Newsletter No. 226

New Department Heads Series N ew chairman of the Department of Social Work, Prof. Tang Kwong-leung might be unfamiliar w i t h his office i n the T .C Cheng Bu i l d i ng at the time of the i n t e r v i ew by the CUHK Newsletter, b ut he has a clear vision for the department. Internationalize Innovate , an d Economiz e Chair of Social Work Prof. Tang Kwong-leung Going Global A n d that is to put it on the w o r ld map, an ambition v e r y m u c h i n l i ne w i t h the d e p a r t me n t 's m i s s i on statement: 'To be a l e a d i ng centre i n social w o r k education and research in Chinese communities.' Besides ensuring all aspects of its w o r k are consistently i n top form, this w i l l mean reinforcing its uniqueness as an academic department of The Chinese University, one based i n H o ng Ko ng but w i t h a global stamp. Research conducted by the department w i l l also need to bear relevance to the rest of the wo r l d. ' Ma ny of our staff do research on topics beyond Ho ng Kong of course, but, even for those focussing on Ho ng Kong, they need to think h ow their w o rk relates to the rest of the wo r l d ,' Prof. Tang said. S i m i l a r ly he believes that, wh a t e v er their focus, the d e p a r t me n t 's f u t u re research projects s h o u ld i n v o l ve international scholars. More Colours on the Palette Joint programmes leading to double degrees, such as social w o r k a nd g o v e r nme nt a dm i n i s t r a t i o n, are a n important international trend i n social wo rk wh i ch has not yet reached H o ng Kong. Prof. Tang hopes that his department w i l l be a pioneer i n this area. Some of his more immediate plans include reviewing the u n d e r g r a d u a te a nd g r a d u a te c u r r i c u la w i t h his colleagues to introduce more innovative courses i n the former and consolidate the latter. ' T he department has been developing very rapidly in the last few years and we n ow have seven postgraduate programmes. There is a need to integrate them better,' he remarked. Some creative but highly relevant ideas for undergraduate courses are unemployment a nd social w o r k practice, global social policy, h u m a n sexuality and social work, and spirituality and social work. The department is also l o o k i ng to establish a j o i nt p o s t g r a d u a te degree p r o g r a mme w i t h a m a i n l a n d university w i t h in the next t wo years and to recruit more doctoral students f r om Malaysia and Singapore, countries wh i ch do not have doctoral programmes i n social work, as we ll as f r om mainland China and Taiwan. Prof. Tang w i l l also explore w a ys o f r a i s i ng the department's research o u t p ut and boosting its quality. ' I understand that teaching and c ommu n i ty service have already taken up mu ch of our staff's time, leaving little for research, even though they wa nt to excel i n all three. This means they m i g ht have to w o r k even harder to increase their research output,' he pointed out. Applying the Wo r ld to Ho ng Ko ng International perspective is not only a w o r l d w i de trend of academic social w o r k departments, i t is also a reflection of the n ew chairman's o w n c o smo p o l i t an background. Prof. Tang has degrees f r om institutions s p a n n i ng three continents: the U n i v e r s i ty o f H o n g Kong, the University of London, and the University of California at Berkeley. These include not only degrees i n social w o r k and social policy b ut also a Master of Laws f r om the University of Cambridge. Before joining The Chinese University, he had taught and researched i n Canada, the US, Singapore, L u x emb o u rg and H o n g Ko n g, a nd been engaged i n f r o n t l i ne w o r k i n H o n g Kong. His extensive knowledge of the development of social w o r k i n other regions w i l l enable h i m to compare the strengths and weaknesses of Ho ng Kong w i t h the rest of the world. Tightening Purse-strings L i ke the rest o f the Un i v e r s i t y, the d e p a r t me nt anticipates a future of limited resources, so its greatest difficulty, Prof. Tang foresees, w i l l be to accomplish deeds while j ump i ng financial hurdles. H o ng Ko ng society is also c h a n g i ng so q u i c k ly that social p r o b l ems may develop overnight. This means teachers, researchers, and frontline workers have to be constantly on their toes. Howe v er Prof. Tang sees this second p h e n ome n on as more of a 'challenge' than a 'difficulty', wh i ch he believes being more socially alert w i l l solve. The whole department may have to toil under less than favourable conditions in the years ahead, but at least they w i ll enjoy the benefits of having a leader who values team wo rk above all. 