Newsletter Summer Supplement (1997)

藝術 Fine Arts 李潤桓敎授 Prof. Lee Yun Woon 歷史 History 陳學霖敎授 Prof. Chan Hok Lam 日本硏究 Japanese Studies 李活雄敎授 Prof. Lee Wood Hung 音樂 Music 陳永華敎授 Prof. Chan Wing Wah 哲學 Philosophy 石元康敎授 Prof. Shih Yuan Kang 宗敎 Religion 歐大年敎授(署理) Prof. D. L. Overmyer (Acting) 翻譯 Translation 金聖華敎授 Prof. Serena S. H. Jin 工商管理學院 Faculty of Business Administration 會計學院 School of Accountancy 何順文敎授(院長 )Prof. Simon S. M. Ho (Director) 決策科學與企業經濟學 Decision 俞肇熊敎授 Prof. Eden Yu Sciences & Managerial Economics 財務學 Finance 史怡中敎授 Prof. Elbert Y. C. Shih 國際企業學 International Business 劉可復敎授 Prof. Lau Ho Fuk 管理學 Management 劉忠明敎授 Prof. Lau Chung Ming 市場學 Marketing 董何淑貞敎授 Prof. S. C. Ho Tung 敎育學院 Faculty of Education 課程與敎學 Curriculum & 鍾財文敎授 Prof. Chung Choi Man Instruction 敎育行政與政策 Educational 陳若敏敎授 Prof. Benjamin Chan Administration & Policy 敎育心理學 Educational 侯傑泰敎授 Prof. Hau Kit Tai Psychology 體育運動科學 Sports Science & 陳展鳴敎授(署理) Prof. Roy C. M. Chan (Acting) Physical Education 工程學院 Faculty of Engineering 計算機科學與工程學 Computer 吳錦榮敎授 Prof. Ng Kam Wing Science & Engineering 電子工程學 Electronic Engineering 程伯中敎授 Prof. P. C. Ching 訊息工程學 Information 黃永成敎授 Prof. Wong Wing Shing Engineering 機械與自動化工程學 Mechanical 徐揚生敎授 Prof. Xu Yangsheng & Automation Engineering 系統工程與工程管理學 Systems 蔡小強敎授 Prof. Cai Xiaoqiang Engineering & Engineering Mgt. 醫學院 Faculty of Medicine 麻醉及深切治療學 Anaesthesia & 胡德佑敎授 Prof. T. E. Oh Intensive Care 病理解剖及細胞學 Anatomical & 李 川軍 敎授 Prof. Joseph C. K. Lee Cellular Pathology 解剖學 Anatomy 高瑞齡敎授 Prof. J. A. Gosling 生物化學 Biochemistry 李卓予敎授 Prof. Lee Cheuk Yu 化學病理學 Chemical Pathology 楊孟思敎授 Prof. N. Magnus Hjelm 腫瘤學 Clinical Oncology 莊立信敎授 Prof. P. J. Johnson 社區及家庭醫學 Community & 李紹鴻敎授 Prof. S. H. Lee Family Medicine 放射診斷學 Diagnostic Radiology 麥志偉敎授 Prof. C. Metreweli & Organ Imaging 內科及藥物治療學 Medicine & 胡令芳敎授 Prof. Jean Woo Therapeutics 微生物學 Microbiology 鄭勳斌敎授 Prof. Augustine F. B. Cheng 護理學 Nursing 麥建思敎授 Prof. Ann E. Mackenzie 婦產科 Obstetrics & Gynaecology 張明仁敎授 Prof. Allan M. Z. Chang 眼科及視覺科學 Ophthalmology 曹安民敎授 Prof. Mark O. M. Tso & Visual Sciences 矯形外科及創傷學 Orthopaedics 鄭振耀敎授 Prof. Jack C. Y. Cheng & Traumatology 兒科 Paediatrics 霍泰輝敎授 Prof. T. F. Fok 藥理學 Pharmacology 鍾思樸敎授 Prof. R. L. Jones 藥劑學 Pharmacy 李明德敎授(署理 )Prof. Kenneth Raymond (Acting) 生理學 Physiology 譚兆祥敎授(署理 ) Prof. Michael S. C. Tam(Acting) 精神科 Psychiatry 趙鳳琴敎授 Prof. Helen F. K. Chiu 外科 Surgery 劉允怡敎授 Prof. Joseph W. Y. Lau 理學院 Faculty of Science 生物化學 Biochemistry 李卓予敎授 Prof. Lee Cheuk Yu 生物 Biology 辛世文敎授 Prof. Samuel S. M. Sun 化學 Chemistry 歐陽植勳敎授(署理) Prof. Steve C. F. Au Yeung (Acting) 數學 Mathematics 劉家成敎授 Prof. Lau Ka Sing 物理 Physics 賴漢明敎授 Prof. Lai Hon Ming 統計學 Statistics 林埜敎授 P r o f . Lam Yeh 社會科學院 Faculty of Social Science 人類學 Anthropology 吳燕和敎授 Prof. David Y. H. Wu 建築學 Architecture 李燦輝敎授 Prof. Tunney F. Lee 經濟學 Economics 宋恩榮敎授 Prof. Sung Yun Wing 地理 Geography 林建枝敎授 Prof. Lam Kin Che 政治與行政學 Government & 翁松燃敎授 Prof. Byron S. J. Weng Public Administration 新聞與傳播學 Journalism & 陳文敎授 P r o f . Joseph M. Chan Communication 心理學 Psychology 梁 覺 敎 授 Prof. Leung Kwok 社會工作 Social Work 林孟秋敎授 Prof. Lam Mong Chow 社會學 Sociology 劉兆佳敎授 Prof. Lau Siu Kai 另,學科及單位主任,以及委員會主席之名單如下: The following have been appointed as directors/directors of studies/committee chairs for the 1997-98 academic year: 歐洲語文學科委員會 