Newsletter No. 103

CUHK Newsletter 2 No. 103 4th March 1997 World- Renowned Economist Visits Chung Chi P rof. Lawrence J. Lau visited Chung Chi College as the Siu Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow 1996-97 from 16th to 22nd February 1997. The first Kwoh-Ting L i Professor of Economic Development at Stanford University, Prof. Lau specializes in economic theory, economic development, econometrics, agricultural economics, industrial economics, and the economics of East Asia. Prof. Lau gave several talks to staff and students of the University during his visit on such topics as 'The Sources of East Asian Economic Growth' and 'How the East Grew Rich'. He also spoke at the College's 45th Anniversary Public Seminar held on 21st February at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. He was joined by Mr. Joseph Pang, executive director and deputy chief executive of the Bank of East Asia, and Mr. Eddie Wang, assistant general manager and chief executive officer, China, of Hong Kong Bank. On 22nd February, Prof. Lau participated in the College's annual education conference. The theme this year was 'Hong Kong's Stability and Prosperity in the Coming Decade'. The other participants from the University were Prof. Lau Siu- kai and Prof. Mun Kin-chok. Born in China, Prof. Lau received his BS degree in physics and economics from Stanford University, and his MA and Ph.D. in economics from the University of California at Berkeley. He joined the Department of Economics at Stanford in 1966, and has been teaching there since. Prof. Lau has served as a consultant for the US Department of Energy, the US Department of State, the Federal Reserve Board, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the RAND Corporation. Engineering Facul ty Gr adua te Open Day T h e Faculty of Engineering introduced its M.Sc., M.Phil., and Ph.D. programmes to the public on an open day held from 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on 1st February at the Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building. On that day, visitors were able to talk to teachers and graduate students of the Faculty about the individual programmes, the research expertise of the five engineering departments, their future developments, as well as application procedures for admission and financial aid. There were also live demonstrations in laboratories. Faculty of Medicine Cultivates Taiwan Links A delegation from the Faculty of Medicine visited medical education institutions in Taiwan from 20th to 25th January to strengthen academic links and to acquaint themselves with the new medical developments and the health care system in Taiwan. The delegation, headed by faculty dean Prof. Joseph Lee, visited the College of Medicine of National Taiwan University and its College of Public Health, National Yang-Ming (Medical) University, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, China Medical College, the National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, and the International MEDLARS Centre. New Teaching Centre f or Family Medicine Opens A new teaching centre of the Department of Community and Family Medicine was officially opened on 29th January. Housed in Tsuen Wan Yan Chai Hospital, the centre is affiliated w i th the General Practice Clinic of Yan Chai Hospital and w i l l provide professional training in family medicine for medical students of the University. The Department of Community and Family Medicine will also conduct medical research at the clinic, the results of which will serve as references for service evaluation and the future development of the hospital. Budding Scholars from Korea Share Views on Reuni f icat ion S even undergraduate students f r om Kangwon National University (KNU), Korea, visited United College from 11th to 18th February as part of the Budding Scholars Exchange Programme j o i n t ly organized by the College and KNU. At a public seminar entitled 'How Would Young People Harmonize After Reunification in Korea and Hong Kong', they presented their research findings on the Korean situation, while Prof. Byron Weng of the Department of Government and Public Administration at the University spoke on 'The Significance and Feasibility of One Country, Two Systems'.