Newsletter No. 261

E - N E W S L E T T ER ABSTRACT Volume 2 No. 11 Top Economists t o Deliver Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures The Sun Hung Ka i Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures were held o n 3rd June this year, following a successful debut last year. Three Nobel laureates i n economic sciences and three other wo r l d - c l a ss economists shed light on 'The Emergence o f China i n th e Wo r l d Ec onomy' a t t h e Kowloon Shangri-la. Th e lectures ar e a collaboration b e t w e en t h e C h i n e se University and Sun Hung Ka i Properties. CUHK Awarded N I HGrant f o rAnticancer Botanical Research Centre The I n s t i t u te o f Ch i nese Me d i c i ne o f t h e Chinese University has been awarded a sponsorship b y th e National Institutes o f Health (NIH), USA, to establish a Research Centre for Botanical Immuno-modulators in c o l l a b o r a t i on w i t h th e Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center i n New York. The new centre will undertake advanced research on anti-cancer herbs. It is the first joint research centre devoted t o the area between a U S and a non-US medical institute t o receive NIH support. Volume 2 No. 12 CUHK Confers Nine Honorary Fellowships At the Chinese University's Fourth Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony, honorary fellowships were conferred o n nine distinguished persons who have been closely associated with the University, i n recognition o f their outstanding contributions t o CUHK and th e community. Dr . Edgar Cheng, chairman o f the University Council, presided at the ceremony which was held o n 23rd May at Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building. (Profiles of the Honorary Fellows can be found on the centre pages.) CUHK Student Wins First R.C. Lee Centenary Scholarship Wong Kwai-ling (right), a student o f Chung Chi College o f the Chinese University, has been awarded th e R.C. Lee Centenary Scholarship. Miss Wong is a final-year student majoring i n psychology. She will pursue doctoral studies i n cognitive psychology at Vanderbilt University in the US in the coming August. For details, please visit Nine Recognized for Teaching Excellence N ine outstanding teachers o f the University were presented th e V i ce -Chance l l o r 's Exemp l a ry Teaching Awa rd 2004 b y Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, vice-chancellor of the University, at a ceremony on 24th May 2005. The awardees were Prof. Michael E. McClellan of the Department o f Music, Prof. Michael Hu i of the Department o f Marketing, Mr. Paul Sze o f the Department o f Curriculum and Instruction, Prof. Tan Lee o f the Department o f Electronic Engineering, Prof. Janny Leung of the Department o f Systems Eng i nee r i ng an d En g i n e e r i ng Management, Prof. Leung S i ng - f ai o f th e Department o f Clinical Oncology, Prof. Kenneth Young o f th e Department o f Physics, Prof. Chau Kwai-cheong o f the Department o f Geography and Resource Management, and Prof. Freedom Leung o f t h e D e p a r t me nt o f Psychology. Amo ng them, Prof. L e u ng S i n g - f ai wa s a second - t ime honouree, having been bestowed th e award in its first year. At the ceremony, Prof. Lau lauded the recipients f o r their ex ce l l ent teaching an d reiterated the University's commitment to quality teaching. The honourees also shared the joys and challenges of teaching with the audience. The award, established i n 1999, has s o fa r honoured 46 teachers o f the University. Suppor t fo r Si x Project s The following research and research-related projects undertaken by faculty members of the University have attracted funding support from different quarters: ‧ Design and Build the Next Generation Energy Efficient Controllable Mechanical Metal Forming Presses (HK$4,000,000) Sponsor: Innovation and Technology Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Du Ruxu (Department of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering) Other CU investigator: Dr. Wu Xiang ‧Evaluation o f Potential Synergistic Effects of Valsartan Combined with GLP-1 o r LAF237 on Pancreatic islet Function, Endothelial Function and Glucose Tolerance in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (US$172,500) Sponsor: Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Inc. Principal investigator: Prof. Leung Po-sing (Department o f Physiology) ‧ Consortium Linkage Studies of Type 2 Diabetes (US$47,759) Sponsor: National Institute o f Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Principal investigator: Prof. Juliana Chan (Department o f Medicine and Therapeutics) ‧ ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications VRCIA 2006 (HK$100,000) Sponsor: The Croucher Foundation Principal investigator: Prof. H.Q. Sun (Department o f Computer Science and Engineering) ‧ Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium 'Coral Reef: Cooperation and Collaboration fo r Better Conservation' (HK$100,000) Sponsor: The Croucher Foundation Principal investigator: Prof. Put O. Ang, Jr . ‧ Immunomodulatory Activities o f Herbal Formulae 'Kwan Du B u Fei Dang' i n Healthy Subjects: A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Study (HK$804,328) Sponsor: Research Fund for the Control o f Infectious Diseases Principal investigator: Prof. Fung Kwok-pui (Department o f Biochemistry) 1 No. 261 4th June 2005