Newsletter No. 191

2 No. 191 4th November 2001 CUHK Newsletter Calling for Better Development of Parenthood T he p r o m o t i o n o f p a r e n t e d u c a t i on u n d er t he c u r r e nt educational reforms was the subject of discussion in a conference co-hosted by t he U n i v e r s i t y , t he E d u c a t i on Department, and the Board of Education o f the HKSAR on 20th October at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. A t t he c o n f e r e n c e, t he findings o f a large-scale survey on parent education conducted by C U H K researchers we re r e l e a s e d. T he r e s e a r c h e rs surveyed over 8,000 parents, i n t e r v i ewed service providers and service users, obse r ved parents' groups and programmes, and paid visits to neighbouring r eg i ons, i n c l u d i ng ma i n l a nd China, Taiwan, Singapore, and A u s t r a l i a to e x am i ne t h e i r p o l i c i e s , s y s t ems, and p r a c t i c e s. Recommenda t i ons p r oposed by the s t udy i n c l u d ed r e f o r ma t i on o f the current provision o f parent education, enhancement o f professional training, collaboration between organizations, and the setting up o f an independent institution to conduct research related to f ami ly and parent education. United College Celebrates 45th Anniversary U nited College officially celebrated its 45th anniversary at a ceremony held on the morning of 19th October at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Mr. Sham Choi- sang, chairman of the College Board of Trustees, and Dr. Edgar Cheng Wai-kin, head o f the Central Policy Un it o f the HKSAR government, officiated at the ceremony and presented academic prizes to students. The ceremony was immed i a t e ly f o l l owed by a grand birthday party on the co l l ege campus, f e a t u r i ng the cutting o f a 40-pound birthday cake. T he d a y ' s h i g h l i g h t s w e r e t he a n n i v e r s a ry l u n c h e on h e l d at the college staff common room, and the Feast-for-Thousands organized by the Un i t ed College Student Un i on in the evening. Then on 20th October, the college organized a dinner ball at the Grand Hyatt for some 400 trustees, alumni, friends, and members of the college. On the same occasion an exhibition o f the college's history and development over the last 45 years was staged and long service awards were presented. New Asia's Happy Run and Mentorship Programme Participants in the mentorship programme T o celebrate its 52nd anniversary, New Asia College organized 'The Happy Run' for the first time on 13th October 2001. Over 200 alumni, staff, and students ran the 7.56 km-route f r om New Asia Concou r se to the Pr i nce o f Wales Hospital. The objective of the race is to strengthen the college spirit among the students, promote physical well-being, and provide a challenging and enjoyable sporting activity for all participants. Prof. P.C. Leung, head of New Asia College, Prof. Fok Tai Fai, associate dean o f the Faculty of Medicine, and Prof. Ho Puay Peng, dean of students, New Asia College, presented prizes to the winners after the race. On 13th October, over a hundred mentors and mentees participated in the inauguration ceremony of the college's second mentorship programme at Yun Chi Hsien. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. P.C. Leung, head o f the co l l ege, and M r . Wo ng K i n P i ng, p r es i dent o f the c o l l ege 's a l umni association. Service to the Community and International Organizations • Prof. Richard M.W. Ho, registrar, has been re-appointed by the Secretary for Education and Manpower as a member of the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation for three years from 1st October 2001. • Prof. Edith Lau Ming Chu, professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, has been appointed by the Secretary for Health and Welfare as a member of the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health for two years from 1st October 2001. • Dr. Anthony Edward James, director of Laboratory Animal Services Centre, has been re-appointed by the Secretary for the Environment and Food as a member of the Animal Welfare Advisory Group for two years from 1 st May 2001. • Prof. Che Chun Tao, director of the School of Chinese Medicine, has been re-appointed by the Secretary for the Environment and Food as a member of the Endangered Species Advisory Committee for one year from 1 st October 2001. • Prof. Shaw Pang Chui, professor in the Department of Biochemistry, has been appointed by the Secretary for the Environment and Food as a member of the Endangered Species Advisory Committee from 1st October 2001 to 30th September 2002. • Prof. Linda Lam Chiu Wa, associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry, has been appointed by the Secretary for Security as an adjudicator of the Immigration Tribunal for two years from 1 st October 2001. • Prof. Dennis Lo Yuk Ming, associate professor in the Department of Chemical Pathology, has been appointed by the Secretary for Security as an adjudicator of the Immigration Tribunal for two years from 1st October 2001. • Prof. Helen Chiu Fung Kum, professor in the Department of Psychiatry, has been elected as president of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists for two years from October 2001. Honours and Awards • Prof. Leung Ping Chung, professor of orthopaedics and traumatology, was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Social Sciences by The University of Hong Kong on 29th March 2001. ( I n f o r m a t i o n in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) Three Decades of Acquisi t ion at the Ar t Museum T he grand opening of the exhibition 'Three Decades of Acquisition at the Art Museum' will take place at 4.30 p.m. on 16th November 2001 at the Art Museum. Prof. James C.Y. Watt, founding director of the Art Museum, and Mrs. Keiko Packard, chairperson of the Friends of the A rt Museum, will officiate at the opening ceremony, which is to be hosted by Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, vice- c h a n c e l l o r o f t he University. The exhibition w i l l continue t i l l 24th February 2002. A ll are welcome. As a university museum, the A rt Museum orientates itself as a cultural and academic institution for the promotion of Chinese culture and art to both the University community and the general public. It organizes not only thematic exhibitions for the appreciation of art and cultural relics, but also talks and symposia to encourage academic research and exchange. Many of the exhibitions have been mounted in collaboration w i th museums on the mainland or with the s uppo rt o f l o c a l c o l l e c t o rs and o r g a n i z a t i o n s. To g i ve recognition to the continuous support of its benefactors, the Art Museum has organized this retrospective s h ow ' T h r ee D e c a d e s o f Acquisition at the Art Museum'. T h e A r t M u s e u m collection includes painting, c a l l i g r a p h y, e p i g r a p h y, rubbings, ceramics, bronze, jade, literati accoutrements, and sculpture. The painting and calligraphy collection, consisting mainly of representative works of diverse regional schools of the Ming and Qing periods, has been enriched in recent years by a certain amount of important Song and Yuan pieces. Artefacts of Ch i ne se e p i g r a p h y, i n particular wood and bamboo slips of Qin and Han times, tomb stelae of the Jin and Tang periods, and stele rubbings of the Song dynasty, have been t he f o c us f o r acquisition of the Art Museum since its inception. Its comprehensive c o l l e c t i on o f c e r am i c s, relatively rich in Ming and Qing pieces with studio marks, zisha ware from Yixing, and Shiwan ware from Guangdong, allows a systematic display that reveals the development of the craft. Although the acquisitions of Shang and Zhou bronzes are small in number, over a thousand pieces of ancient seals have been amassed. In addition, the most remarkable pieces of Neolithic jade, jade flowers of the Ming and Qing eras, lacquer ware, ivories, wood, and bamboo sculpture from the Art Museum holdings will be on display. The Friends of the Art Museum have been a munificent companion. Their constant donations are put on show in the East-wing Gallery. To coincide with this special exhibition in celebration of the 30th and the 20th anniversary of the Art Museum and the Friends respectively, a j o i nt seminar w i l l be held on 24th November 2001 (Saturday) at the Ladies Recreation Club in Central. Six speakers are invited to discuss the history and co l l ec t i on of the A r t Museum. The programme will be conducted in English. For registration, please call 2609 7416. Poems and letters in running and regular scripts by Ni Zan, Yuan Bronze tripod, Shang Porcelain dish with design of happiness and longevity, Qing