Newsletter No. 178

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointments 病理解剖及細胞學講座教授 Professor of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology 大學委任吳浩強教授為病理解剖及細胞學講座教授,任期由二零 零一年一月一日起生效。 吳教授在愛丁堡大學習醫,一九八二年取得內外全科醫學士學 位,一九九二年獲中文大學頒授醫學博士學位。 吳教授一九八三年加入中大病理解剖學系任講師,先後於一九九 零及九四年升任高級講師和教授。 吳教授為英國皇家病理科醫學院、澳洲皇家病理科醫學院、美國 病理科醫學院、愛爾蘭皇家醫學院病理科分院、香港病理學專科學院和香港醫學專科學院的 院士,並為多種學術期刊的編輯或編委,更於一九九九年成立中國病理主任聯會。 Prof. Ng Ho-keung was appointed professor of anatomical and cellular pathology on 1 st January 2001. Prof. Ng graduated M B . Ch.B. with distinctions from Edinburgh University in 1982, and received his Doctor of Medicine from The Chinese University in 1992. He first joined The Chinese University as lecturer in morbid anatomy in 1983, becoming senior lecturer in anatomical and cellular pathology in 1990, and reader in 1994. He is currently chairman of the Hong Kong Telemedicine Association, vice-president for Asia of the International Academy of Pathology, and chairman of the Association of Directors of Pathology of China. His research interests are pathology and molecular genetics of CNS tumours, and of Alzheimer's disease in Chinese. 藝術講座教授 Professor of Fine Arts 大學委任蘇芳淑教授為藝術講座教授,任期由二零零一年一月八 日起生效。 蘇教授一九七一年取得斯沃斯摩爾書院英國文學學士學位後,到 哈佛大學進修藝術,先後於七四及八二年獲授文科碩士和哲學博士學 位。 蘇教授一九七八年秋出任柏克萊加州大學藝術史系訪問講師,翌 年起出任美加多所美術館研究員或研究顧問,加入中大服務前為美國 弗利爾美術館及沙可樂美術館中國藝術高級館長。 蘇教授已發表之專著、文章及講座逾六十種,並為美國中華文化中心董事,以及多個文 化團體和博物館的成員。 Prof. Jenny So Fong-suk was appointed professor of fine arts on 8th January 2001. Prof. So holds a BA in English Literature from Swarthmore College (1971), and an MA (1974) and Ph.D. (1982) in fine arts from Harvard University. She was visiting lecturer of the Department of History of Art at the University of California at Berkeley in 1978, research consultant of the Department of Far Eastern Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in 1979. She joined the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery as associate curator of ancient Chinese art in 1990, becoming curator in 1996, and senior curator in 1998. She has published extensively and is a member of the Board of Directors, Chinese Cultural Center of America at Iowa. 第五期教學大樓命名 Naming of New Teaching Block and Concert Hall on Chung Chi Campus 大學校董會上月議決將座落崇基校園的第五期教學大樓命名為「利黃瑤璧樓」,而其音樂 廳命名為「利希慎音樂廳」。 At its meeting on 16th January 2001, the University Council approved with immediate effect the naming of the new teaching building on Chung Chi campus as Esther Lee Building and the new concert hall as Lee Hysan Concert Hall. 共濟會硏究東亞學科基金 The Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies 共濟會研究東亞學科基金現接受二零零一年度資助申請。 該基金乃為資助及促進香港專上院校對東亞之學術研究而設。資助形式包括贊助學術研 究、公開講座及出版專書。資助額可為有關活動之全部或部分費用。 申請人須把填妥之申請表及撮要表,於二零零一年三月三十日前經有關系主任及學院院 長,或部門主管,送交人事處人事主任盧杜燕萍女士,俾轉呈校內有關委員會考慮。有關資 料及表格已送交各學院院長,同人亦可於人事處網頁下載。查詢請致電人事處(內線七二八 八或七一九一)。 The Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies is inviting one sponsored application from the University for a grant to subsidize studies relevant to East Asia in 2001. Full or partial support can be given in the form of research fellowships and sponsorships for surveys, public lectures, and publications. Applications endorsed by department chairs and faculty deans, or unit heads concerned, should be forwarded with a completed application form and a summary form to Mrs. Betty Lo, Personnel Manager, on or before 30th March 2001 for submission to the relevant University committees for consideration. Details of the fund and application forms have already been sent to faculty deans and are available on the homepage of the Personnel Office. Enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7288/7191). 保健處暫遷第一苑 Temporary Relocation of UHS 保健醫療中心將於三至八月進行大型裝修工程。