Newsletter No. 178

CUHK Newsletter No. 178 19th February 2001 3 In Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Chung Chi College Conference on Chinese Music Research Over a hundred scholars from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and overseas participated in the conference on 'Chinese Music Research: New Perspectives in the 21st Century' held in Chung Chi College from 5th to 12th January. The event was organized jointly by the Department of Mu s i c, the Society o f T r ad i t i onal Chinese Mu s i c, and the Research Institute of Music of the China Research Academy of Arts w i th the purpose of examining the latest development of Chinese native music. It was also held in celebration o f the college's 50th anniversary Topics discussed at the conference i nc l ude the t heo r y, concept, and methodology of Chinese musicology, tradition and change in Chinese music, cultural exchange and acculturation, and music education. A t the opening ceremony held on 5th January at the Lee Hysan Concert Hall, there were two performances, one of folk music of Chinese ethnic minorities and a Qin recital Mathematical Olympiad Approximately 150 elite secondary school students from Hong Kong, Macau, mainland China, and Russia participated in the 2001 Chinese Mathematical Olympiad held from 11th to 16th January on campus. The activity was coorganized by the Mathematics Society o f China, the International Mathematical Olympiad (Hong Kong) Committee, and the Education Department of the HKSAR, and sponsored by Chung Chi College. It was also a celebratory event of the 50th anniversary o f Chung Chi College. The a im o f the c omp e t i t i on is to raise interest in ma t hema t i cs among secondary school students and to p i ck out outstanding students for f u r t h e r d e v e l o p m e n t. Winners o f the Ol ymp i ad w i l l p a r t i c i p a te i n the International Mathematics Olympiad, to be held this July in Washington. During the competition the students stayed in Wu Kai Sha Camp, and competed in the Science Centre on campus. They also attended lectures given by mathematicians from France and Russia. Siu Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow Prof. T. Kue Young, professor and head o f the Department o f Community Health Services of the University of Manitoba, Canada, visited Chung Chi College as Siu Lien L i ng Wong Visiting Fellow 2000-1 f r om 8th to 20th January. Prof. Young has made significant contributions to medical research on community health as well as voluntary medical projects in remote areas of the world. During his visit, Prof. Young served as a panelist at the Annual Education Conference of Chung Chi College held on 13th January. Together with three other panelists, he spoke on the theme of 'Social Change and Health: Challenges for the 21st Century'. Prof. Rance Lee (front left), head of Chung Chi College, and Mr. George Hung, chairman of the College Board of Trustees, at the opening of the Mathematical Olympiad Conference on Lab Animal Science C lose to 110 expe r ts and practitioners in the relevant fields attended the Australian and N e w Z e a l a n d S o c i e t y f o r L a b o r a t o r y A n i m a l Sc i e n ce Millennium Conference, held at the Mariners Club in Tsim Sha Tsui from 13th to 17th November 2000. The function was jointly sponsored by the Un i ve r s i t y 's Laboratory Animal Services Centre, the Hong Kong Veterinary Association, and the University of Hong Kong. The conference covered three diverse areas of laboratory animal science: animal models o f human diseases, the role of laboratory animal scientists in conservation biology, and a comparison of animal welfare laws of the Asia-Pacific Region. Forums on Innovation School Design T he De p a r t me nt o f A r c h i t e c t u re organized three forums on innovative school design for the 21st century in November and December last year. A total of 170 participants, including government officials, representatives f r om various school sponsor groups, school principals and teachers, a r c h i t e c t s, and o t her professionals attended the forums and shared their views on three major themes: master planning of schools, spatial quality and design considerations for schools, and information technology in education and school building design. Opinions collected f r om the forums w i l l be integrated into an ongoing research p r o j e ct o f the d e p a r t me n t, e n t i t l ed ' Deve l op i ng Innovative School Design Parameters i n H o ng K o n g f o r 21st Century'. HKIAPS New Book Occasional Paper No. 113 Regional Polarization in Guangdong Province in South China Written by Shen Jianfa, Gu Chaolin, Zhen Feng, and Wong Kwan - y i u, this paper examines the trends of regional development under the new regime of socialist-market system in Guangdong province in south China in the post-reform period. It is found that a regional polarization process towards the core Zhujiang Delta region has occurred along with a spatial restructuring process within the core region. The role of old central cities outside the core region, such as Shaoguan, Zhanjiang, and Shantou, has weakened gradually while some emerging cities in the core region, such as Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Shunde, Nanhai, and Panyu, have become new growth centres. The dominant role of Guangzhou has also been significantly weakened in the post-reform period. Among the forces of development, local government revenue and savings per capita are found to be most influential in various localities, confirming the importance of the local government as a major actor in the regional development in China. ISBN 962-441-113-1, paperback, 46 pages, HK$30 中大通訊 CUHK NEWSLETTER 網址 website 1.本刊逢四日及十九日出版。 2. 來函或投稿請寄沙田香港中文大學秘書處出版事務處《中大通訊》 編輯部(電話 2 6 0 9 8584 , 圖文傳真 2 6 03 6864 ,電郵 pub2@uab. )。 3. 投稿者須附真實姓名、地址及聯絡電話,文章則可用筆名發表。 4. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿,不欲稿件被刪者請預先聲明。 5. 本刊所載文章只反映作者之觀點和意見,並不代表校方或本刊立場。 6. 所有內容未經編者書面准許,不得轉載。 7. 本刊每期發行三千八百份,免費供校內教職員索閱,部分郵寄本地教 育機構及與大學有關人士。私人索閱,請致函本刊查詢。 1. The Newsletter is published on the 4th and 19th of each month. 2. A ll contributions and suggestions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, Publication Office, University Secretariat, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8584; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail . 3. Contributions should bear the writer's name and contact telephone number, and may be published under pseudonyms. No anonymous letters will be published. 4. The Editor reserves the right to reject contributions and to edit all articles without notice for reasons of clarity, length or grammar. Those who do not want to have their articles amended should indicate clearly in writing. 5. The views expressed in the CUHK Newsletter are those of the authors, and are not necessarily those of the University or the Editor. 6. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 7. This publication has a circulation of 3,800 and is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK. Copies are also sent to local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Those who wish to be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct. 截 稿 日 期 Deadlines for Contributions 期數 Issue no. 出版日期 Issue date 截稿日期 Deadline for contributions 179 4.3.2001 19.2.2001 180 19.3.2001 5.3.2001 181 4.4.2001 20.3.2001 182 19.4.2001 30.3.2001 183 4.5.2001 18.4.2001 184 19.5.2001 4.5.2001 185 4.6.2001 21.5.2001 186 19.6.2001 4.6.2001 香港中文大學出版事務處出版 編輯:梁其汝 助理編輯:蔡世彬 李琪 陳偉珠 製作:梅潔媚 Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor: Amy K.Y. Leung Assistant Editors: Piera Chen, Lawrence Choi Graphic Designer: May Mui 印刷:鮑思高印刷有限公司 Printing: Don Bosco Printing Co. Ltd.