Newsletter No. 205

4 No. 205 19th June 2002 CUHK Newsletter 30 Years of Mass Saying at the Adam Schall Chapel T he catholic congregation o f A d am Schall Chapel celebrated the 30th anniversary o f the chapel on the Sunday evening o f 19th Ma y , the exact day on wh i ch, 30 years ago, the first mass was said in the chapel. Celebrations consisted o f a mass said by none other than Father Ciaran Kane o f the Society o f Jesus, the preacher o f the first mass held in A d am Schall Residence, then semi-finished, back in January 1972, and also the first warden o f the residence. A l so in attendance at the anniversary mass were Jesuit fathers who have been saying mass at the chapel, most since the m i d - 1 9 9 0 s. T h ey we re Fr. Joseph Shields, Fr. A l f r ed Deignan, Fr. Sean C o g h l a n , a nd F r . M a r c i a n o Bap t i s t a. The mass was f o l l o w ed by dinner for the congregation held by the University sw immi ng pool. I n the 1960s, the Society o f Jesus, who had already established a base at The University o f Hong Kong, decided that a similar foothold in what wou ld become a major university in the N ew Territories was essential. A few Jesuits teaching at Un i t ed Co l l ege then put f o r wa rd the ambitious idea for a centre for Catholic a c t i v i t i es to be b u i l t on the U n i t ed College campus. This eventually evolved into plans for a hostel w i t h a chapel. I n memo r y o f the Jesuit o r i g i ns o f the chapel, the residence was named after Johann A d am Schall v on Be l l, a famous Jesuit priest o f the 17th century who was also a sinologist, a s t r onome r, and adv i ser to the emperor o f China. F r om the s t a r t, the A d a m Scha ll Chapel has d r awn a r i ch d i v e r s i ty o f supporters f r om a ll w a l k s o f l i f e r e s i d i ng i n t he n e i g h b o u r i ng areas, but ma i n l y f r o m t he U n i v e r s i t y i t s e l f. I n t h i s c o m m u n i t y , a c a d e m i cs r u b s h o u l d e rs w i t h j o c k e y s , h o r se t r a i n e r s, b u s i n e s s me n, p r o f e s s i o n a l s, s t u d e n t s, a nd d ome s t ic h e l p e r s. I n 1994, the ownership and m a n a g e m e n t o f t he A d am Schall Residence was reverted to Un i t ed College, i n accordance w i t h an earlier agreement b e t w e e n t h e Society o f Jesus and the co l l ege. A l t h o u gh the chapel has been deconsecrated, the Society o f Jesus continued to supply priests for the masses every Sunday. A n A d am Schall Chapel Committee was also established under the leadership o f Prof. Kuan Hs in Chi. M r . Pa t r i ck Y i u , senior f i nan ce manager o f the University, who oversees the committee's accounts, says the future is uncertain f or A d am Schall Chapel. 