為確保期間能如常提供醫療及牙科服 務,保健處由三月五日起全面遷往第一苑(近何善衡工程學大樓)。由於部分醫療設施裝置需 時,搬遷初期的服務或會受到輕微影響,祈為諒察。 The University Health Centre will undergo major renovations from March through August 2001. During this period, in order to maintain regular service, the entire University Health Service (UHS), including the medical clinic and the dental clinic, will move to University Residence 1 (next to Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building) from 5th March 2001. There may be minor disruptions to normal services initially, as some of the equipment need time for proper installation. Any enquiries on this arrangement may be directed to Mrs. Jenny Kwong at 2609 6419 or 2609 6416. The UHS regrets any inconvenience caused to the users during the period. 失眠處理方法新知 保健處將於本月廿七日下午一至二時,在保健醫療中心一樓會議室舉辦健康講座,由陳 佳鼐教授以粵語主講「失眠處理方法新知」。歡迎出席。 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes 財務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資基金於二零零零年十二月及第四季度累積回報如下: From the Bursary: The investment returns of December and the cumulative returns of the fourth quarter of 2000 in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: 二零零零年十二月 December 2000 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指摽回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth 2.39% 1.81% 2.77% 平衡 Balanced 2.48% 2.07% 2.74% 穩定 Stable 3.06% 2.42% 3.18% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.49% (年息 Annualized 5.82%) 0.51% (年息 Annualized 6.07%) 0.44% (年息 Annualized 5.16%) 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit 0.55% (年息 Annualized 6.48%) 0.55% (年息 Annualized 6.49%) 0.50% (年息 Annualized 5.81%) 二零零零年第四季度 Fourth Quarter 2000 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指摽回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -5.21% -6.00% -5.40% 平衡 Balanced -3.52% -2.98% -3.34% 穩定 Stable 1.02% -0.20% 1.06% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 1.48% (年息 Annualized 5.89%) 1.49% (年息 Annualized 5.93%) 1.27% (年息 Annualized 5.05%) 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit 1.67% (年息 Annualized 6.55%) 1.64% (年息 Annualized 6.45%) 1.48% (年息 Annualized 5.79%) Library Seminar Series The following seminars are being organized by the University Library at User Education Room 1, G/F, University Library, from 11.25 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. Seminar Date Chinese Databases 21st February 2001 (Wed) Company Information 20th February 2001 (Tue) Financial Databases —Datastream 1st March 2001 (Thu) Job Hunting on the Web 28th February 2001 (Wed) 6th March 2001 (Tue) Locating Journa l Articles on Engin eering 27th February 2001 (Tue) 8th March 2001 (Thu) Locating Journal Articles on Social Sciences and Business 22nd February 2001 (Thu) 7th March 2001 (Wed) A l l are welcome. Please register at the Reference Counter on 1/F, University Library. (Tel.: 2609 7305; e-mail: 訃告 Obituaries •本校聯合書院前院長鄭棟材博士於二零零一年二月四日辭世;大學同人深感哀悼。 六十年代初,鄭棟材博士出任聯合書院院長,協助成立香港中文大學,一九七九年榮 休。期間歷任大學副校長、聯合書院院長、教育學院院長、校外進修部主任等職,對大學 的成立及發展精思籌劃,多所樹立。 The University records with sadness the passing away of Dr. T.C. Cheng, president of United College from 1963 to 1977, on 4th February 2001. When he was president of United College, Dr. Cheng was responsible for the major developments of the College. He had also made significant contribuitions to the University in his capacity as pro-vice-chancellor, director of the Extramural Studies Department, and director of the School of Education. He retired from the University in September 1979. •逸夫書院學生宿舍一級工人陳謝惠芳女士於二零零一年二月五日辭世。陳女士於一九九二 年九月加入本校服務。 Mrs. Chan Tse Wai Fong, Workman I at the Student Hostels, Shaw College, passed away on 5th February 2001. Mrs. Chan first joined the University in September 1992. 中大通訊 第一七八期 二 零 零 一 年 二 月 十 九日 4