Newsletter No. 161

4 No. 161 19th March 2000 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任 Prof. David H. Parker 為英文講座教授,任 期由二零零零年二月二十八日起生效。 Prof. Parker 先後於一九六六及六九年取得澳洲阿德 萊德大學文學士學位和教育文憑,一九七零年獲授南澳 洲弗林德斯大學一級榮譽文學士學位,一九七四年獲英 國牛津大學頒發哲學博士學位。 畢業後, Prof. Parker 獲聘為澳洲國立大學英文系講師,並先後於八五及九三年 晉升為高級講師及教授。他曾於一九九五至九六年借調出任 Signadou 澳洲天主教大 學英文講座教授兼校長。 Prof. Parker 的研究興趣為現代英國文學、倫理與文學理論、澳洲小說和自傳。 Prof. David Heywood Parker has been appointed professor of English from 28th February 2000. Prof. Parker obtained his BA from the University ofAdelaide (1966) and Flinders University of South Australia (1970), his Dip.Ed. from the University of Adelaide (1969), and his D.Phil. from the University of Oxford (1974). He has experience teaching in Australia, England, and the US. He joined Australian National University (ANU) as lecturer in English in 1974, becoming senior lecturer in 1985, and reader in 1993. From 1995 to 1996, he was professor of English and rector of the Signadou Campus of Australian Catholic University on secondment from ANU. Before joining The Chinese University, he was head of the Department of English and Theatre Studies at ANU. Prof. Parker has published numerous books, book chapters, short stories, articles, and reviews. His research interests include British literature of the modern period, ethics and literary theory, Australian fiction, and autobiography. 田長霖教授主持偉倫講座 Wei Lun Lecture on Knowledge-based Economy in China 美國柏克萊加州大學大學教授兼 NEC 傑出工程學教授及前「香港特別行政區行 政長官特設創新科技委員會」主席田長霖教授,應邀以偉倫教授身分訪問本校,並 於本月二十一日下午五時半假何善衡工程學大樓五樓演講廳主持公開講座,以英語 主講「大中華地區知識型經濟的開發與協調」。歡迎出席。 Prof. Tien Chang-lin, University Professor and NEC Distinguished Professor of Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley, and former chairman of the Chief Executive's Commission on Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR, will deliver a Wei Lun Public Lecture entitled 'The Synergy and Development of Knowledge-based Economy in Greater China' at 5.30 p.m. on 21st March 2000 in the level 5 auditorium of the Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building. A ll are welcome. Annual Adjustment of Home Financing Scheme (HFS) From the Bursary: The University has been advised by the UGC that the Secretary for the Civil Service is proposing to reduce the rates of Home Financing Allowances by 14.4 per cent with effect from 1st April 2000. I f the proposal is approved, new entrants to the HFS on or after 1st April 2000 will be affected. Colleagues should take note of the above when choosing which housing benefit option to take after 31st March 2000. 教職員進修資助計劃 Staff Development Grants 英聯邦大學協會下列獎學金及交流計劃現已接受申請︰ (一)英聯邦大學協會發展獎學金(二零零零至二零零一年度) 該獎學金特為發展人力資源而設,資助獲選者前往英聯邦一所大學,或工商/ 公共機構研習,以六個月為限。該計劃專為具備優越才能及發展潛質之人士而 設,惟學位或其他深造課程則不在資助之列。申請人須介乎廿八至五十歲。資 助類別為 Titular Fellowships 。 最高資助額為五千英鎊。校內截止申請日期為二 零零零年四月十四日。 (二)英國學會/英聯邦大學協會國際合作獎助金 該新設立之獎助金旨在促進海外與英國本土學者之間有關人文及社會科學的研 究計劃,並須透過英國的合作夥伴提出申請。資助項目包括交通費、生活費及 有關研究費用,為期一年。最高資助額為五千英鎊。 有關資料已送交各學院及部門,有意申請者請與學院院長或部門主管聯絡。查 詢請致電人事處(內線七一九一或七二八八)。 The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) invites applications from staff members of the University for the following fellowships/grants: 1. ACU Development Fellowships 2000-2001 Wi th an aim to develop human resources, the fellowships w i ll sponsor attachment for up to six months to a university or the industry/commerce/ public sector in any Commonwealth country. The programme has been devised for people of proven quality at a crucial stage of their development. Degree courses or postdoctoral programmes w i ll not be supported. The fellowships will be in the form of Titular Fellowships. Applicants should be university staff of proven quality aged between 28 and 50. The award may be worth up to £5,000 to cover the cheapest return airfare, medical and travel insurance, board and lodging, local transportation, and fees for formal training programmes. The internal deadline for application is 14th April 2000. 2. British Academy/ACU Grants for International Collaboration The award is a new grant item intended to support international joint activities in the fields of humanities and social science involving British scholars. Applications should be submitted by the British partner. The grant is tenable for one year in the first instance and in general covers travel, maintenance, and research expenditure not exceeding £5,000 in total. Staff members interested in applying for the above fellowships/grants may consult their faculty deans/unit heads, who should have received details about these programmes. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191/ 7288). 校外進修學院學費優惠 SCS Offers Special Discount to CUHK Full-time Staff 由二零零零年三月一日起,所有中大全職教職員修讀校外進修學院的「普通課 程」及部分「學歷課程」,可獲學費六折優惠。此項優惠不適用於該院與本地機構、 內地及海外大學合辦之課程。 同人如欲申請學費折扣優惠,須填妥課程報名表格連同「中大通」之影印副本 及所需學費支票(必須以支票繳費,其他付款方法不能獲優惠),以內部傳遞方式 或親身交回該院。申請人必須提供所有有關資料,否則申請將不獲處理。由於優惠 名額有限,所有申請將以先到先得原則處理。查詢課程內容,請瀏覽該院網頁 (http: / / ;其他查詢,請致電二二零九零二九九/ 二二零九零二九零。 With effect from 1st March 2000, the School of Continuing Studies (SCS) will offer a discount of 40 per cent to CUHK full-time staff members attending its general courses and some award-bearing programmes (excluding programmes jointly offered with local organizations, overseas or mainland universities). To apply, colleagues should complete an enrolment form and attach a photocopy of their CU Link card. Please use cheques for payment. Other means of payment such as by VISA or through Hang Seng Bank will not be accepted. Applicants are advised to submit the whole set of application to the SCS enrolment section by internal mail or in person. Please provide all required information or the application will not be processed. Since a quota will be set, applications will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. For programme details, please visit the SCS website F or other enquiries, please call 2209 0299 or 2209 0290. 圖書館系統清明節及復活節假期開放時間 Library Opening Hours During Ching Ming and Easter Holidays 日期 Date 大學、崇基、 新亞及聯合圖書館 UL, CC, NA, U C 大學圖書館 視聽資料組 UL-AV 建築學及 醫學圖書館 ARL, M E L 4.4.2000 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 21-22.4.2000 9.00 a.m.-5.00p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 23.4.2000 1.00 p.m.-7.00 p.m. 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 24.4.2000 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 龍騰盟學生節 Dragon League Accounting Case Competition 2000 會計學院與會計院會將於四月一至五日在校園合辦「龍騰盟學生節」,主要活動 為會計個案分析比賽,並輔以多項學術和文化交誼活動。 北京大學、復旦大學及台灣大學將各派遣由三名會計教師和八名學生組成的代 表團參賽及交流。各隊本科生須分析一個真實企業的財務報表,並向評審團發表其 分析報告。 龍騰會計學術聯盟(簡稱「龍騰盟」)是由香港中文大學、北京大學、台灣大學