Newsletter No. 230

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任博文講座教授 Distinguished Professor-at-Large Appointment 大學委任丘成桐教授出任博文講座教授,任期由二零 零三年十月一日起生效。 丘成桐教授在本校攻讀數學,僅用兩年半時間完成了 四年的學位課程,隨即負笈美國,師從數學大師陳省身教 授,一九七一年取得柏克萊加州大 學博士學位。其後曾於美國多所著 名大學任教,八七年起出任哈佛大 學數學講座教授,過去十年亦出任本校數學講座教授,現兼任數學 科學研究所所長。 一九七六年,丘教授成功解開微分幾何學難題「卡拉比猜想」, 八二年因而獲得等同諾貝爾獎的數學界最高榮譽——菲爾兹獎。他 是首位獲此殊榮的華裔數學家。 丘教授數學研究成就卓越,屢獲獎譽,包括八一年美國數學家學會威伯倫獎,九四 年瑞典皇家學院克拉福特獎,九七年美國國家科學獎。他是美國科學院院士、中國科學 院外籍院士、台灣中央研究院院士和俄羅斯科學院外籍院士。 Prof. Yau Shing-tung has been appointed distinguished professor-at-large of the University from 1st October 2003. Prof. Yau received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1971 and his D.Sc., honoris causa, from The Chinese University in 1980. He is honorary professor of Zhejiang University and William Casper Graustein Professor of Harvard University. From 1997 to 2000, he was Higgins Professor at Harvard University. He was also professor of mathematics of The Chinese University for the past 10 years. Prof. Yau's academic career is dotted with prestigious honours and awards. Among them are Foreign Membership of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2003), the American National Medal of Science (1997), the Crafoord Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy (1994), the Fields Medal (1982), and the Veblen Prize (1981). 第六十屆大會典禮特別安排 Arrangements for the 60th Congregation 大學第六十屆大會(頒授學位典禮)將於十二月四日(星期四)分兩部分舉行。典禮之 第一部分於上午十時在林蔭大道舉行’由大學校董會主席鄭維健博士主持,頒授榮譽博 士學位、高級學位及學士學位。 第二部分由成員書院、研究院和兼讀學士學位課程各自為所屬學士及碩士學位畢業 生舉行畢業禮,依次由各書院院長、副校長兼研究院院長楊綱凱教授和副校長鄭振耀教 授主持。時間及地點表列如下: 畢業典禮 時間 地點 逸夫書院 下午十二時三十分至二時 邵逸夫堂 新亞書院 下午一時十五分至二時四十五分 林蔭大道 崇基學院 下午二至四時 崇基禮拜堂 兼讀學士學位課程 下午三至四時 逸夫書院大講堂 聯合書院 下午二時十五分至五時 邵逸夫堂 碩士學位課程 下午三時三十分至五時三十分 林蔭大道 披袍處 披袍處設於大學行政樓祖堯堂。典禮行列準於九時四十分列隊,並於九時五十五分 離開祖堯堂。 交通 典禮當日,范克廉樓、富爾敦樓、大學行政樓、中國文化研究所、田家炳樓及大學 圖書館等停車場,皆保留予嘉賓及公務車輛專用。 邵逸夫堂對面停車場暫停開放 邵逸夫堂對面之停車場將闢作畢業生座席,該停車場將由十一月二十二日至十二月 八日暫停開放,以便蓋搭及拆卸帳篷。 停課 醫科一、二年級及研究院課程停課,全日制本科課程第一學期科目考試暫停。 范克廉樓部分餐廳暂停服務 范克廉樓教職員餐廳及學生餐廳是日由上午七時三十分至下午三時暫停服務,以便 安排典禮後之茶會。泳池旁快餐店部分座位由上午十一時三十分至下午二時三十分將預 留作兼讀學士學位課程畢業午餐會之用。 天雨安排 如遇天雨,典禮第一部分改在邵逸夫堂舉行;而新亞書院畢業典禮及碩士學位課程 畢業典禮則改在新亞書院體育館舉行。 The 60th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees will be held in two parts on Thursday, 4th December 2003. Part I The first part of the ceremony, to be presided at by Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng, chairman of the Council, will be held at 10.00 a.m. at the University Mall. Honorary, higher, and first degrees will be conferred at the ceremony. Part II The graduation ceremonies held by the four colleges and the part-time degree programmes for first degree graduates, and the master's degree graduation ceremony will take place as follows: College/Programme Time Presiding Officer Venue Shaw 12.30—2.00 p.m. Head of college Sir Run Run Shaw Hall New Asia 1.15-2.45 p.m. Head of college University Mall Chung Chi 2.00-4.00 p.m. Head of college Chung Chi Chapel Part-time Degrees 3.00-4.00 p.m. Prof. Jack Cheng, pro-vice-chancellor Shaw College Lecture Theatre United 3.15-5.00 p.m. Head of college Sir Run Run Shaw Hall Master's degrees 3.30-5.30 p.m. Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vice-chancellor and dean of Graduate School University Mall Robing Cho Yiu Hall of the University Administration Building w i l l be used as the robing room. Marshalling of the procession will begin at 9.40 a.m. The procession will leave the University Administration Building for the ceremonial grounds at 9.55 a.m. Parking Car parks at the Benjamin Franklin Centre, John Fulton Centre, University Administration Building, Institute of Chinese Studies, Tin Ka Ping Building, and the University Library will be reserved for guests with special parking labels. Temporary Closure of Car Park