Newsletter No. 462

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 外科榮休講座教授 Emeritus Professor of Surgery 經教務會推薦,並依據香港中文大學條例規程21的規 定,大學校董會執行委員會代表大學校董會,通過頒授外科 榮休講座教授銜與李國章教授,以表揚他的學術成就和對大 學的貢獻,任期由二零零五年八月一日起生效。 李國章教授是傑出的教育家及外科醫生,一九八二年加 入中文大學成為外科學系創系講座教授。他帶領外科學系成 為國際知名的外科中心,又兩度當選醫學院院長,全力推動 該院發展。李教授將由二零零五年八月一日起榮休。 李教授於一九九六至二零零二年間出任中文大學校長,為中大在新世紀全方位 發展奠下基礎,如成立酒店及旅遊管理學院、中醫學院、公共衛生學院、藥劑學院 及那打素護理學院。 李教授一九九六年獲頒英國皇家愛丁堡外科醫學院的榮譽金章——此獎特為全 球最出色的外科醫生而設,李教授是首位獲此殊榮的華人。二零零四年,李教授獲 委任為英國愛丁堡皇家外科醫學院委員,成為該院的最高級顧問。李教授在推動本 港高等教育及醫療發展不遺餘力,曾擔任多項重要公職。他曾出版十多種醫學專 著、三百多篇論文,並為多種國際期刊的編輯和多所中國重點大學的榮譽教授。 In accordance with Statue 21 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance, the Executive Committee of the University Council has, on behalf of the Council, approved the Senate's recommendation to award of the title of Emeritus Professor of Surgery to Prof. Arthur K.C. Li with effect from 1st August 2005, after his retirement from the University, in recognition of his outstanding academic achievements and distinguished service to the University. An exceptional educator and surgeon, Prof. Arthur Li joined the Chinese University in 1982 as founding chair of the Department of Surgery. He was twice elected by his fellow medical professors to take on the deanship of the Medical Faculty. He served as vice-chancellor of the University from August 1996 to July 2002 and laid the foundation for the University's advancement in the new century. Major academic developments during his term included the establishment of the School of Tourism and Hotel Management, the School of Chinese Medicine, the School of Public Health, the School of Pharmacy, and the Nethersole School of Nursing. In 1996, he was presented the President's Gold Medal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. The award was established by the college to honour surgeons of international distinction. In 2004, Prof. Li was appointed as a Regent of the College in recognition of his achievements as an internationally renowned surgeon with an impressive research record and an outstanding contribution to medical education. Over the years. Prof. Li has held important positions in social service organizations, medical associations, and educational bodies. He has published over 300 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, numerous book chapters and abstracts, and held honorary professorships in many major universities in China. Naming of Facilities The Executive Committee of the University Council has approved, on behalf of the Council, for the acceptance of a generous donation of HK$10 million from Dr. Tam Wah-ching towards the development and research activities of the Institute of Chinese Medicine, and the naming of the library/resource centre of the Institute of Chinese Medicine at the East Block of the Science Centre, as The International Association of Lions Clubs District 303 —Hong Kong & Macau TamWah Ching Chinese Medicine Resource Centre (國際獅子 總會港澳三O三區譚華正中醫中藥資料中心). 辦理延長工作簽證 Visa Extension 大學同人若沒有香港居留權,請留意本身的香港工作簽證期限,並須於逗留期 限屆滿前四星期內,向政府有關部門申請延長簽證。申請時須提供的大學在職證 明,可聯絡人事處(內線七二九二或七二九一或七二七二)索取。 同人可於網上 預 約,到入境事務處分區辦事處辦理申請手 續,惟不適用於必須在入境處總部遞交申請者。同人成功延長工作簽證後,應將簽 證影印本傳真至人事處(二六零三五二二三),以更新人事紀錄。 