'Mass continues as usual n ow because retired Jesuit priests are k i nd enough to take t ime to say mass here. Cu r r en t ly there are three, two o f wh om are over 70 o f age. The y ' re healthy but there's no know i ng when they wou ld want to return home. Fr. Deignan takes care o f the first, second, and f i f t h , i f t he r e 's a f i f t h , Sundays o f the month, while Fr. Baptista does the third, and Fr. Shields the fourth. As you can see, we cannot afford to have a n y m i s h a p i n t h e arrangement, no matter how small. ’ T he p r o b l em o f a shortage o f priests is not confined to A d am Schall. A c c o r d i ng to M r . Y i u , t h e t w o p a r i s h e s i n Sha T i n t oo have been combined into one. Due to economi c, demographical, and social reasons, far f ewer y o u ng peop le see t a k i ng h o l y orders as the way to spend the rest o f their lives. The chapel still draws a gathering o f about 60 souls each week. However the committee w i l l lose many o f its core members in the near future and that w i l l not help matters a bit. 'Prof. Kuan w i l l j o i n another parish as he wants to be more involved in voluntary services; Mrs. Jean Wi l son w i l l leave the University in July w i t h her husband Prof. Ian Wilson; and a couple o f other professors are going to retire. The future, as y ou can see, is not optimistic, but we w i l l try to keep on for as long as possible,' observes Mr . Y i u, w i t h a tinge o f sadness. Piera Chen (From left) Fr. Shields, Fr. Deignan, Fr. Kane, Fr. Coghlan, and Fr. Baptista 新書 New Publications 香港亞太硏究所 研究專論第一二五號 《回歸後香港青少年的公民意識及公民教育態度:延續與變化》 王 家 英 、 沈 國祥 此文有系統地探討香港青少年的公民意識及他們對公民教育的態度,並比較 一九九七年的同類調查,分析其中變化。在公民意識方面,香港青少年對公民權責 的認知相當穩定,既肯定個人自由、人權等權利,又強調個人應盡本分及守法等。 在公民態度上,他們仍傾向消極負面的犬儒主義,但已較一九九七年有所改善。在 公民參與方面,青少年仍然關注新聞時事,而在社會參與及政治參與上也依舊裹足 不前。 青少年對回歸後香港狀況的評估相當負面,與回歸之初頗為樂觀的期望大相 逕庭。在身分認同上,青少年對香港本土的認同十分強烈,並認為維護自由人權較 維護國家民族利益來得重要。認為香港制度優勝的青少年比率較一九九七年的大幅 度下降,顯示「香港本位意識」在回歸中國四年後有明顯的退減。另外,青少年對 加強國家認同和民族教育、增加與內地學生交流、加強推廣普通話的負面看法,較 一九九七年顯著降低,有助加強內地與香港整合的公民教育的推展。 國際統一書號9 6 2 - 4 4 1 - 1 2 5 - 5,平裝本,四十四頁,二十港元。 滬港發展聯合研究所研究專論第三號 《珠江三角洲區域空間發展:資訊技術與資訊產業的作用》 甄 峰 、 沈 建 法 、 顧 朝 林 、 黃 鈞 堯 近十多年,珠江三角洲面臨社會經濟的全面轉型,此文集中分析資訊技術對 珠三角區域空間結構轉型的影響。資訊技術對城市產業結構的影響很巨大,既加快 了傳統產業的升級改造,衍生了一些新的增長點,又迅速建立了高技術產業,形成 了珠三角資訊產業走廊,並成為全國最大的資訊產業生產基地。城市間資訊網絡的 建設和資訊產業的發展,也加速了城市化、資訊化的進展,從而改變城市景觀;交 通發達和通訊設施也將區域內各城市聯繫起來。未來的空間結構可能是圍繞著技術 創新和社會持續發展而合成的,包括城市中心區、技術園區、休閒旅遊區等組件。 國際統一書號9 6 2 - 4 4 1 - 8 0 3 - 9,平裝本,二十五頁,十五港元。 香港教育硏究所 Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research School Education Reform Series No. 5 Howard Gardner in Hong Kong by Howard Gardner Contents —Introduction —Who Owns Intelligence? —Creativity: New Views f r om Psychology and Education —Multiple Approaches to Understanding —A Job We ll Done I SBN 962-8077-59-7, 118 pages, HK$35 Journal of Basic Education 基礎教育學報 Vol. 10, No. 2 / Vo l. 11, No. 1 (2001) 本 期 焦 點 : 教 育 改革 基礎教育學報編委會改組後,於內容及欄目有新的視野,以原有的「論文」及 注重實踐經驗的「論壇」為基礎,嘗試加強華人社會之間的學術聯繫,多刊載有關 幼兒至初中教育的專論,交流寶貴的研習心得與教學經驗,從而改善基礎教育,提 高教學素質。 本期作者除香港的學者及前線教師外,更有來自內地、台灣、澳門等地的教 育工作者,他們從不同角度論述對教育改革的見解和經驗。 I SSN 1025-1944, 200 pages, HK$100 For enquiries and orders, please call 2609 6754.