582 pages, HK$168 The book will be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. Servic e to the Communit y and Internationa l Organization s • Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vice- chancellor, has been appointed by H.E. the Governor as a member of the Education Commission for one year from 1st January 1997. Prof. Young has also been appointed by the Secretary for Health and Welfare as a member of the Radiation Board for three years from 1st December 1996. • Prof. Cynthia Shiu Yee Chan, associate professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, served as chief examiner for the 1996 Conjoint Fellowship Examination of the Hong Kong College of General Practitioners and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Prof. Chan has also been invited to serve as a member of the expert subcommittee on grant applications and awards of the Health Services Research Committee from July 1996. (All information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should he sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) Obituar y Mr. Stephen C. Soong (1919-1996) Mr. Stephen C. Soong, formerly special assistant to the University's founding vice-chancellor, director of the Research Centre for Translation and editor of Renditions, passed away on 3rd December 1996. From 1968 when he joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong until he left its employ in 1984, Mr. Soong made significant contribution to both the University's administration and its academic development. After 1984, Mr. Soong's ties to CUHK remained strong: he was honorary adviser to the Research Centre for Translation and made generous donations in support of its programmes. He was also a well- known writer, critic and literary editor whose research interest spanned the fields of Chinese classical fiction and poetry, English literature, comparative literature and translation studies. Mr. Soong is survived by his wife Mae, children Elaine and Roland, son- i n - l aw Don K i ngman Jr., and grandchildren Melissa and Johnathan Kingman.