Newsletter No. 230

Prof. John Niland Continues Dialogue with CUHK on Institutional Integration P rof. John Niland, Convenor o f the Institutional Integration Working Party (IIWP) of the University Grants Committee (UGC), paid his second visit to The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 6th November 2003 to continue his dialogue with CUHK's Reference Group on Institutional Integration. Th ey f u r t h er e x am i n ed v a r i ous modes o f institutional integration ranging from reinforcing existing cooperation in teaching and research and sharing of resources, to developing deeper collaboration in the form o f j o i nt degree programmes and centrally managed library services, and, at the other end, a full merger. The benefits and difficulties of various modes of institutional integration were also discussed. Prof. Niland said that the IIWP would soon complete its consultation and would produce a draft report for discussion at the UGC's meeting in January 2004 with a view to finalizing the report for submission to the Government in February 2004. Support for Six Research Projects T he following six research projects undertaken by faculty members of the University have attracted funding support from local and overseas sources: • Heritage Areas Assessment and Collective Memory Reconstruction (HK$261,625) Sponsor: The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust Principal investigator: Prof. Kwok Siu-tong (Department of History) • Professional Development Programme for Primary Care Practitioners (HK$703,000) Sponsor: Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme Principal investigator. Prof. Albert Lee (Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion) • 2003-4 Chinese Opera Information Centre (中國戲曲資料中心 )(HK$280,000) Sponsor. Hong Kong Arts Development Council Principal investigator. Prof. Chan Sau-yan (Department of Music) • Effects of an In-service Teacher Development Programme on the Quality of School Physical Education (HK$240,000) Sponsor: Education and Manpower Bureau Principal investigator. Prof. Amy S.C. Ha (Department of Sports Science and Physical Education) • Depressive Disorders and Alcohol Related Disorders Among Patients with Pneumoconiosis in Hong Kong (HK$168,177) Sponsor: Pneumoconiosis Compensation Fund Board Principal investigator. Prof. Tang Wai-kwong (Department of Psychiatry) • Osteoporotic Fractures in Chinese Men: Mr. Os Hong Kong (US$2,049,046) Sponsor. US National Institutes of Health Principal investigator: Prof. Edith M.C. Lau (Department of Community and Family Medicine) O Unite d College Turns 47 United College celebrated its 47th anniversary on 17th October 2003 at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Officiating at the ceremony were, among others, Mr. Shum Choi- sang (right 3), chairman of the United College Board of Trustees, and Dr. Sarah Liao (right 4), Secretary for the Environment, Transport, and Works of the HKSAR. After the ceremony, a college birthday party was held on the college campus, featuring a lion dance by the college Chinese Martial Arts Society and the cutting of a 40-pound birthday cake donated by the College Staff Association. Over 70 trustees, donors, alumni, and members and guests of the college and the University then attended an anniversary luncheon held in the staff common room. In the evening, over 2,200 diners attended the highlight of the anniversary activities 一 the Feast- for-a-Thousand. There were also performances by students and famous Cantopop singers. 〇 New Asia's Mentorship Programme Kicks off Over a hundred mentors and mentees participated in the launch of New Asia's Mentorship Programme 2003, which took place on 25th October at Yun Chi Hsien, New Asia College. The function began with a welcoming speech by Prof. Henry Wong, head of the college, followed by words of encouragement by Mr. Tarn Ying-si, president of the college's Alumni Association. Special thanks were given to the mentors and also to Hang Seng Bank for its support of the programme in the last three years. Mentors and mentees then introduced themselves to each other and arranged activities for the year to come. O Chung Chi's 52nd Founders' Day To celebrate its 52nd anniversary this year, Chung Chi College and its Student Union organized a series of celebratory programmes in October, culminating in the Founders' Day Thanksgiving Service on 31st October. Prof. Ambrose King, vice-chancellor, was the guest speaker on the occasion. This year, apart from traditional celebrations such as the Founders' Day Student Festival and the Feast-for- a-Thousand, there was an inauguration ceremony for the couplet gracing the original Chung Chi gate and the unveiling ceremony of the college's Golden Jubilee sculpture. Erected in 1959 at the college entrance on Tai Po Road, the original Chung Chi gate was dismantled and replaced by a new and larger one in 2001. The couplet on the original gate has now been reinstalled by Lake Ad Excellentiam, opposite the University KCR Station. The Golden Jubilee sculpture, named T he Soaring Fifty' and depicting two Cs in the shape of a soaring b i r d, is situated on the grassy slope of the College Administration Building. It was financed by donations from college alumni, staff, and friends. Both functions were h e l d on the c o l l e g e 's Founders' Day, with vice- chancellor Prof. Ambrose K i n g , M r . K a r l K w o k , chairman o f the College Boa rd o f Trustees, and Prof. Rance Lee, head o f the college, officiating at the ceremonies. Swire CEO on the Myths, Hurdles, Successes, and Aspirations of Doing Business in China D oing business in China has been a mixed bag of expensive lessons, delightful surprises, and sweet fruits, said Mr. James Hughes-Hallett, chairman of Swire Pacific Ltd., Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd., and John Swire and Sons (HK) Ltd., at the University's EMBA Forum held on 22nd September. Mr. Hughes-Hallett also found that certain popular beliefs about getting things done in China are just myths. First is the perceived need to have a 'local' partner. Swire has discovered in retrospect that, as a conglomerate with 52,000 Hong Kong Chinese on its payroll, a local partner is not only unnecessary, but can cause problems later on. Second, the need for 'guangxi', touted by the 'How to' books on doing business in the PRC, is exaggerated. Swire has been able to make its own connections and get things done without resorting to 'guanxi' notwithstanding the widely held 'If you don't bribe, they won't buy' belief. This is probably due to Swire's ability to bring significant employment opportunities. Third, it is possible to repatriate profits from China i f businesses follow the rules. Mr. Hughes-Hallett pointed out however Swire had also encountered difficulties in China when persuading university graduates to move away from their hometowns. The company also overestimated the power of a foreign brand. China is a highly competitive market, where a foreign label offers little premium. The EMBA Forum is organized by the EMBA Programme of the University and is open to students and alumni of the University's EMBA and MBA Programmes, The forum with Mr. Hughes-Hallett was co-sponsored by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business, which is the executive education arm of the Faculty of Business Administration. 150 Postgraduate Students in Community and Family Medicine Get Their Diplomas A total of 150 students of the Department of Community and Family Medicine received their diplomas at the largest ever graduation ceremony for postgraduate diploma students on 2nd November. Officiating at the ceremony was Prof. Joseph Sung, associate dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Prof. Jean Woo, director of the School of Public Health and chair of the Department of Community and Family Medicine, gave a speech of welcome. Dr. P.Y. Lam, director of the Department o f Health o f the HK S AR, addressed the graduates as the guest of honour. Diplomas in eight specializations were presented on the occasion: Diploma in Clinical Gerontology (9), Postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (31), Diploma in Fam i ly Med i c i ne (55), D i p l oma in Health Services Management and Public Health (4), Diploma in Health Economics and Health Policy (6), Diploma in Occupational Medicine (18), Diploma in Occupational Health Practice (4), and Diploma in Women's Health Studies (23). 2 No. 230 19th November 2003