Staff members who do not hold the right of abode in Hong Kong are reminded to check the validity of their employment visas. They should arrange to renew their employment visas within four weeks prior to the expiry date. An application for extension of employment visa requires a sponsorship letter from the University to certify the staff member's employment status. Staff members may approach the Personnel Office (Tel: 2609 7292/ 7291/7272) for the sponsorship letter. Staff members can make the appointment for visa extension via the Internet t o save the need for queuing at Immigration branch offices. This service is not available to those required to file their applications at the Immigration Department's headquarters. Upon successful application for the visa extension, staff members should provide a copy of the latest visa endorsement to the Personnel Office (Fax: 2603 5223) as a record to support that they are lawfully employable at the University. 公積金及強積金計劃投資成續 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme and MPFS 財務處公布公積金及強積金計劃內各項投資基金的回報如下: The Bursary announces the following investment returns in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme (MPFS). 二零零五年五月 May 2005 基金 Fund 1995 計劃 Scheme 指摽回報 Benchmark Return 強積金計劃 MPFS** (只供參考 for reference only) (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth 1.31% 1.04% 0.74% 平衡 Balanced -0.76% 0.34% 0.25% 穩定 Stable -1.39% -1.14% 0.78% 香港股票 HK Equity 0.01% 0.93% 0.50% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 0.72% 0.93% — 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.22% 0.07% — 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit* 0.07% -0.13% — 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit* -2.75% -2.92% — 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit* -4.44% -4.48% — * 實 際 與 指 標 回 報 已 包 括 有 關 期 間 的 匯 率 變 動 。 Both actual and benchmark returns including foreign currency exchange difference for the period concerned. ** 強積金數據乃根據有關期間的單位價格及標準投資管理費計算,未包括管理費回扣。 Based on the changes in unit price during the period concerned and using the standard investment management fee. Fee rebate has not been reflected. 文物館將展出于右任書法藝術 Forthcoming Exhibition on Yu's Cursive Calligraphy at the Art Museum 文物館將於七月九日至九月四日舉辦「一代草聖:三原于右任書法藝術」展覽, 開幕典禮於七月八日(星期五)下午四時半舉行。 篆、隸、楷、行、草是中國書法的五種主要書體,其中草 書以筆劃相連為特色,結體變化的自由度最大。草書書寫便捷, 但是很易流於不可辨讀。上世紀三、四十年代,于右任 (1879- 1964) 積極推行草書標準化,並且身體力行,成為一代名家。 于右任是革命報人、辛亥元老、詩人、教育家和政治家, 曾任監察院院長凡三十年。處身動邊多變的局勢,書法藝術成 為他畢生的追求。他的書法早年從王羲之、趙孟頫入手,其後 轉研魏碑,書風兼具柔美與沉雄的韻致。中年以後,專攻草 書,風格雄豪婉麗,自成一家,時稱「于體」。 是次展覽匯集于氏的優美作品,展品主要精選自于氏後人 (包括其外孫、中大校長劉遵義教授)的珍藏。 The Art Museum will mount an exhibition entitled 'Master of Cursive Calligraphy: Yu Youren 1879-1964' from 9th July to 4th September 2005. The opening ceremony will be held on 8th July at 4.30 p.m. at the Art Museum. Among the five basic scripts in Chinese calligraphy, the cursive script is characteristic for the linked brush strokes and the most varied and simplified form of the characters. While the writing could be rapidly rendered, the disadvantage of cursive calligraphy is that it could be somehow illegible. In the 1930s to 40s, Yu Youren (1879-1964) promoted the standardization of the cursive script, and he himself became a well-known master of cursive calligraphy. This exhibition has assembled Yu's representative works from various sources to demonstrate the great accomplishments of the master. The majority of the exhibits are drawn from the collections of Yu's descendants, including those of his grandson, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, vice-chancellor of the University. As a protean figure, Yu was celebrated in political, literary, educational and artistic circles. He had been the president of the Control Yuan of the Nationalist Government for over three decades. In the art world, Yu was hailed as the master of cursive calligraphy in modem China. He concentrated on the study of the cursive script and finally developed a powerful and fluent personal style which came to be known as the 'Yu style'. 3 第二六二期 二 零 零 五 年 六 月 十 九 日