Newsletter No. 172

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS To ensure the accuracy of staff data records as required under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and for Inland Revenue reporting purposes, staff members are requested to notify the Personnel Office at the earliest possible opportunity i f there are changes to their personal data, such as their name, address, telephone number, marital status, number of children, qualifications. Such changes may be reported on prescribed forms obtainable from the Personnel Office (Tel. 2609 7189), and, where applicable, the originals or certified true copies of relevant supporting documents should be attached. Changes in personal data may have implications on the appointees' entitlement to benefits at the University. For instance, newly married staff should report their change o f marital status since married couples w i l l have to opt to receive benefits f r om either the University or his/her spouse's employer. Such benefits may include the following: Fringe Benefits Examples of Changes In Personal Data Affecting Eligibility for Benefits Children's education allowances ‧New-borns should be reported so as to be included as eligible members. Housing benefits ‧ Changes in family size (e.g. marital status/birth of child) should be reported as they may affect the rates of Private Tenancy Allowance. ‧Changes in marital status/spouse's employment should be reported for clearance of the Rules for the Prevention of Double Housing Benefits. Passages ‧ New-borns should be reported so as to be included as eligible members. Medical benefits ‧ Spouse of newly married staff and new-borns may be included as eligible members under the Staff Medical Benefits Scheme. ‧Dependent children aged between 19 and 21 will be accepted as eligible members if they are in full-time education up to the level of a first degree. 電腦罪行講座 資訊科技服務處將連同警務處商業罪案調查科電腦罪案組主持講座,以粵語闡 述有關電腦罪行的個案及法例,防止黑客入侵電腦的方法,以及中大電腦用戶使用 守則之電腦網絡應用政策及指引 。 講座訂於本月十六日(星期四)下午一時至二時十五分,在邵逸夫夫人樓 L T 1 室舉行,歡迎員生參加。有意者請於十一月十三日前到 h t t p : / / www . cuhk . edu . hk / i t s c/ t r a i n i ng 網頁登記。 學生及教職員健身課程 體育部由本年十月至明年三月舉辦多個健身訓練課程,向員生介紹健身器材的 正確使用方法,並灌輸重量訓練的概念和方法,修畢課程之學員可獲發「大學健身 室使用證」乙張。所有仍未舉辦之健身訓練課程均以粵語講授,於下午五時半至七 時半在大學健身室進行,其他資料表列如下︰ 課程編號 上課日 期 報名日期 6/00 21.11.2000 (星期二) 1-17.11.2000 7/00 24.11.2000 (星期五) 6-21.11.2000 1/01 17.1.2001 (星期三) 2-12.1.2001 2/01 5.2.2001 (星期一) 15.1-2.2.2001 3/01 27.3.2001 (星期二) 5-23.3.2001 每班名額二十人,以先到先得方法取錄,額滿即止。有意者請到大學體育中心 收借處辦理手續,並繳交費用十元及近照乙張。 預防流行性感冒 Vaccination Against Influenza 流行性感冒是透過呼吸道傳染的疾病,每年的二、三及七月最常見。流行性感 冒病毒(尤其甲類)的特性,是可透過不定時的基因突變而衍生新品種,造成大規 模流行性感冒。 我們除可實踐健康生活模式,以增強身體抵抗力外,亦可注射流行性感冒疫苗 來預防。保健處本月九及十日上午九時至中午十二時半以及下午二時至四時半,在 其健康教育室為員生提供流感疫苗注射,費用為六十港元。 Influenza is a viral infection that mainly affects the respiratory tract. In Hong Kong, it is most prevalent in the months of February, March, and July. To help colleagues acquire immunity against the viruses, the University Health Service w i l l arrange for vaccines to be given on 9th and 10th November in the Education Room on the first floor of the University Health Centre, from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m., at a price o f HK$60. 