Newsletter No. 134

2 No. 134 4th November 1998 CUHK Newsletter Psychologist Gives Seminar on Behav i oural and Commun i ca t i on Ski l ls P rof. Sanson-Fisher, dean of medicine at the University of Newcastle in Australia and a psychologist by training, gave two seminars respectively entitled 'Changing Behaviour in Primary Care' and 'Teaching Communication Skills' at New Asia College on 15th October in his capacity as Ming Yu visiting professor to the college. The first seminar was aimed at medical professionals and the second at teachers of behavioural skills for health professionals. Prof. Sanson-Fisher has developed a series of programmes to train medical students in communication skills. This includes examining their ability to talk to patients and convey information on a wide range of subjects, such as p r e v e n t i ve me d i c i n e, t a k i ng medications, and operations they may undergo. He has also developed a programme teaching students to cope with and communicate matters of sexuality. Prof. Sanson-Fisher's research relates particularly to the application of preventive activities in community. Prof. Sanson-Fisher also met members of the University's Faculty of Medicine during his visit. Prof. Sanson-Fisher communicating with seminar participants New Asia Approaching 5 0 I n anticipation of its 50th anniversary next year, New Asia College adopted 'New Asia Approaching Her Golden Jubilee' as the theme of its 49th anniversary celebration in 1998. A series of activities were launched in this regard including the round-the-campus race, competitions for various college head trophies between staff and students, a speech c ompe t i t i on, a scholarship presentation ceremony, and a tea reception. The famous feast for thousands and carnival drew celebrations to a close on 30th September. Feast for thousands The New Bursary — a Case of Challenges and Responses 舊貌換新顏 總務處重組,易名財務處 Background I n the last two years the Bursary faced unprecedented challenges, to which it responded w i th stupendous changes. The new Bursary that emerges has taken on a new management ph i l osophy, o r gan i za t i onal structure, and even nomenclature. It is leaner yet healthier, professional yet user-friendly, more effective in control and faster in response. The New Bursary New Management Philosophy A new management philosophy is now enshrined in the Bursary's internal mission documents. The philosophy reflects the consensus o f all levels of Bursary staff, as it evo l ved f r om a department-wide competition in search of a mission statement, and was modified in a management seminar participated by a ll senior Bu r sa ry staff. This new management philosophy is manifested in the following mission statement: To serve the business and financial management needs of the University community with the best endeavours in • providing accurate, timely and high standard f i nanc i al management information; • exercising a professional standard of skill, care, integrity and diligence; • acting as a channel for free, efficient, and effective communication; • responding flexibly and proactively to the c h a n g i ng needs o f the community. The perception is to change the Bursary from a passive accounting office to the proactive financial and business hub of the University. As a corollary, the structure of the Bursary was reorganized; a one-stop shop concept was introduced; performance pledges were set for each of the units of the Bursary; a homepage, periodic circulars, and briefing sessions were arranged to enable the University community to obtain most up-to-date data for planning and administration. This process of reengineering, introduced in late 1996 and 1997, reflected a vigorous soul-searching on the part of Bursary staff to meet the ex t e r nal and i n t e r nal challenges besetting the Bursary. New Organizational Structure To complement the Bursary's self- i n i t i a t ed r eeng i nee r i ng process, a Management Efficiency Review (MER) o f the Bursary was also conducted, p r i nc i pa l ly by external management consultants, in late 1997 and early 1998. The MER commented favourably on the e f f i c i ency o f the new Bursary, and suggested further measures to retrench costs and improve its organizational structure. As a result the Bursary has been broadly divided, w i th effect from 1st October 1998, into three main function streams, as shown in the table below. This new organizational structure rationalizes the span o f control and delineates more clearly the respective areas of responsibility. The Chinese name of the Bursary is also changed from 總務 處 to 財務處 to reflect more appropriately the nature of the Bursary's work. Senior members are now entitled Senior Finance Manager ( f o rme r ly Senior Assistant Bursar) and Finance Manager (formerly Assistant Bursar). The Bursar w i l l