Newsletter No. 148

服務中大廿五年 Memories Personal and Collective 今期續刊本年度長期服務獎得獎者的心聲和照片。 In this issue of the CUHK Newsletter, recipients of this year's Long Service Award share with us what the award has evoked in them and snapshots taken at the University. Mr. Leung Kai-yue Department of Statistics There may be fewer and fewer employers in Hong Kong who can exist, let alone provide steady employment and wages to their employees throughout, for 25 years. So I should be thankful and at the same time pray for God's blessing that The Chinese University would continue to prosper and provide jobs for people. CUHK and Hong Kong, especially recently, have witnessed so many historic happenings that one could only feel privileged to be living alongside them. As one looks back, it's amazing that so much has happened and so many people, some whom one used to know well, have come and gone. Yet as one millennium is fast coming to an end and another is just round the comer, one could not but feel that we are living in disturbing times. People built institutions and now the institutions have caught up. Mrs. Meliza Ng University Library System Back in 1971, I was employed as Assistant Librarian to work in Chung Chi College Library when the college was under the presidency of Dr. C.T. Yung. Although it was before the second Fulton Report and the important changes to the constitutional arrangement governing the University and the colleges, the college libraries and the University Library were already working as one unit in Western cataloguing. The various libraries were formally named the University Library System in 1976. For professional growth and development, library staff were often deployed to work in various branch libraries and departments in the University Library System. The photo attached was taken in 1983 when I was in charge of Chung Chi Library during the visit of Prof. T.Y. Lin, a well-known psychiatrist, as the second Siu Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow. In 1986, 1 was deployed to work in the University Library as Head of Public Services Division. During these years, I have grown with the University and the Library System. Indeed, with the increase in student enrolment, development in teaching and research, and advances in information technology, we have improved and expanded our services and collection, striving to be in the forefront of the international scene in the world of academic libraries. From left: Mr. Patrick Yiu, Prof. Philip Fu, Mrs. T.Y. Lin, Prof. T.Y. Lin, Mrs. Meliza Ng, and Dr. H.M. Chang Prof. Tsui Hung-tat Department of Electronic Engineering I have enjoyed my time at C U H K v e r y mu c h . Throughout all these years, the University and our Department of Electronic Engineering have been improving all the time and I have made many friends. The only major set-back was the change from the four-year to a three-year system which puts great pressure on our undergraduate students. Being an electronic engineer as well as an academic at CUHK, I have met many interesting people: people from industry, from the government, academics all over the world, and our undergraduate and postgraduate students. I am particularly pleased that I helped to form the EE alumni association several years ago. It now has close to 200 members and has made many contributions to our department: providing scholarships and jobs for our students, and some of its members are conducting joint projects with our colleagues. I believe our students will contribute significantly to technology innovation in Hong Kong. 與有榮焉 大學圖書館系統曾坤華 光陰荏苒,二十五載於兹,回溯在中文大學圖書館工作,悠長歲月,因 循蹉蛇一晃而過去,撫今追昔,不禁使人神往。 想當年投身中大的我,對前景是漫不經意,大有為生計工作而已,豈有 他哉。詎料涉足其間卻受薰染,從而觸發覬覦書中那無價之文學瑰寶。所謂 見微知著,頓產生了振聾發瞶的作用,故每於公餘時分,鍥而不捨地修讀, 孜孜以求提高文化和知識水平,寄寓工作於學習。從「書山有路勤為徑,學 海無涯苦作舟」名句下,品出了求學的意境,委實語重心長,吾深受鼓舞。 論及我之工作,須知裝訂書籍乃是一種多元組合工藝,我裝訂組一群, 老幹新枝渾然一體,莫不以圖書館為家,本著敬業樂業之精神合作,俾能完 成任務。誠然我有幸從而揣摩,上下求索,由實踐中得以充實自己,亦可說 獲益良多。年復一年,渡過廿五寒暑,雖已屆退休之期,我依然對工作甘之 如飴,樂此不倦。 「又是一年青草綠,依然十里杏花紅。」己卯年對我來說是特具意義的 一年。此語何故道來,何足猗歟盛哉,緣因今天大學頒發長期服務獎予員 工。有鑑此一榮譽來之不易,本人不敢忘乎所以,情之所繫,頗願與我長期 並肩苦幹之裝訂戰友與有榮焉,不勝欣幸。 見證 校外進修學院楊伍美婷 四月上旬接獲人事處頒發長期服務獎的通知,赫 然察覺時間在不經意中流逝。回想過往的二十六年, 我見證了校外進修部由一個細小的部門發展至今天的 規模,並易名為學院,擁有自置及租用的課室五十餘 個,分布於港九多處,每年服務二萬多名成人學員。 我能成為此過程中的一份子,實覺與有榮焉。 註冊組龍志強