急救常識訓練班 保健處本月八日會開辦兩個訓練班(甲班:上午九時至下午一時,乙班:下午 二至六時),向員生講授急救知識和處理方法。 訓練班以粵語講授,在保健處一樓會議室舉行,費用全免。學員可獲保健處簽 發出席證書。有意參加者請致電簡太(內線六四三六)查詢。 額外門診服務計劃增添醫務所 New Physician Joins Extra Ou t p a t i e nt Con s u l t a t i on Services Scheme 由二零零零年十一月一日起,額外門診服務計劃增加一名醫生為大學同人及其 家屬提供服務,詳情如下: 李 祖 華 醫 生 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 1 3 6 A 號三樓柏麗醫療中心 電話:二三零一二四一八 時間 星期一至六 上午十時至下午一時 下午四至八時 星 期 日 及 公 眾 假 期 休息 With effect from 1 st November 2000, Dr. Jowher A l i w i l l provide consultation service to members of the University's Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme. Dr. Jowher A l i Parklane Medical Practice, 3/F, 136A Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Tel: 2301 2418 Consultation hours: Monday to Saturday: 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Sunday and public holiday: closed 文物館展出歷代金飾及珍藏書畫 Art Museum Exhibitions 文物館將由本月十一日起舉辦兩個專題展覽, 並訂於十一月十日下午四時半同時為兩個展覽舉行 開幕禮,歡迎出席及參觀。 「中國古代金飾」在文物館西翼展覽廳展出,展 期至明年二月十八日。這是歷來第一個中國古代黃 金飾物的專題展覽,展品四百餘項,年代由商周至 清,均為本港收藏家的珍品。 黃金成色華美,永不褪色,不易氧化,延展性 又強,容易給製成各式器具及飾物;黃金也兼作通 貨。所以,中國自商周以來便廣泛使用黃金,有不 少出土及存世黃金器物飾件。中國金工技法不斷推 陳出新,有模鑄、錘揲、纍絲、鏨刻、雕鏤、金珠 等 , 還 吸 收 外 來 技 法 加 以 創 新 運 用 。 製 品 造 型精 巧,玲瓏富麗,是中國工藝的奇葩。 「畫舫藏珍——紀念黃兆鎮、黃秉章先生捐贈書 畫展」在文物館東翼展覽廳舉行,展期至明年二月 四日。展出明以降名家書畫近百項,顯現明清以來 豐 富 多 采 的 書 畫 流 派 及 風 格 特 色 。 全 部 展 品 選自 「小畫舫齋」珍藏書畫。該批書畫由黃佩瑜女士、匡 寧、匡佐先生慨贈文物館,以紀念他們的祖父黃兆 鎮先生及父親黃秉章先生。捐贈儀式安排於展覽開 幕典禮上舉行。 Two s pecial exhibitions w i l l ope n at 4.30 p.m. on 10th November at the A rt Museum. • Ancient Chinese Gold Ornaments (West-wing Gallery) 11th November 2000 to 18th February 2001 This exhibition, the first o f its kind ever held anywhere, consists of over 400 pieces of ancient Chinese gold ornaments from the Shang to the Qing dynasties. The items are selections from local private collections. Go ld is a precious metal wh i ch can be easily hammered into vessels and ornaments. It has also been used as currency. In China, from the Shang and Zhou dynasties onwards, gold has been widely used and many specimens were handed down as heirloom or excavated. Chinese goldsmith techniques include casting, repousse, filigree, chasing, engraving and granulation. Foreign techniques have been adopted and transformed into a distinctive Chinese style. The innovative, elaborate and flamboyant Chinese gold ornaments are highly regarded in the history of Chinese decorative art. • Chinese Painting and Calligraphy: G i ft in Memo ry of M r . Wong Siew Chan and M r . Wong Peng Cheong (East-wing Gallery) 11th November 2000 to 4th February 2001 On display w i ll be around 100 pieces of paintings and calligraphy from the Mi ng dynasty to modern times, illustrating the diversified styles in painting and calligraphy over the period. The works are gifts to the Art Museum by Diana, Richard and John Wong in memory of their late grandfather Mr. Wong Siew Chan and late father Mr. Wong Peng Cheong. A presentation ceremony w i ll be held at the opening. 清代龍形金飾 Gold ornament in the shape of a dragon Qing, 1644-1911 李流芳山水卷(局部) Landscape (detail) by Li Liufong 中大通訊 第一七二期 二零零零年十一月四日 4