Newsletter No. 245

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新 任 講 座 教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任科大衛教授為歷史學講 座教授,任期由二零零四年九月一日 起生效。 科教授一九七六年取得普林斯頓 大學哲學博士銜後,即加入本校任教 至九一年。重返中大服務前,他在牛津大學聖安東尼 學院講學。 Prof. DavidWilliam Faure has been appointed professor of history from 1st September 2004. Prof. Faure obtained a Ph.D. in sociology from Princeton University in 1976. He was lecturer in history at The Chinese University from 1976 to 1991. Prior to rejoining the University, he was university lecturer in modem Chinese history and fellow of St. Antony's College, University of Oxford. 二 零 零 五 至 二 零 零 六 年 度 教 職 員 進 修 資 助 計劃 Staff Development Grants/Programmes 2005-2006 關祖堯教職員進修基金、利希慎教職員進修基金及中英友好信託獎學金現接受 申請。有關詳情已於九月初送達各學院院長、系主任及部門主管,以供教職員參 考。有意申請者,可上網瀏覽詳細資料及手續,網址為 personnel/announcement.asp 。 截止申請日期為二零零四年十月十五日。查詢可致電人 事處(內線七一九一或七二八八)。 其他教職員進修資助計劃及由學術交流處統籌的學術交流/交換計劃的資料及申請 辦法,也可透過上述網頁查閱。 The C.Y. Kwan Endowment Fund for Staff Development, the Lee Hysan Foundation Endowment Fund for Staff Development, and the Sino-British Fellowship Trust Fund are now open for application. Staff members interested in applying for the grants may obtain detailed information at announcement.asp. The deadline for application is 15th October 2004. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191 or 7288). A summary of other staff development grants/programmes and the major academic exchange or linkage programmes under the auspices of the Offices of Academic Links has already been sent to all faculty deans and department chairmen/ unit heads for reference, and are also available at the above website. 中大信用卡永久免年費 Perpetual Annual Fee Waiver for CUHK Credit Card Holders 由今年六月起,中大信用卡可享永久免年費優惠*。 中大信用卡包括 VISA 及 MasterCard ,由恒生銀行與中大聯合推出,是中大人的 身分象徵。中大教職員、學生及校友凡成功申請中大信用卡及憑卡消費,都會自動 令大學獲得恒生銀行的捐助,用以資助校園發展、學生活動及校友事務。 持卡人其他專享優惠包括︰ •主咭人士可申請「中大蜆殼卡」,憑卡入油每公升可節省七角八仙。 •持卡學生可享免息分期繳付中大學費。 •持金卡或白金卡的校友可使用多項大學設施,並享優惠。 有意申請者,請到恒生銀行索取表格或上網 ( privileges/special/cucard.html) 下載。 查詢請電中大恒生銀行分行(二一九八零八一六),或恒生客戶服務熱線(二八二 二零二二八),或校友事務處(二六零九七八七零)。 *每位恒生銀行客戶可享有—張恒生信用卡永久免年費優惠,所有優惠詳情和有關條款及細 則,請參閲信用卡申請表格。 With effect from June 2004, all holders of the CUHK Credit Card (VISA or MasterCard) issued by Hang Seng Bank in association with CUHK are eligible for a perpetual annual fee waiver*. New cardholders also have the reassuring knowledge that Hang Seng Bank is donating part of their card spending to the University. Other benefits include a discount of HK$0.78 per litre on gasoline for principal cardholders who also hold CUHK Shell Cards, interest-free instalment loan for student cardholders paying tuition, access to campus facilities with discount offers for alumni cardholders of the CUHK Gold or Platinum Card. Please direct enquiries to the Hang Seng Bank Chinese University Branch at 2198 0816, the Hang Seng Bank Customer Service Hotline at 2822 0228, or the CUHK Alumni Affairs Office at 2609 7870. CUHK Credit Card application forms are downloadable at http://www.alumni. * Eligible customers can enjoy perpetual annual fee waiver for one Hang Seng Credit Card only. For terms and conditions of the CUHK Credit Card, please refer to the application form. 