Newsletter No. 112

CUHK Newsletter No. 112 19th September 1997 4 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointments 材料科學講座敎授 Professor of Materials Science 大學委任劉煥明敎授爲物理系材料科學講座敎授, 任期由一九九七年八月十五日起生效。 劉敎授爲本校化學系校友,一九七六年取得理學士 學位,兩年後負笈加拿大卑詩省大學,八二年獲授哲學 博士學位,隨而留校當博士後硏究員。一九八三年轉往 西安大略大學擔任硏究工作,九三年轉任材料工程學系 副敎授;加入中大服務前,爲西安大略大學機械及材料 工程學系正敎授及物理系兼任敎授。 劉敎授爲安大略專業工程 師會特許專業工程師,並爲中 國多所大學和硏究所的榮譽敎 授。他有兩項製造鑽石薄膜的 技術取得美國專利權。 Prof. Leo W.M. Lau has been appointed professor of materials science from 15th August 1997. Prof. Lau obtained his BSc in chemistry from The Chinese University in 1976, and his PhD from the University of British Columbia in 1982. He spent another year at the UBC before acquiring a PDF in electrical engineering. For the next ten years, Prof. Lau worked as a research scientist of Surface Science Western at the University of Western Ontario, becoming leader of its electronic materials research programme in 1986. Before joining the University, Prof. Lau was a professor at the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at the University of Western Ontario. Prof. Lau's fields of specialization include industrial liaison/consultation, polymer surface engineering, process development for electronic device fabrication, and diamond thin films and other hard-coatings. 翻譯學講座敎授 Professor of Translation 大學委任金聖華敎授爲翻譯學講座敎授,任期由一 九九七年十月一日起生效。 金敎授一九六二年取得崇基學院統一文憑,一年後 赴美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學進修,一九六五年獲授文科 碩士。她於一九八三年取得巴黎索邦大學博士學位。 金敎授一九六八年獲聘任爲崇基學院哲學系副講 師,兩年後轉任英文系翻譯學副講師’七二年任翻譯系 副講師,先後於七六、八六及九一年晉升爲講師、高級 講師和敎授,現爲翻譯系系主 任和硏究院翻譯學部主任。 金敎授爲英國語言學家學 會和香港翻譯學會會員。 Prof. Serena Jin Sheng-hwa has been appointed professor of translation from 1st October 1997. Prof. Jin completed her undergraduate studies in English literature at Chung Chi College before pursuing graduate studies at Washington University, where she received an MA in 1965. In 1979 , Prof. Jin embarked on doctoral studies at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, receiving her doctorat de 3 Cycle en Litt é rature et Civilisation Fran ç aises in 1983. The bulk of Prof. Jin's teaching has been at The Chinese University. She first taught at the Department of Philosophy and the Department of English at Chung Chi College, and has had a long and close association with the Department of Translation at New Asia College since 1972. She became senior lecturer of the University's Department of Translation in 1986, and reader in 1991. She is currently chair of the Department of Translation, and head of the Division of Translation of the Graduate School. Prof. Jin is member of the Hong Kong Translation Society, and a fellow of the Institute of Linguists in London. 財務學講座敎授 Professor of Finance 大學委任郎咸平敎授爲財務學講座敎授,任期由一 九九七年十月一日起生效。 郎敎授在台灣就讀經濟學,分別於一九七八和八零 年獲授東海大學文學士學位和台灣大學文科碩士學位, 其後赴美深造財務學,先後於八五及八六年取得賓夕法 尼亞大學文碩士和哲學博士學位。 畢業後,郎敎授獲原校聘任爲財務學講師,八七年 轉任密西根州立大學助理敎授,八八年出任俄亥俄州立 大學訪問助理敎授,八九年起任紐約大學斯特恩商學院 助理敎授,四年後晉升爲副敎 授。郎敎授於一九九四年加入 本校服務,任財務學系敎授。 郎敎授爲多份學術書刊之 編輯或副編輯。 Prof. Larry H.P. Lang has been appointed professor of finance from 1st October 1997. Prof. Lang received his BA in economics from Tunghai University in Taiwan in 1978, his MA in economics from Taiwan University in 1980, and his MA and PhD in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Prof. Lang has taught finance at many universities in the US, including the University of Pennsylvania (1986- 87), Michigan State University (1987-88), Ohio State University (1988-89 ), and New York University (1989- 93). He joined The Chinese University as reader in finance in 1994. Prof. Lang's research interests include insider trading activities and regulations, agency issues in dividends, capital structure and corporate takeovers, and corporate bankruptcies and restructuring. He is also on the editorial board of many business and finance journals. 