Newsletter No. 127
4 No. 127 19th May 1998 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 收費及免費暑期校車服務 Fee-Charging & Non-Fee-Charging Bus Service for Staff in Summer 交通組提醒大學同人,由一九九二年起,所有校內穿梭校車之乘客,包括學生、教職 員及其家屬等,在下列日期內乘搭穿梭校車時,每次必須繳交面値一元之乘車券: (一)星期日及公眾假期; (二)每年六、七、八月(選科及註冊日除外)。 乘車券每本十張,費用十元,在交通組發售。 而校方爲方便教職員上下班,由六月一日至八月卅—日期間,提供不收費之教職員專 用班車服務,每班一車次,按下述時間路線行駛: 上行線 星期一至六(兩班次) 上午八時三十分及八時四十分 由嶺南體育館開出,往新亞書院。中途停大學體育中 心、潤昌堂、梁銶琚樓及聯合書院。 下行線 星期一至五(兩班次) 下午五時零五分及五時二十分 星期六(一班次) 下午十二時四十五分 由新亞書院開出,往火車站。中途停聯合書院、大學 行政樓及大學體育中心。 查詢請致電交通組(內線七九九零或七九九二)。 Passengers of the University shuttle buses have, since 1992, been required to tender one-dollar coupons on Sundays, public holidays, and all days in June, July, and August except course selection and registration days. Such coupons come in books of 10 and may be purchased from the Transport Unit. The University also provides a non-fee-charging bus service during the months of June, July, and August (except on Sundays and public holidays) for staff members taking the train. The bus schedule from 1st June to 31st August 1998 is as follows: Up Route Monday to Saturday at 8.30 a.m. and 8.40 a.m. (two trips per day) Lingnan Stadium → CU Sports Centre → Y.C. Liang Hall →K.K. Leung Building → United College→New Asia College Down Route Monday to Friday at 5.05 p.m. and 5.20 p.m. (two trips per day) Saturday at 12.45 p.m. (one trip per day) New Asia College→ United College →University Administration Building→CU Sports Centre→ University train station Enquiries can be directed to the Transport Unit (Ext. 7990 or 7992). 教職員上下班校車夏季收費 Staff Bus Air-Conditioning Charges during Summer 由六月一日至九月三十日期間,所有教職員上下班校車將增設空調。港島線乘客每月 須另繳空調附加費一百零五元,九龍及新界線則爲九十五元,槪由薪金中扣除。 港島線散票乘客的車費連空調附加費爲每程十九元,九龍及新界線則爲十五元五角。 九龍及新界線月票乘客轉乘港島各線,每程均須補票四元五角。車票可在交通組購買。 From 1st June 1998 to 30th September 1998, air-conditioning charges will apply to all passengers on the staff buses. The charges per person are as follows: 路線 Route 基本月費 Basic monthly charges 空調附加費 Air-conditioning charges 總費用 Total charges 散票 Casual rider (per coupon) 3 紅磡 Hunghom $275 $95 $370 $15.5 4 觀塘 Kwun Tong $275 $95 $370 $15.5 7 美孚 Mei Foo $275 $95 $370 $15.5 8 北角 North Point $450 $105 $555 $19.0 9 薄扶林 Pokfulam $450 $105 $555 $19.0 10 西灣河 Sai Wan Ho $450 $105 $555 $19.0 15A 荃灣 A Tsuen Wan A $275 $95 $370 $15.5 15B 荃灣 B Tsuen Wan B $275 $95 $370 $15.5 The additional charge to transfer from a Kowloon/N.T. route to a Hong Kong route remains at $4.50 per passenger per ride. 膳堂維修 Canteens Closed for Annual Maintenance 下列膳堂將於暑期開展維修工程,暫停開放。 范克廉樓 維修日期 咖啡閣 五月十五至廿五日 學生及教職員膳堂 五月廿五日至六月十日 地庫快餐店 六月十一至廿五日 基本醫學大樓小吃店 六月十五至廿五日 大學賓館 八月十至十五日 崇基眾志堂 六月一至三十日 崇基教職員聯誼會 七月五至十六日 新亞教職員及學生膳堂、雲起軒 五月十六日至六月十三日 逸夫教職員及學生膳堂 五月三十日至六月十一日 The following canteens on campus will be closed for renovation during the following periods: BFC Coffee Shop 15th to 25th May BFC Staff and Student Canteens 25th May to 10th June BFC Fast Food Shop (Swimming Pool) 11th to 25th June Basic Medical Sciences Building Canteen 15th to 25th June New Asia College (Staff, Student Canteens, and Yun Chi Hsien) 16th May to 13th June Shaw College Canteens 30th May to 11th June Chung Chi Tang 1st to 30th June Chung Chi College Staff Club 5th to 16th July University Guest House 10th to 15th August 逸夫書院餐廳更改營業時間 New Business Hours for Shaw College Canteens 由七月二日(星期四)起,逸夫書院餐廳的營業時間更改如下: 星期一至六 星期日 教職員餐廳 中午十二時至下午三時及 休息 下午六時至晚上九時 學生飯堂 上午七時三十分至晚上九時 休息 From 2nd July, the business hours of the Shaw College canteens will be revised as follows: Staff Dining Room Monday to Saturday noon - 3.00 p.m. and 6.00 - 9.00 p.m. Student Canteen Monday to Saturday 7.30 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. Both canteens will be closed on Sundays. 牙科服務調整收費 Revision of Dental Charges 大學保健處決定由一九九八年四月一日起,提高各項牙科服務收費,每服務單位增加 一至三元不等,詳情如下: 新收費(每服務單位) 甲類服務條款僱員及其直系親屬 四十八元 乙類服務條款僱員及其直系親屬 三十二元 丙類服務條款僱員及其直系親屬 十六元 學生 十六元 查詢請電牙科部(內線六四一二)。 From 1st April 1998, the unit charges for dental and prosthodontic services at the University Health Service for University staff on Terms of Service (A), (B), and (C), and students have been adjusted as follows: Revised charges (per unit) Staff on Terms of Service (A) and eligible family members $48 Staff on Terms of Service (B) and eligible family members $32 Staff on Terms of Service (C) and eligible family members $16 Students $16 For further information, please contact the dental clinic at Ext. 6412. 產前講座 保健處特爲懷孕及準備製造小生命的教職員和家屬舉辦爲期兩天的產前講座,以粵語 介紹分娩護理常識、產前產後運動、營養和餵哺母乳須知等。 該講座將於六月十一及十二日下午二至五時,在大學保健中心會議室舉行,費用全 免,名額有限。有意出席者請致電內線六四一六索取報名表格。 逸夫書院招聘宿舍導師 Shaw College Seeks Resident Tutors 逸夫書院現招聘一九九八至九九年度學生宿舍男女導師,歡迎大學全職教職員申請。 申請人須爲大學畢業生。 導師的職責爲協助舍監處理宿舍事務及促進宿舍生活。獲委任者必須於宿舍居住,住 宿免費,惟並無其他津貼。 申請者請致函逸夫書院學生輔導處左冠輝先生,截止日期爲一九九八年六月十日。查 詢請電內線七三五八。 Shaw College is looking for outgoing young people to serve as resident tutors in its student hostels for the 1998-99 academic year. The appointees must be full-time, degree-holding University employees. The major duty of a resident tutor is to assist the hostel wardens to manage the hostel and promote hostel life. As this is a concurrent appointment, no allowance of any kind apart from free lodging will be granted. Application letters should be addressed to Mr. K.E Chor, who can also be reached at Ext. 7358. The deadline for application is 10th June 1998. IMS Management Board Composition The composition of the Board of Management of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS) has recently been revised as follows: Chairman: Prof. Kenneth Young Members: Directors of IMS Prof. C.N. Yang Prof. S.T. Yau
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