圖書館閉館 Library Closure 大學圖書館暨各分館於九月二十八日(星期二,中秋節)提前於下午五時閉館, 另於九月二十九日(星期三,中秋節翌日)及十月一日(星期五,國慶)閉館。 The University Library and all branch libraries w i ll be closed earlier at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 28th September 2004 (Mid-Autumn Festival). They w i ll also be closed on 29th September (Wednesday, the day following Mid-Autumn Festival) and 1st October (Friday, National Day). 教 職 員 及 其 配 偶 普 通 話 和 粵 語 課程 Putonghua and Cantonese Courses for CU Staff and Staff Spouses 新雅中國語文研習所定期為本校教職員及其配偶舉辦普通話和粵語課程,二零 零四年第四期的開班詳情如下: 課程:(一)供外籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級普通話課程。 (二)供外籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級粵語課程。 (三)供粵籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級普通話課程。 (四)供非粵籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級粵語課程。 日期: A 班:二零零四年十月十九日至十二月二十三日 (逢星期二、四,共四十節) B 班:二零零四年十月十三日至十二月二十二日 (逢星期三、五,共四十節) 時間:下午六時三十分至八時二十分(兩節) 地點:方樹泉樓 以上各課程每班限額八人,按報名先後取錄,少於六人不開班。學費全期五千 二百港元,凡聘任期不少於兩年之本校全職教職員及其配偶,如未獲任何語言修習 資助者,可獲大學津貼學費四成。有意就學者,請於十月六日前與該所聯絡(電話二 六零九六七三一)。 The New Asia—Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre offers putonghua and Cantonese courses to the University's staff and staff spouses on a regular basis. The courses have been scheduled as follows: Course Titles: (1) Beginner's course in Putonghua for non-Chinese speakers. (2) Beginner's course in Cantonese for non-Chinese speakers. (3) Beginner's course in Putonghua for speakers of other Chinese dialects. (4) Beginner's course in Cantonese for speakers of other Chinese dialects. Duration: Class A: 19th October to 23rd December 2004; 40 sessions Every Tuesday and Thursday Class B: 13th October to 22nd December 2004; 40 sessions Every Wednesday and Friday Time: 6.30 p.m. to 8.20 p.m. (two sessions each) Venue: Fong Shu Chuen Building The size of each class will be limited to eight students. The minimum number of students to form a class is six. Enrolment w i ll be on a first-come-first-served basis. Basic tuition fee for each course is HK$5,200. The University will subsidize 40 per cent of the tuition fee for all full-time academic and administrative staff, as well as their spouses, who are expected to be with the University for at least two years, and who are not receiving a language study subsidy from any other source. For enrolment, please contact the Chinese Language Centre at 2609 6731 before 6th October 2004. 健康講座 保健處訂於九月二十二日下午一至二時在邵逸夫堂舉行「健康與秀身」講座,由 確進糖尿專科中心陳諾教授主講。 講座舉行前半小時,特設免費體重指標及脂肪比率測試,歡迎員生參加。場內 供應三文治及飮品。 招 募 學 生 出 任 校 園 保 健 大使 Campus Health Ambassadors 香港中文大學促進健康校園督導委員會與保健處合辦「校園保健大使」活動,以 加強個人健康及公眾衛生的意識。每所書院設有十個名額,學生接受訓練後,將獲 資助籌劃適合同輩參與的健康教育活動。大會又設證書及獎項,以鼓勵學生參加。 詳情請瀏覽。 A Campus Health Ambassador Programme w i ll be organized by the Steering Committee on Health Promotion on Campus and the University Health Service on 9th, 10th and 16th October. Ten students w i ll be selected from each of the four colleges for training. Trained students will be given resources for setting up health education activities at their respective colleges to promote health. Certificates and awards will also be distributed. The programme is free of charge and covers training, meals, and all expenses. For details, please visit Epsonproject.htm. 2 第二四五期 二零零四年九月十九日