一九九八至九九年度教職員進修資助計劃 Staff Development Grants/Programmes 1998-99 由大學管理之關祖堯敎職員發展基金及利希慎敎職 員發展基金,以及由日本國際交流基金會舉辦之日本國 際交流基金會硏究資助計劃、圖書管理員日本語硏究資 助計劃及硏究員日本語硏究資助計劃現正接受申請。有 關詳情已於九月初送呈各學院院長、系主任及部門主 管,供有意申請之敎職員索閱。此外,同人亦可透過人 事處之網頁(網址: 查 閱有關資料。所有申請須於一九九七年十月十一日前送 交人事處。 另供參考之進修資助計劃資料包括: (一)英聯邦大學協會發展獎學金 (二)日本聖公會威廉斯會督紀念基金「訪問硏究員/ 培訓學員」計劃 (三)費美臣東亞硏究基金 個別計劃之詳情將於接受公開申請時分發各單位。 查詢請電人事處(內線七二八六或七二八八)。 Applications are now invited for two University- administered programmes — the C .Y. Kwan Endowment Fund for Staff Development and the Lee Hysan Foundation Endowment Fund for Staff Development, as well as three programmes offered by The Japan Foundation 一 The Japan Foundation Fellowship Programme, the Japanese- Language Programme for Librarians, and the Japanese- Language Programme for Researchers. Those interested may consult their department chairs, unit heads, or faculty deans, who should have received information on these programmes earlier this month. On-line information is also available at the following website: personnel/. Applications should reach the Personnel Office on or before 11th October 1997. Brief information on the following three external staff development grants/programmes has also been sent to various units: 1. ACU Development Fellowships 2. Bishop Williams Memorial Fund Visiting Researcher/Trainee Programme 3. Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies Separate circulars will be issued to departments/units once such programmes start to invite applications. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286/7288). 學生工讀計劃 Student Campus Work Scheme 1997-98 一九九七至九八年度學生工讀計劃基金現已接受申 請。該計劃讓需要經濟援助的學生利用課餘時閲協助敎 職員進行硏究或處理其他工作,獲取薪酬(本科生和硏 究生工資皆爲每小時五十元)。 工作性質規定爲:(一)協助大學敎員從事硏究工 作,(二)協助各行政單位在繁忙期間的工作,或(三)其 他獲工讀計劃委員會批准之工作。 大學同人可向學生事務處索取申請表格,塡妥後寄 回范克廉樓一樓學生事務處,截止申請日期爲十月三日。 所有撥款只可用作支付本校工讀生薪酬,並須於一 九九八年九月三十日前全數支付。獲資助之敎職員須於 一九九八年十月卅一日前擬就報告,經學生事務處轉呈 有關捐助機構。 Applications for grants under the Student Campus Work Scheme are now invited from all academic and administrative staff of the University. The aim of the scheme is to help students in need by providing opportunities for paid campus work, in the form of assistance to academics in their research projects, or assistance to administrators in short-term projects requiring a large task force, or any assignment approved by the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme. Application forms are obtainable from the Office of Student Affairs at 1/F, Benjamin Franklin Centre, and should be returned to the same office by 3rd October 1997. The remuneration rate is HK $50 per hour for both undergraduate and graduate students. Approved funds should only be used as remuneration for students of the University, and should be expended in full before 30th September 1998. Successful applicants will be requested to send reports of their projects to the Office of Students Affairs by 31st October 1998 for the information of the donors to the scheme. 語文自學中心延長開放時間 Longer Opening Hours and Better Services at ILC 語文自學中心從本月起延長開放時間如下: 星期一至五 上午九時半至晚上九時 星期六 上午九時半至下午一時 中文部在九月十九及廿四日,以及十月九及十六日 晚上增設「商貿專業普通話」講座,前兩講敎授詞匯,後 兩講敎授會話。名額有限,請速到語文自學中心報名, 先到先得。 該中心尙舉辦多種講座和活動,詳情及報名方法請 參閱《語文自學中心通訊》。 The Independent Learning Centre (ILC) is fine-tuning its services to better cater to clients' needs. Having acquired additional staff, its opening hours have been extended (9.30 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. on weekdays and 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on Saturday). The ILC has also acquired new CD-ROMs and linked up to new websites on the Internet. It continues to organize workshops on academic writing, oral presentation skills, thesis writing, and independent learning for students at the request of different departments. It will also participate in the new Intensive English Programme for first year students and provide more flexible, self-paced programmes to help students improve their English.