Dr. JosefD. Hillenbrand Committee on European Languages 英語敎學單位 English Language 江琼娟敎授(署理 ) Prof. Gwendolyn Gong (Acting) Teaching Unit 商學硏究學科 Graduate Studies 羅文鈺敎授 Prof. Japhet Law in Business 商學本科 Undergraduate Studies 陳志輝敎授 Prof. C. F. Chan in Business 體育部 Physical Education Unit 韓桂瑜女士 Miss Hon Kwai Yue 敎育(學術課程) 陳若敏敎授 Prof. Benjamin Chan Education (Academic Programmes) 敎育(專業課程) 鍾財文敎授 Prof. Chung Choi Man Education (Professional Programmes) 環境科學 Environmental Science 余濟美敎授 Prof. Jimmy Yu 食品及營養科學 Food & 曾守焯敎授 Prof. David S. C. Tsang Nutritional Sciences 通識敎育 General Education 何秀煌敎授 Prof. Ho Hsiu Hwang 研究資助九千萬元 RGC Research Grants for 1997-98 本校是年度獲香港硏究資助局撥款九千零二十三萬餘港元,支持逾二百項硏究計 劃。 香港硏究資助局一九九七至九八年度之硏究撥款共四億二千三百萬元,其中七千 五百萬元以直接資助形式撥給各院校開展成本少於二十萬元的硏究計劃,中大獲得一千 七百九十萬元。 資助局預留二千四百萬元供中央分配用途,以資助集體硏究計劃及加強院校之科 硏設施,餘下三億二千四百萬元則依遴選方式撥給各院校。本校共有一百三十二項硏究 計畫取得撥款,資助金額共達七千二百三十三萬餘元,獲資助之硏究範圍包括生物及醫 學(四十五項)、工程學(四十項)、自然科學(十八項)和人文學、社會科學及商科 (廿九項)。獲資助項目詳情容後公布。 A total of 132 research proposals submitted by academic and research staffof the University have succeeded in obtaining earmarked grants totalling HK$72,331,980 from the Research Grants Council (RGC) this year. Last year's figures were 108 projects and HK$64,903,000. The University also received a direct grant of $17.9 million to finance small projects. For 1997-98, the government has made available $423 million to eight UGC-funded tertiary institutions for research purposes: $75 million for direct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects; $24 million to support new initiatives aimed at encouraging group research and strengthening the research base of these institutions; and $324 million for selected research proposals submitted by the academic and research personnel in the institutions. The 132 CUHK projects selected for support fall into four subject disciplines: biology and medicine (45); engineering (40); physical sciences (18); and the humanities, social sciences and business studies (29). Details of these projects will be announced later. 敎職員人事紀錄 Updating of Personnel Records 各同事之個人資料如地址、電話、婚姻/家庭狀況、學歷等倘有更改,請盡早塡寫 特定表格,並於適用時附上有關文件正本,通知人事處,以便修訂大學之人事紀錄及作 報稅之用。 又已婚同事在選擇其本身或配偶所享有之各類福利(例如房屋津貼、子女敎育津 貼及機票等)事宜如有變更,或其配偶在工作上所獲之福利有所改變,亦請塡寫特定表 格通知人事處。 To facilitate the maintenance of updated personnel records at the University and for inland revenue reporting purposes, staff members are requested to notify the Personnel Office on prescribed forms at the earliest possible opportunity if they have changed their address, telephone number, marital status or family size, or acquired additional qualifications. Where applicable, the originals or certified true copies of relevant documents should be enclosed. Married appointees are also reminded to notify the Personnel Office on prescribed forms if they would like to change their options in respect of benefits such as housing, education allowance, and passages, or if there are any changes in their spouses' entitlement to such benefits provided by the latters' employers. 非敎學職員培訓及發展津貼 Reimbursement of Staff Training and Development Expenses to Non-teaching Staff 大學現接受非敎學職員(隸屬於未獲分配職員訓練及發展預算的單位者)申請進修 津貼,參加實用講座、工作坊及訓練課程。惟申請津貼之項目,以在一九九七年九月或 以後舉辦者爲限。 2 暑期特刊 一九九七年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 1997 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter