Newsletter No. 130

宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 No. 130 4th September 1998 CUHK Newsletter 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任華雲生教授為計 算機科學與工程學講座教授, 任期由一九九八年六月廿九日 起生效。 華雲生教授先後於一九七 四及七五年取得哥倫比亞大學 理學士和理科碩士學位,繼而到柏克萊加州大學進 修,一九七六年獲授計算機科學理科碩士學位,三年後獲工程學哲學博士學位。 華教授一九七九年受聘為柏杜大學電機工程學院助理教授,五年後晉升為副教授, 八五年轉任伊利諾大學電機及計算機工程學系副教授,一九八九年升任教授。 他是多個專業學會的成員,更是電機及電子工程師學會院士。 Prof. Benjamin Wah Wan-sang was appointed professor of computer science and engineering on 29th June 1998. Prof. Wah obtained his BS and MS in electrical engineering and computer science at Columbia University, and his MS in computer science and PhD in engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. Before joining the University, he was professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the University of Illinois at Urbana. An IEEE fellow and recipient of the IEEE Computer Society Certificate of Appreciation for many times, Prof. Wah was also the first-runner-up of the Best Paper Award of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks in 1996. He is also a member of many professional organizations and has published extensively. 校慶活動 卅五周年校慶活動之「身心康泰在中大」的體適能測試,將於本月十五及十六日上午 十一時半至下午二時半在富爾敦樓一零三室舉行。測試項目包括心肺功能、脂肪含量、 肌肉力量、肌肉耐力、柔軟度和精神壓力,請踴躍參加。查詢請電體育部阮伯仁先生(內 線六九八五)。 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes 總務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資基金於一九九八年七月及累積至該月的回報如下: From the Bursary The monthly and cumulative returns for July 1998 in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: 一九九八年七月 July 1998 基金 Fund 1995 計劃 1995 Scheme 1983 計劃 1983 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -0.52% -0.32% - 2 . 2 0% 平衡 Balanced 0.07% 0.03% -1.43% 穩定 Stable 0.42% 0.89% -0.74% 銀行存款 Bank Deposit 0.75% (年息 Annualized 8.87%) 0.79% (年息 Annualized 9.32%) 0.72% (年息 Annualized 8.48%) —九九八年一月一日至七月卅一日 1st January to 31st July 1998 基金 Fund 1995 計劃 1995 Scheme 1983 計劃 1983 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -1.12% -2.12% -5.67% 平衡 Balanced 2.26% 2.68% -1.78% 穩定 Stable 1.67% 4.55% 1.64% 銀行存款 Bank Deposit 5.41% (年息 Annualized 9.31%) 5.48% (年息 Annualized 9.43%) 4.58% (年息 Annualized 7.89%) 學生工讀計劃 Student Campus Work Scheme 一九九八至九九年度學生工讀計劃基金現已接受申請。該計劃讓需要經濟援助的學 生利用課餘時間協助教職員進行研究或處理其他工作,獲取薪酬(本科生和研究生工資皆 為每小時五十元)。 工作性質規定為:(一)協助大學教員從事研究工作,(二)協助各行政單位在繁忙期 間的工作,或(三)其他獲工讀計劃委員會批准之工作。 大學同人可向學生事務處索取申請表格,填妥後寄回范克廉樓一樓學生事務處,截 止申請日期為一九九八年十月五日。 所有撥款只可用作支付本校工讀生薪酬,並須於一九九九年九月三十日前全數支 付。獲資助之教職員須於一九九九年十月卅一日前擬就報告,經學生事務處轉呈有關捐 助機構。 Applications for grants under the Student Campus Work Scheme are now invited from members of the academic and administrative staff. The aim of the scheme is to help students in need through paid campus work, which can take the form of assisting academic staff in their research projects and administrative staff in projects requiring a large task-force on a short-term basis, and any job assignments as may be approved by the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme. The pay is HK$50 per hour for both undergraduate and graduate students. Completed application forms should be returned to the Office of Student Affairs at 1/F, Benjamin Franklin Centre no later than 5th October 1998. Please note that approved funds should only be used as remuneration for students of The Chinese University, and should be expended in full before 30th September 1999. Supervisors of approved projects will be requested to forward a report to the Office of Student Affairs by 31st October 1999 for submission to the donors for information. 教學人員審議事宜及教職員進修資助申請/提名 Annual Academic Staff Review and Staff Development Grants Applications/Nominations 校方將審議一九九九至二零零零年度教學人員之擢升、教師職稱、退休/延任事 宜’以及教職員進修資助之申請,請留意以下截止日期。 審議事宜 截止日期 遞交申請或提名/查詢 教師與導師之擢升 一九九八年九月三十日 有關教學人員審議之提名或 申請,須於截止日期前送交 人事處高級主任阮健驄先生 (大學行政樓南座三樓人事 處)。 查詢請電內線七二八五或七 二八零。 教師職稱評審 一九九八年九月三十日 教師與導師之退休/延任 一九九八年十月十二日 教職員與導師進修資助申請 一九九八年十月十二日 資助計劃項目詳見下期《中 大通訊》 查詢請電內線七二八八或七 一九一。 至於「甲」、「乙」及「丙」類服務條款職員之有關審議事宜,容後通告。 The annual academic staff review exercise for the academic year 1999-2000 will commence shortly and the following are the respective deadlines for applications/ nominations: Applications/Nominations for Deadline Submissions to be forwarded to/Enquiries Promotion in respect of full- time teaching staff at instructor grade or above 30th September 1998 Mr. K.C. Yuen, Senior Assistant Secretary (Personnel), 2nd Floor, South Wing, University Administration Building. Please direct enquiries to Ext. 7285/7280. Review of academic titles for serving teachers 30th September 1998 Retirement/extension of service in respect of full-time teaching staff at instructor grade or above 12th October 1998 Staff development grants in respect of full-time teaching staff, and non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A) or equivalent contracts 12th October 1998 Details of the Staff Development Grants/ Programmes will be announced in the next issue of the CUHK Newsletter. Please direct enquiries to Ext. 7288/7191. The schedule for staff review matters of non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A), (B) or (C) will be announced in due course. 儲蓄互助社委員名單 中大僱員儲蓄互助社一九九八至九九年度各委員會之成員如下: 理事會 社 長 : 曾 偉 傑 醫生 副社長:盧達生先生 司 庫 : 鄺 芝 南 先生 秘 書 : 黃 李 淑 儀 女士 委 員 : 趙 光 榮 先生 黃隆先生 李小紅女士 資款委員會 主 席 : 蕭 明 標 先生 秘 書 : 陳 淑 英 女士 委 員 : 陳 建 榮 先生 監察委員會 主 席 : 馬 金 順 先生 秘 書 : 馬 彩 嫻 女士 委 員 : 陳 尹 璇 先生 教育委員會 主 席 : 蔡 玉 妍 女士 秘 書 : 林 潔 蓮 女士 委 員 : 曾 偉 傑 醫生 張蘭珍女士 蕭明標先生 王德忠先生 鄭英傑先生