Newsletter No. 101

CUHK Newsletter No. 101 19th January 1997 3 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 講座教授 P r o f e s s o r i al A p p o i n t m e n ts 社區及家庭醫學系教育學講座教授 Professor of Education, Department of Community and Family Medicine 大 學 委 任 杜 祖 貽 教 授 爲社 區及家庭醫學系教育學講座教 授,任期由一九九六年十二月一日起生效。杜教授將負責 講授健康教育及策劃有關硏究,在行政上他隸屬社區及家 庭醫學系,職務則由大學校長指定。 杜教授早歲就讀於金文泰中學及聯合書院,六二年赴 美深造西方哲學及教育行政,六三年取得聖路易華盛頓大 學文科碩士學位,六七年於南伊利諾大學杜威硏究中心完 成其關於美國實驗主義民主教育理論的論文而獲頒哲學博 士學位,隨即應聘爲密西根大學助理教授,七六年晉升爲教育學正教授。 杜教授曾於一九七九至八九年出任本校教育學院講座教授兼院長,期間與社區 醫學系唐能教授及該系同人合作設計一項先驅性的硏究,以沙田新區成人人口爲對 象,探討環境、工作、健康與生活質素的關係。杜教授亦曾負責本港傷殘人士及特 殊教育援助法的修訂工作。 杜教授在密西根大學兼任多種行政及科硏任務,並獲海內外不少大學聘爲榮譽 教授。杜教授現爲北京中國高等教育學會理事及英國劍橋大學 Wo l f s o n 學院海外院 士。 杜教授專硏教育與社會科學硏究方法的改進、社會科學科學本質的探討、教 育、哲學與宗教等專題,著述凡百餘種。 Prof. To Cho-yee has been appointed professor of education in the Department of Community and Family Medicine from 1st December 1996. He will lecture and direct research on health education. His other duties are to be prescribed by the vice-chancellor. Prof. To graduated from the United College of Hong Kong in 1959. He then pursued graduate studies in Western philosophy and education administration in the United States, where he obtained his MA from Washington University in St. Louis in 1963 and his Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale in 1967. In the same year, he became assistant professor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and was promoted to professorship in 1976. Prof. To served as professor of education and director of the University's School of Education from 1979 to 1989. During his term at the University, he directed a pioneering research project jointly with Prof. Stuart Donnan and other colleagues in the Department of Community Medicine, focussing on the relation between the environment, work, health risks, and quality of life in the adult population in Sha Tin. Prof. To was then a member of the Rehabilitation Development and Coordinating Committee and was responsible for the revision of the Code of Aid for the handicapped and the provision of special education in Hong Kong. Prof. To has served in various academic and administrative positions at the University of Michigan. He has been awarded honorary professorships and named chairs by many universities in Asia and the United States. He is currently a member of the board of directors of the Higher Education Association of China in Beijing, and an overseas fellow of Wolfson College, University of Cambridge. Prof. To has over a hundred publications, mainly in the areas of education, philosophy, research methodology for the social sciences, and health education. 經濟學講座教授 Professor of Economics 大學委任黃有光教授爲經濟學講座教授,任期由一九 九六年十二月廿三日起生效。 黃教授生於馬來西亞,在南洋大學攻讀經濟學,一九 六六年獲頒商學士學位,繼而負笈澳洲悉尼大學,一九七 一年取得哲學博士學位。 黃教授一九七零年受聘爲澳洲新英格蘭大學經濟學講 師,兩年後晉升爲高級講師;一九七四年轉任蒙納殊大學 經濟學教授,一九八五年升任講座教授。黃教授多年來以 訪問學人或訪問教授身分在世界各地十多所大學和機構講 學和從事硏究工作,包括牛津大學、曼徹斯特大學、香港大學、墨爾本大學、新加 坡國立大學、台灣中央硏究院和世界銀行等。 黃教授一九八一年起成爲澳洲社會科學院院士。 Prof. Yew-Kwang Ng has been appointed professor of economics from 23rd December 1996. Prof. Ng obtained his B.Com. in economics from Nanyang University, Singapore, in 1966, and his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Sydney in 1971. After receiving his doctorate degree, Prof. Ng taught economics at the University of New England in Australia for three years. He then joined Monash University where he was first reader of economics for 11 years, and then personal chair in economics since 1985. Prof. Ng has taught in a visiting capacity at universities the world over. These include the University of Hong Kong, the University of Maryland at College Park, the University of Melbourne, the University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University, La Trobe University, and the World Bank in Washington, D.C. He was also visiting professor and Fulbright Scholar at Tulane University in the US in 1987-88. Prof. Ng has been on the editorial board of numerous journals such as Mathematical Social Sciences, Social Choice and Welfare, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, and Economic Record. His other professional activities include participation in the Programme Committee of the Econometric Society Australasian Meeting in 1985, and the Advisory Board of the Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne, in 1988-89. 