Newsletter No. 105

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 CUHK Newsletter No. 105 4th April 1997 4 Persona l ia •人 事 動 態• Per sona l ia •人 事 動 態• Personalia •人 事 動 態• Persona l ia •人 事 動 態• Per sona l ia •人 事 動態 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 偉倫訪問教授公開講座 Wei Lun Lecture Series 美國猶他大學物理學講座敎授 Prof. Daniel C. Mattis本 月應邀出任本校偉倫訪問敎授,並於四月九日下午五時, 假邵逸夫夫人樓 LT6 演講廳主持公開講座,講題爲「磁學 ——從指南針到高溫超導」。歡迎出席。 Prof. Daniel C. Mattis, professor of physics from the University of Utah, will deliver a public lecture in his capacity as Wei Lun Visiting Professor to the University. The lecture, entitled 'Magnetism, from Compass to High-temperature Superconductivity', will take place at 5.00 p.m on 9th April 1997 in Lecture Theatre 6, Lady Shaw Building. 翻譯理論研討會 Seminar on Translation Theory 翻譯系與逸夫書院將於本月九日假逸夫書院大講堂舉 行翻譯理論硏討會。翻譯界知名學者Prof. Peter Newmark、 Dr. Eugene A. Nida 和 Prof. Wolfram Wilss 將會出席及發表 演講,講題分別爲「爲甚麼要有翻譯理論?要怎麼樣的翻 譯理論?」,「翻譯理論的流派」和「語境、文化、補償方 法——翻譯的三種基本取向」。 硏討會開幕禮由李國章校長主持,會議分爲演講與討 論兩部分:演講由上午九時開始;討論則於下午二時三十 分開始。歡迎出席。 Three prominent translation theorists will be giving public lectures at a seminar on translation theory organized by the Department ofTranslation and Shaw College on 9th April 1997. Prof. Peter Newmark will speak on 'Why Translation Theory? What Translation Theory?', Dr. Eugene A. Nida on Theories of Translations', and Prof. Wolfram Wilss's speech is entitled 'Context, Culture, Compensation: Three Basic Orientations in Translation'. The public lectures will be followed by a forum held at 2.30 p.m on the same day. The seminar is held to provide an international platform for scholars and practitioners in the field of translation theory. Al are welcome. 立教大學研究獎勵計劃 Rikkyo University Research Fellowship Programme 1998-99 日本立敎大學現接受九八至九九年度硏究獎勵計劃之 申請。該計劃旨在促進人文、社會或自然科學之硏究及學 術交流。獲獎者可與立敎大學敎師開展合作硏究。 獲獎者可得來回東京經濟客位機票,以及每月之生 活、房屋及硏究津貼廿六萬至卅五萬五千日元,並得於九 八年四月一日至九九年三月卅一日期內開展爲期三至八個 月之硏究。 申請者須爲敎授、副敎授、助理敎授、講師或導師, 並於一九九八年四月一日時年齡爲四十五歲或以下。 索取申請表格或查詢詳情可致電人事處(內線七二八 六)。申請表格須於一九九七年六月三十日前寄回立敎大 學。 Academic staff of the University can now apply for financial support to conduct research at Rikkyo University, Japan, in the 1998-99 academic year. The Rikkyo University Research Fellowship Programme aims at encouraging academic exchange and research in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Successful candidates can conduct research in collaboration with academic staff of Rikkyo University for three to eight months from 1 st April 1998 to 31st March 1999. The fellowship includes economy class airfare to and from Tokyo, and a monthly stipend of ¥260,000 to ¥355,000. Applicants should be full-time professors, associate or assistant professors, lecturers, or instructors, who are aged 45 or below as of 1st April 1998. All applications should reach Rikkyo University by 30th June 1997. Application forms and details of the programme may be obtained from the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286) 教職員人事紀錄 Updating of Personnel Records 各同事之個人資料如地址、電話、婚姻/家庭狀況、 學歷等倘有更改,請盡早塡寫特定表格通知人事處,以便 修訂大學之人事紀錄及作報稅之用。 又已婚同事在選擇其本身或配偶所享有之各類福利 (例如房屋津貼、子女敎育津貼及機票等)事宜如有變更, 或其配偶在工作上所獲之福利有所改變,亦請塡寫特定表 格通知人事處。 To facilitate the maintenance of updated personnel records at the University and for Inland Revenue reporting purposes, staff members are requested to notify the Personnel Office on prescribed forms at the earliest possible opportunity if they have changed their address, telephone number, marital status or family size, or acquired additional qualifications. Married appointees are also reminded to notify the Personnel Office on prescribed forms if they would like to change their options in respect of benefits such as housing, education allowance, and passages, or if there are any changes in their spouses' entitlement to such benefits provided by the latters' employers. 中大通訊 CUHK NEWSLETTER 1.本刊逢四日及十九日出版。 2.來函或投稿請寄沙田香港中文大學秘書處出版事務處《中大通訊》 編輯部(電話2609 7297,圖文傳眞2603 6864,電子郵遞 ) 。 3.投稿者須附眞實姓名、地址及聯絡電話,文章則可用筆名發表。 4.本刊編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿,不欲稿件被刪者請預先聲 明。 5.本刊所載文章只反映作者之觀點和意見,並不代表校方或本刊立場。 6.本刊內容未經編者書面准許,不得轉載。 7.本刊每期發行三千八百份,免費供校內教職員索閱,部分郵寄本地教 育機構及與大學有關人士。私人索閱,請致函本刊查詢。 1. The Newsletter is published on the 4th and 19th of each month. 2. Al contributions and suggestions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, Publication Office, University Secretariat, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 7297; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail p 3. Contributions should bear the writer's name and contact telephone number, and may be published under pseudonyms. No anonymous letters will be published. 4. The Editor reserves the right to reject contributions and to edit al articles for reasons of clarity, length or grammar. Those who do not want to have their articles amended should indicate clearly in writing. 5. The views expressed in the CUHK Newsletter are those of the authors, and are not necessarily those of the University or the Editor. 6. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 7. This publication has a circulation of 3,800 and is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK. Copies are also sent to local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Those who wish to be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct. 截 稿 日 期 Deadlines for Contributions 期數 Issue no. 出版日期 Issue dale 截稿日期 Deadline for contributions 106 19.4.97 2.4.97 107 4.5.97 16.4.97 108 19.5.97 2.5.97 109 4.6.97 16.5.97 110 19.6.97 29.5.97 香港中文大學出版事務處出版 編輯:梁其汝 助理編輯:李琪 蔡世彬 陳偉珠 製作: 黎寶翠 林綺媚 Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor: Amy K. Y. Leung Assistant Editors: Lawrence Choi, Piera Chen, Shalini Bahadur Graphic Designers: Stella P. C. Lai, Ada Y. M. Lam 印刷:鮑思高印刷有限公司 Printing: Don Bosco Printing Co. Ltd.