Opposite Sir Run Run Shaw Hall The car park opposite Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, to be used as a seating area for graduates, w i ll be temporarily closed from 22nd November to 8th December for the erection of a canopy for the ceremony. Suspension of Classes Classes for Medical Years 1 and 2, postgraduate programmes and first term course examinations for full-time undergraduate programmes will be suspended for the day. Temporary Closure of BFC Canteens The Benjamin Franklin Centre staff and student canteens w i ll be closed on the day from 7.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m., as they will be used for reception after Part I of the ceremony. The Fast Food Shop w i ll also be partially reserved from 11.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. for the lunch gathering of graduates of the Part-time Degree Programmes and their families. Wet Weather In case of wet weather, Part I of the ceremony will be held at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall while the New Asia College graduation ceremony and the master's degrees graduation ceremony will take place in the New Asia Gymnasium. 平安夜、除夕及大年夜之辦公安排 Staffing Arrangements on Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and Chinese New Year's Eve 根據大學關於平安夜、除夕及大年夜辦公之安排,所有部門於二零零三年十二月二 十四日(星期三)、十二月三十一日(星期三)及二零零四年一月二十一日(星期三)上午只須 留有職員值班。當值之職員(乙或丙類服務條例)可獲補假半天。 上述安排不適用於保健處、大學圖書館系統、資訊科技服務處之電算機操作組、保安 組、交通組、物業管理處等部門。該等部門須留有足夠人手以維持基本服務。 The following staffing arrangements for Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and Chinese New Year's Eve will apply on 24th and 31st December 2003, and 21st January 2004. A ll three days are Wednesdays. 1. For essential service units such as the University Health Service, the University Library System, the Operations Team of the Information Technology Services Centre, the Security Unit, the Transport Unit, and the Estates Management Office, a task force should remain on duty to provide basic services. 2. For all other offices in the University, skeleton staff should be on duty on these mornings to handle urgent matters and enquiries. These offices will be closed in the afternoon. 3. The skeleton staff (on Terms B or C) on duty on each morning w i l l be given compensation leave of half a day. 大學游泳池停止開放 University Swimming Pool Closed for Maintenance 大學游泳池將由十二月一日(星期一)至明年四月停止開放,進行周年維修工程。重 新開放日期,容後公布。 The University Swimming Pool will be closed from 1st December 2003 (Monday) to April 2004 for annual maintenance. The date of re-opening will be announced later. 「仁智之樂——固庵教授在中大」展覽 Art Museum Stages Exhibition in Honour of Prof. Jao Tsung-I 饒宗頤教授,字選堂,號固庵,一九一七年生。饒教授學術研究恢宏深邃,為當今 學術界祭酒,並以書畫馳譽藝壇。饒教授近三十年在中大教學、研究與創作,現為中國 文化研究所及藝術系偉倫榮譽講座教授,下月四日將獲中大頒授榮譽文學博士學位,文 物館特為籌辦展覽誌賀。此展覽會介紹其繪畫書法、文玩珍藏、研究著作等。 開幕典禮訂於十二月一日(星期一)下午五時在文物館東翼展覽廳舉行,由饒宗頤教 授及金耀基校長主禮。展期由十二月二日至明年二月,歡迎參觀。 The Art Museum is organizing an exhibition in honour of Prof. Jao Tsung-I, who will be conferred the degree of Doctor of Literature, honoris causa, at the University's 60th Congregation on 4th December. Entitled 'Enjoyments of a Scholar 一 Prof. Jao Tsung-I at CUHK ', the exhibition w i ll run from 2nd December 2003 to February 2004 in its East- wing Galleries. On display will be his paintings and calligraphy, personal collection of fine works of art, and treatises on subjects of his specialization. Prof. Jao, currently Wei Lun Honorary Professor, will join Prof. Ambrose King, vice- chancellor of the University, to officiate at the opening ceremony to be held on 1st December. 粵劇展覽 「粵劇三面睇——畫、功、像」將於十二月六至九日在「設計營商周 2 0 0 3 」之「亞洲風 尚」展覽中展出。展覽假香港會議展覽中心新翼舉行,由模型幻族工作室及采晨展藝坊聯 合主辦,香港中文大學戲曲資料中心協辦,展覽內容有粵劇人物模型、畫家眼中的粵 劇、兒童粵劇的德育及體能訓練,以簇新形式介紹傳統粵劇。詳情可上網 ( http://corp.mus. ) 參閱。 4 No. 230 19th November 2003