職員培訓及發展津貼 R e i m b u r s e m e nt o f S t a f f T r a i n i n g a n d D e v e l o pme nt Expenses 校方現接受職員(非教學)申請發還培訓及發展津貼 (包括進修學費),惟申請津貼之項目以在一九九七年一月或以後舉辦者爲限。同 人如隸屬已獲分配職員進修及訓練預算之單位者,其申請須經所屬學系系主任或直 屬上司送交有關學院院長或部門主管考慮。 如單位未獲分配職員進修及訓練預算,屬下職員的申請須經部門主管書面推 薦,並於一九九七年二月五日(星期三)或以前送交人事處,轉行政事務委員會秘 書譚壽森先生收。所有申請必須於有關項目舉辦前提出,方獲考慮。查詢請電人事 處(內線七二八六或七二二二)。 The University will soon consider requests for reimbursement of staff training and development expenses (including course fees) to non-teaching staff members who will attend training/development programmes which start in or after January 1997. Applications from staff members in departments and units with staff training and development budgets should be forwarded, together with written recommendations by immediate supervisors, to the budget holders concerned for consideration. Applications from non-teaching staff members in units without staff training and development budgets should be forwarded, together with relevant written recommendations of unit heads, to Mr. S. S. Tam, Secretary, Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Office, University Administration Building, on or before Wednesday, 5th February 1997. To be eligible for consideration, applications must be submitted before the training/ development programmes start. Enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286/7222). 教職員人事紀錄 U p d a t i ng o f Pe r s onnel Re c o r ds 同人之個人資料如地址、電話、婚姻/家庭狀況、學歷等倘有更改,請盡早塡 寫特定表格通知人事處,以便修訂大學之人事紀錄及作報稅之用。 又已婚同人在選擇其本身或配偶所享有之各類福利(例如房屋津貼、子女教育 津貼及機票等)事宜如有變更,或其配偶在工作上所獲之福利有所改變,亦請塡寫 特定表格通知人事處。 To facilitate the maintenance of updated personnel records at the University and for Inland Revenue reporting purposes, staff members are requested to notify the Personnel Office on prescribed forms at the earliest possible opportunity if they have changed their address, telephone number, marital status or family size, or acquired additional qualifications. Married appointees are also reminded to notify the Personnel Office on prescribed forms if they would like to change their options in respect of benefits such as housing, education allowance, and passages, or if there are any changes in their spouses' entitlement to such benefits provided by the latters' employers. 師生中心歲晚新春開放時間 B F C a n d J F C Closed D u r i n g Ch i nese N e w Y e a r H o l i d a ys 范克廉樓及富爾敦樓將於二月五日(星期三,即丙子年年廿八)下午五時關 閉,並分別於二月十日(星期一,丁丑年正月初四)上午七時半及八時重開;各商 業服務單位歲晚及農曆新年之營業時間如下: 暫停營業 恢復營業 范克廉樓 大膳堂 咖啡閣 二月五日(年廿八)晚上九時 二月五日(年廿八)下午五時 二月十日(年初四)上午七時半 二月十日(年初四)上午八時 快餐店 二月五日(年廿八)下午六時 二月十日(年初四)上午八時 富爾敦樓 銀行 二月五日(年廿八)下午四時半 二月十日(年初四)上午九時 美容院及理髮店 二月六日(年廿九)下午六時 二月十四日(年初八)上午九時 大學書店 二月五日(年廿八)下午五時 二月十日(年初四)上午九時 超級市場 二月六日(年廿九)晚上八時 二月九日(年初三)上午八時半 大學紀念品銷售處 二月五日(年廿八)下午五時 二月十日(年初四)上午九時 The Benjamin Franklin Centre (BFC) and the John Fulton Centre (JFC) will be closed at 5 .00 p.m. on 5th February and reopened at 7.30 a.m. and 8.00 a.m. respectively on 10th February. Details of the closing and reopening hours of various service units are as follows: To be closed at To reopen at BFC Canteen 9.00 p.m. (5th Feb.) 7.30 a.m. (10th Feb.) Coffee Shop 5.00 p.m. (5th Feb.) 8.00 a.m. (10th Feb.) Fast Food Shop 6.00 p.m. (5th Feb.) 8.00 a.m. (10th Feb.) JFC Bank 4.30 p.m. (5th Feb.) 9.00 a.m. (10th Feb.) Beauty Parlour 6.00 p.m. (6th Feb.) 9.00 a.m. (14th Feb.) Book Store 5.00 p.m. (5th Feb.) 9.00 a.m. (10th Feb.) Supermarket 8.00 p.m. (6th Feb.) 8.30 a.m. (9th Feb.) Souvenir Counter 5.00 p.m. (5th Feb.) 9.00 a.m. (10th Feb.)