Newsletter No. 238

University Presidents' Global Forum 2004 O ver 40 un i ve r s i ty heads f r om Australia, Canada, the UK, the US, mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong gathered on the Sha Tin Clubhouse of the Ho ng K o ng Jockey C l ub f or the University Presidents' Global Forum 2004 on ' Un i ve r s i t i es in the 21st Century' on 29th and 30th March. Officiating at the opening ceremony were Dr. Alice Lam (middle), chairman of the University Grants Committee, Dr. Edgar Cheng (right), chairman of the University Council, and Prof. Ambrose K i ng ( l e f t ) , vice-chancellor o f the University. A total of eight sessions were held on the two days. They were entitled 'How Wi ll New Developments in IT Impact Research and Teaching in the 21st Century?', 'Lessons from Technology Transfer: Experience o f Research Universities', 'Global Competition versus International Cooperation: Effects on t he Re s e a r ch U n i v e r s i t y ' , 'Improvement of Research Universities 一 Where and How?', 'Is There a Role for Teaching Ethics and Values in Research Universities?', 'How Should the L i b e r a l A r t s I n t e r a ct w i t h Professional Schools in the Research U n i v e r s i t y : N ew 21st C e n t u ry Pa r a d i gms ', ' F u t u re o f Te r t i a ry Education', and a closing session. A special lecture entitled 'Incentives and the Universities: The Impact of Pe r f o rman ce Me a s u r eme n t' was delivered by Prof. Sir James A. Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in economics, professor of political economy at the University of Cambridge, and distinguished professor- at-large of the University. During the forum, the University signed a Memorandum of Understanding to foster exchanges and collaboration w i th the University of Glasgow, UK. Collaboration w i th the University of Waterloo, Canada was also expanded to cover the Faculty of Engineering. During their stay, the participants and their spouses were given a tour of Hong Kong and a banquet in their honour held at the Government House The forum was sponsored by the Un i ve r s i ty Grants Committee, the Croucher Foundation, and the K.C. Wong Education Foundation. No Significant Human Reservoir f rSARS Infection nHong Kong, Study Shows T he C e n t r e f o r E m e r g i n g Infectious Diseases (CEID) of the Facu l ty o f Med i c i ne released the outcomes of its first population-based serological survey of asymptomatic SARS-associated coronavirus infection in Hong Kong at a press conference held on 15th Ma r ch at the Postgraduate Education Centre, Prince o f Wales Hospital. The study finds that extremely few Hong Kong residents have asymptomatic SARS infection. The survey was launched last year to determine the prevalence of antibody to SARS-coronavirus in the general population of Hong Kong, to identify a s ymp t oma t ic SARS pa t i en ts i n particular, and to examine the risk factors predisposing one to SARS exposure. Over 10,000 citizens aged five or above were randomly selected to take part in the study from September to October 2003. B l ood samples were collected and screened for the presence of the SARS-coronavirus antibody. Fifty-three subjects were positive in the initial screening with seven later confirmed as true positives. Among the seven, only one had asymptomatic infection. It is estimated therefore that there are only about 630 asymptomatic SARS cases in Hong Kong. The study suggests that most Hong Kong citizens have not been exposed to the virus, and there is no significant human reservoir for SARS-coronavirus infection in Hong Kong. Another Rhodes Scholar from CUHK M iss Fung Si Yu, a student of the University, has been chosen as Hong Kong Rhodes Scholar for the year 2004. A member of United College, Miss Fung is a final-year student majoring in translation and minoring in English. She w i ll be leaving for the UK to start her second Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford in October 2004. Miss Fung has demonstrated herself to be a person of high intellectual ability, having maintained an outstanding academic r e c o rd t h r o u g h o ut her university studies and having won many prestigious scholarships. She is also a young woman of integrity who enjoys interacting with people and has been very active in extracurricular activities. She is also very active in volunteer work. Miss Fung is the sixth Hong Kong Rhodes Scholar from CUHK over the last nine years. Long Service Award 2 0 0 3 A total of 30 veterans of the U n i v e r s i ty who had served the University for 25 years were awarded the Long Service Awa rd 2003 at the University Guest House on 19th March. Seen here is Prof. Ambrose King, vice-chancellor, at the award presentation ceremony. More about the awardees this year are carried on the Chinese pages. Opening of Cancer Symposium and Cheque Presentation T he opening ceremony of the Ninth Annual Scientific Symposium of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute, 'Anti- Cancer D r ug Deve l opmen t: F r om Bench to Bedside to Market' took place on 1 9 t h M a r c h 2 0 0 4 at t he Postgraduate Education Centre of the Prince of Wales Hospital. The two-day event is organized annually by the Hong Kong Cancer Institute to provide a forum for cancer experts worldwide to examine the latest developments in cancer treatment. Held in conjunction with ceremony was the presentation of a cheque to the institute, the amount of which was raised by m e m b e r s , f r i e n d s , a nd supporters of the University at the Round-the-CU-Walkathon held in February 2003 when the 40th anniversary celebrations were kicked off. A l l the money will be spent on cancer research. Dr. Edgar Cheng, chairman of the University Council, and Prof. Ambrose King (left), vice-chancellor of the Un i v e r s i t y, o f f i c i a t ed at the ceremony. Prof. Sydney Chung (right), dean of medicine, received the donation on behalf of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute. Prizes were also presented to the two winning teams — the Chung Chi College Team for having the largest number of walkers and the Hang Seng Bank Team for raising the highest amount of donations. No. 238 4th April 2004