'Be the day's topic goals, challenges or difficulties, I want to involve the whole department in discussion,' said Prof. Tang reassuringly. Piera Chen 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 外 科 講 座 教 授 Professor of Surgery 大 學 委 任 潘 偉 生 教 授 為 外科 講 座 教 授 , 任 期 由 二 零 零 三 年十 月一日起生效。 潘 教 授 在 格 拉 斯 哥 大 學 醫學 院 習 醫 , 一 九 七 八 年 畢 業 , 八三 年 獲 格 拉 斯 哥 皇 家 外 科 醫 學 院院 士資格。 他 在 英 國 諾 定 咸 大 學 及 城 市 醫 院 和 格 拉 斯 哥 大 學 行醫 並 深 造 腦 神 經 外 科 六 年 , 八 六 年 回 港 加 入 中 大 服 務 , 九九 年升任教授。 潘 教 授 是 多 個 醫 學 會 的 成 員 或 會 長 , 亦 是 多 種 學 術 期 刊 的 編 委 或 顧 問 , 曾 多次 為香港和亞太區引進先進的治病方法。 Prof. Poon Wai-sang has been appointed professor of surgery with effect from 1st October 2003. Prof. Poon joined C U H K as lecturer in surgery in 1986, becoming senior lecturer in 1992, Professor I I in 1997, and Professor I in 1999. He is honorary consultant to North District Hospital and honorary adviser to Alice Ho M i u L i ng Nethersole Hospital. He obtained his M . B. Ch.B. f r om Glasgow University Medical School in 1978, his FRCS (Glasgow) in 1983, and his F H K A M in 1993. He was on general surgical rotation at the C i ty and Un i v e r s i ty Hospitals i n No t t i n g h am, and then engaged i n career neurosurgical training at the Institute o f Neurological Sciences in Glasgow f r om 1980 to 1986. He was visiting research fellow to the Departmemt o f Neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School in 1990—91. Prof. Poon's research interests include hyponatraemia in neurosurgical patients, clinical and experimental aspects o f head injury, neurovascular interventional therapy, neuro-oncology, and telemedicine in neurosurgical practice. 大學游泳池開放時間 University Swimming Pool Notice 由九月一日至十一月三十日為大學游泳池的非繁忙泳季,泳池的開放時間如下: 第 一 節 : 上 午 十 時 三 十 分 至 十 一 時 四 十 五分 第 二 節 : 下 午 十 二 時 三 十 分 至 一 時 四 十分 第 三 節 : 下 午 三 時 三 十 分 至 六 時 十 五 分 ( 假 日 照 常) 由於非典型肺炎疫情已受到控制,大學游泳池現開放予學生/ 教職員 / 校友,及其 直系親屬及訪客。 During the non-peak swimming season f r om 1st September to 30th November 2003, the daily opening hours o f the University swimming pool are as follows: 1st session: 10.30 a.m. - 1 1 . 4 5 a.m. 2nd session: 12.30 p.m. - 1.40 p.m. 3rd session: 3.30 p.m. - 6.15 p.m. As SARS is now under control, the University swimming pool is open to students/staff/alumni and their immediate family members and guests. 圖書館閉館 Library Closure 大 學 圖 書 館 及 所 有 分 館 於 十 月 一 日 ( 星 期 三 , 國 慶 日) 及十月四日(星期六,重陽節) 閉館。 The University Library and all branch libraries w i l l be closed on the f o l l ow i ng public holidays: 1st October 2003 (Wednesday) National Day 4th October 2003 (Saturday) Chung Yeung Festival 戲曲資料中心繼續開放 音 樂 系 粵 劇 研 究 計 劃 的 戲 曲 資 料 中 心 續 獲 香 港 藝 術 發 展 局 戲 曲 小 組 委 員 會資 助,繼續開放予各界人士參觀及使用。 中 心 新 址 位 於 許 讓 成 樓 G 0 6 室 , 提 供 更 寬 敞 和 舒 適 的 閱 讀 環 境 , 內 藏 大 量 中國 戲 曲 資 料 , 包 括 樂 器 、 場 刊 、 單 張 、 海 報 、 劇 本 、 曲 本 、 曲 譜 、 書 籍 、 剪 報 、 錄像 帶、錄音帶、鐳射唱片、相片、幻燈片、文獻等。 該 中 心 的 《 香 港 戲 曲 通 訊 》 第 六 期 印 刷 本 已 經 出 版 , 第 七 期 亦 將 於 兩 個 月 後出 版。兩期的主題分別為「香港首演的新編及改編粵劇專輯( 二 ) 」及「二十世紀初粵劇、 粵曲文獻(一)」。有意訂閱《香港戲曲通訊》者,請致電二六零三五零九八查詢。 時代曲的流光歲月音樂導賞會 《夜上海》、《天涯歌女》、《不了情》、《今宵多珍重》等時代曲,當年風靡萬千樂 迷 , 時 至 今 日 , 這 些 優 美 旋 律 仍 留 在 眾 人 心 中 , 即 使 是 年 青 一 代 , 亦 不 會 感 到陌 生。音樂系中國音樂資料館將於十月十五日(星期三) 晚上七時半,在許讓成樓 L G 0 1 室舉辦「時代曲的流光歲月音樂導賞會」,由著名時代曲研究者黃奇智先生主持。黃 君曾於香港電台主持《老歌知多少》和《時代隨想曲》等節目,並編著《時代曲的流光歲 月》一書。會上會介紹並播放十多首精挑細選的國語時代曲,歡迎員生出席。為免向 隅,可先致電二六零九六五五五留座。 校園保健大使 香港中文大學促進健康校園督導委員會將籌劃「校園保健大使」活動,以加強個 人 健 康 及 公 眾 衛 生 的 意 識 。 委 員 會 會 從 每 所 書 院 各 挑 選 約 十 名 本 科 生 訓 練 , 再 由他 們 協 助 書 院 籌 劃 適 合 同 輩 參 與 的 健 康 教 育 活 動 , 協 助 中 大 成 為 一 所 積 極 追 求 健 康校 園的大學。 詳情可上網 ( 瀏覽。有意參加者亦可向書 院輔導處和保健處索取報名表。截止報名日期為十月三日。 3 No. 226 19th September 2003